What the world will look like if all the ice melted.


All that new land to explore and settle!


He's following me around the board now, negging my posts. lolol. What a weirdo...
Not true.
Westwall must be following you around the board.
I give a negatives to posts he gives a positive and positives to his negatives. Tired of feedback trolling by demented old fart. That way everyone he gives a 'disagree' ends up +1.
He loses.

None of you can make topical posts IAC.
You deserve Negs.
Look at your posts.. like OFF TOPIC JPG/YOUTUBE TROLL DamagedTesticle and Petco. No on topic posts. Trolls.

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Not true.
Westwall must be following you around the board.
I give a negatives to posts he gives a positive and vice versa. Tired of feedback trolling by demented old fart.
Complain about him.

Oh, I'm not complaining. I don't really care. I was just casually opining. I'm a casual opiner. :dunno:

The streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles would be free of human.....


Think anyone will stay and drown? We are a very adaptable animal and capable of adapting to a gradual rise in sea levels.
Maybe the OP cannot figure out that there would be time to run. Is all that ice going to melt in a split second, sending great, fearsome tsunamis towards all the coasts?

Ah, the delights of the limited leftist intellect!
There is no ongoing ocean rise because there is no net ice melt.

To lie about that, the FRAUD cherry picks islands in the South Pacific close to the pacific ring of fire PROF.

In 3 million years, the Marshall Islands will not just be under the ocean, they will be

Been listening to that bullshit for over 50 years

Miami still above sea level.

London still above sea level.

NYC still above sea level.

Los angeles and San Franfreako still above seal level.

Shanghai still above sea level.

Go fuck yourself, Chicken Little.
You obviously haven't been to Miami for a spring tide in the last ten years
(For the other morons too)
Not true.
If All the Ice melting would raise sea level 230.'
No more Florida... Peninsula at all.
No, NO more shoreline to replace '3 sided Florida.' Not even close you DOPE.

Basically no more anything East Coast.... Well West of i95 and Much LESS LAND overall.

No more Gulf Coast and all cities thereon.

No more NYC.

No more Houston (79')

No more San Francisco (52 feet)

No more London 36'

No more Shanghai (26 million people)

etc, etc, etc,

BTW, F*** ALL of you 12 IQ MAGAt Dopes.

EDIT: Especially Demented Old Diaper-man Westwall.

That’s never going to happen as long as the polar regions are isolated from warmer marine currents.

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