What the world will look like if all the ice melted.

Been listening to that bullshit for over 50 years

Miami still above sea level.

London still above sea level.

NYC still above sea level.

Los angeles and San Franfreako still above seal level.

Shanghai still above sea level.

Go fuck yourself, Chicken Little.
Yup, sea level has not raised more than a millimeter around the world. Plate tectonics play a bigger roll in raising and lowering the ground.
None of you can make topical posts IAC.
Bullshit Apu
All of my comments have been on topic and you fail to refute them.
Now again. What exactly is the Earth's ideal climate?
Do you really believe that ocean levels should now remain static for the benefit of short sighted humans who build in historically flood prone areas?
Bullshit Apu
All of my comments have been on topic and you fail to refute them.
Now again. What exactly is the Earth's ideal climate?
Do you really believe that ocean levels should now remain static for the benefit of short sighted humans who build in historically flood prone areas?
You need to have your question asked in a slightly different manner. Your question is rhetorical (ie, you do not want an answer). Climate, as we ALL know is very complex and since humans have occupied wide swaths of the planet - over which climate varies considerably - the contention that some ideal exists is absurd. What needs to be asked here are "WHAT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SHOULD WE ACT TO AVOID?"

Why don't you see if you can give us some thoughts on that one?
Bullshit Apu
All of my comments have been on topic and you fail to refute them.
Now again. What exactly is the Earth's ideal climate?
Do you really believe that ocean levels should now remain static for the benefit of short sighted humans who build in historically flood prone areas?
None of your posts were on topic.
The earth's (LOL) 'Ideal Climate' (a low IQ misnomer) as far as current humanity is concerned though, is one in which Temperature or sea level doesn't change too much (esp higher) so it doesn't make living for 7 Billion people more difficult/impossible.
And that would also (and mostly) mean it doesn't change much too quickly so we could adapt.
Currently the rate of warming is unprecedented compared to previous natural cycles and will disturb our ability to live on the planet.
Thus the problem.
Welcome to THE issue 12 IQ guy.
Last edited:
None of your posts were on topic.
The earth's (LOL) 'Ideal Climate' (a low IQ misnomer) as far as current humanity is concerned though, is one in which Temperature or sea level doesn't change too much (esp higher) so it doesn't make living for 7 Billion people more difficult/impossible.
And that would also (and mostly) mean it doesn't change much too quickly so we could adapt.
Currently the rate of warming is unprecedented compared to previous natural cycles and will disturb our ability to live on the planet.
Thus the problem.
Welcome to THE issue 12 IQ guy.
Here is the answer for folks like you.
Walk the damn walk.
Shed your electronic devices and modern material comforts, grab a cardboard box and live in the woods.
Why is it you never call out the climate alarmist millionaires living in their gated mansions, spewing a carbon footprint the size of a small town each?
The hypocritical pandering rich that would be happy you live in that box while they enjoy all the resources for themselves.
Here is the answer for folks like you.
Walk the damn walk.
Shed your electronic devices and modern material comforts, grab a cardboard box and live in the woods.
Why is it you never call out the climate alarmist millionaires living in their gated mansions, spewing a carbon footprint the size of a small town each?
The hypocritical pandering rich that would be happy you live in that box while they enjoy all the resources for themselves.
IOW and again, you can't debate the topic AT ALL.
You're completely unaware of the factors in the AGW issue.
You are a waste of space.

From now on only Neg feedbacks for you. (joining jc456, Toddster, ding, Damagedbeagle, etc)
You cannot answer and do not rate replies.

IOW and again, you can't debate the topic AT ALL.
You're completely unaware of the factors in the AGW issue.
You are a waste of space.

From now on only Neg feedbacks for you. (joining jc456, Toddster, ding, Damagedbeagle, etc)
You cannot answer and do not rate replies.

You alarmist cultists can only parrot those hypocrites.

Been listening to that bullshit for over 50 years

Miami still above sea level.

London still above sea level.

NYC still above sea level.

Los angeles and San Franfreako still above seal level.

Shanghai still above sea level.

Go fuck yourself, Chicken Little.
fuck global warming...IM more worried about lunch TODAY...what animal shall I eat
(For the other morons too)
Not true.
If All the Ice melting would raise sea level 230.'
No more Florida... Peninsula at all.
No, NO more shoreline to replace '3 sided Florida.' Not even close you DOPE.

Basically no more anything East Coast.... Well West of i95 and Much LESS LAND overall.

No more Gulf Coast and all cities thereon.

No more NYC.

No more Houston (79')

No more San Francisco (52 feet)

No more London 36'

No more Shanghai (26 million people)

etc, etc, etc,

BTW, F*** ALL of you 12 IQ MAGAt Dopes.

EDIT: Especially Demented Old Diaper-man Westwall.

now we know why elitist democrats all live near the ocean...they want to be the first to go???
You need to have your question asked in a slightly different manner. Your question is rhetorical (ie, you do not want an answer). Climate, as we ALL know is very complex and since humans have occupied wide swaths of the planet - over which climate varies considerably - the contention that some ideal exists is absurd. What needs to be asked here are "WHAT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SHOULD WE ACT TO AVOID?"

Why don't you see if you can give us some thoughts on that one?


How much temperature increase is caused by raising CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM?

Why does a side by side data set show CO2 LAGGING temperature on increase and decrease over several hundred thousand years?

How does atmospheric CO2 warm the deep oceans?

Show us the data set that gives deep ocean reading accurate to a tenth of a degree from 1880 to 1965
There is no ongoing ocean rise because there is no net ice melt.

To lie about that, the FRAUD cherry picks islands in the South Pacific close to the pacific ring of fire PROF.

In 3 million years, the Marshall Islands will not just be under the ocean, they will be

Where did you get your degree in Environmental Science? Maybe McDonalds U?

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