What things are important to your quality of life.

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
In a different thread someone was talking about how moving out of the south would lessen their quality of life.

This got me to wondering, what things to people find important for their quality of life.

There are no right or wrong answers here, everyone is different.
Good food. The countryside. Able to afford to relax and not work all the damn time. Potent marijuana.
Mine as well but that's a different question than the OP asked... in fact my kids and grandchildren are more than just a quality of life issue... they are my life....

No, it was the exact question I asked.
In a different thread someone was talking about how moving out of the south would lessen their quality of life.

This got me to wondering, what things to people find important for their quality of life.

There are no right or wrong answers here, everyone is different.

Good health. Freedom. A happy relationship. Plenty of leisure time if one chooses. A "purpose" however they define it. The means to live and enjoy the fruits borne by ones talents and potential.

Too many to list really. Quality of life carries deep, broad, subjective meaning. Americans seem content to follow Ontarios path of late. Your country will be a middle-of-the-road nation with such a decision and your QOL, if we can all avoid WWIII; will decline substantially.

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