
You can make beef stew for them. As long as you follow the Islam dietary law, they should be able to eat it.

A couple of times a year I do go to a Hallal butcher and make some stuff the kids can eat in my classroom after school, but I can't manage that all the time.
A lunch box? Lots of kids do that. It's normal. They can usually put it somewhere.

You might not understand the kind of school I teach in. They had to stop giving kids lockers a few years back, and the cafeteria doesn't have the capacity to refrigerate stuff for a very large number of kids.
I have a few Muslim students, but there are not very many in the school. As a consequence, the cafeteria doesn't offer any Hallal choices. One girl from Algeria in one of my classes is always hungry because she can't eat anything the school has to offer. My wife always puts some sort of fruit and vegetables in my lunch, so I've taken to setting one thing or another aside to give her something to eat. It's hard to learn when you're hungry.
This sounds like another case of Libs expecting father government to play parent for foreigners.
Do what my daughter does…refuse to teach the world’s children, use America’s tax dollars wisely, teach American kids only.
TA-DA!! Simple shit
No, the Jews do that. Also a female canot be circumcised.

How little you know...


Female genital mutilation (FGM) also known as female genital cutting, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and female circumcision...

I have a few Muslim students, but there are not very many in the school. As a consequence, the cafeteria doesn't offer any Hallal choices. One girl from Algeria in one of my classes is always hungry because she can't eat anything the school has to offer. My wife always puts some sort of fruit and vegetables in my lunch, so I've taken to setting one thing or another aside to give her something to eat. It's hard to learn when you're hungry.

Nice that you go above and beyond what is asked of teachers these days, too few do.
I have a few Muslim students, but there are not very many in the school. As a consequence, the cafeteria doesn't offer any Hallal choices. One girl from Algeria in one of my classes is always hungry because she can't eat anything the school has to offer. My wife always puts some sort of fruit and vegetables in my lunch, so I've taken to setting one thing or another aside to give her something to eat. It's hard to learn when you're hungry.
She is hungry because of humans not because of God
I have a few Muslim students, but there are not very many in the school. As a consequence, the cafeteria doesn't offer any Hallal choices. One girl from Algeria in one of my classes is always hungry because she can't eat anything the school has to offer. My wife always puts some sort of fruit and vegetables in my lunch, so I've taken to setting one thing or another aside to give her something to eat. It's hard to learn when you're hungry.
Our school district in KY provided halal meals for our Muslim students for us to take on field trips. Why is your district so backward?
Nice that you go above and beyond what is asked of teachers these days, too few do.
teachers should be aware of child neglect---like kids being sent to school without LUNCH.
Trying to feed them is not the answer. Their
parents need some guidance
Our school district in KY provided halal meals for our Muslim students for us to take on field trips. Why is your district so backward?

I reckon they will when we have enough Muslim students to move the needle. Right now, there just aren't very many at all, and they don't really complain much.
teachers should be aware of child neglect---like kids being sent to school without LUNCH.
Trying to feed them is not the answer. Their
parents need some guidance

Free breakfast and lunch are offered for all students.

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