What do people expect to find out about the man detained after a shooting incident today at a golf course in Florida?

Flat-Broke or Funded? Meet the Penniless Assassin

Who Travels Like a Rockstar

17 Sep 2024 ~~ By Jeff Childers

Failed assassin Ryan Routh was in federal court yesterday, in a hearing quite logically called the “first appearance.” Fox covered the story under the headline, “Trump assassination attempt suspect laughs, smiles during first court appearance in Florida.” Routh was apparently cracking jokes with his public defender, which sounds annoying but could just be his way of managing anxiety.
Details were sparsely provided, but this most interesting paragraph leaped out:

So that’s what we know so far on Day Two. From the evolving media coverage, even on Fox, Routh is beginning to be painted like some kind of deranged lunatic. But that is a straw man. Do not buy that story. While there is plenty of evidence he was an amoral leftist, easily influenced, effortlessly manipulable, even criminally inclined, there is zero evidence Routh was clinically crazy.

Yeah, the FBI lost their credibility a long time ago. There will need to be a stout turnover of federal bureaucrats for sure. Any 'bureaucrat new hires' will need to have a working/functional knowledge of the American constituencies Constitution/BoR & be able to pass a test to prove it. I am for a decent pay for our bureaucrats/servants but desire to see them limited to a five year tour with no retirement benefits, plus once their five year tour is up they can no longer be hired for any federal job positions. Yep, keep the co$t of federal g'ment down to the bare minimum for sure! Pres. Trump is obviously going to send VP Harris into retirement status so here is pres. Trump's chance to get America back into a Constitutionally based Republic once again.

Yes, it's obvious assassin #2 had/has adequate funding for sure.
We will vote Trump down and move on.
MAGA will join the fringes of politics with the neoNazis, KKK, white supremacists, Qanon.
More Con artist BS. Giving us DEI BS candidates who support children getting their peckers cut off.

Choice is Good versus Evil.

Don't be an Ass.

More Con artist BS. Giving us DEI BS candidates who support children getting their peckers cut off.

Choice is Good versus Evil.

Don't be an Ass.

We will vote Trump down and move on.
MAGA will join the fringes of politics with the neoNazis, KKK, white supremacists, Qanon.
You have come across in some of your posts as that.
What specifically? You libs tend to scream “raaaaxist!” and all sorts of ridiculous insults when someone doesn’t agree with the race-based policies that discriminate against whites, the welcoming in of illegals, the soft-on-crime approach, and the redistribution of money from those who earned it to those who didn’t.

IOW, someome with conservative values as opposed to destructive, anti-American values.
What specifically? You libs tend to scream “raaaaxist!” and all sorts of ridiculous insults when someone doesn’t agree with the race-based policies that discriminate against whites, the welcoming in of illegals, the soft-on-crime approach, and the redistribution of money from those who earned it to those who didn’t.

IOW, someome with conservative values as opposed to destructive, anti-American values.
MAGA classifies all anti-Trumpers as liberal marxists. Their simple minds cannot absorb there are many on the political spectrum that find Trump a danger. Many, many are not liberal. Many are conservative and independents.
You do the same by putting everyone into a box based on race, religion, ethnicity and any other characteristic you come up with.
The USA has had race based laws and culture from the beginning. Blacks were not considered a full human as compared to whites. Women could not vote.
We have been working to make it more fair, ever since. It is getting better but it is not perfectly fair and it will never be.
Affirmative action was an attempt to make up for past injustices. It is being eliminated.
Quit whining and deal with the unfairness of the real world like everyone does. You have it better than most.
You are typical MAGA.
What specifically? You libs tend to scream “raaaaxist!” and all sorts of ridiculous insults when someone doesn’t agree with the race-based policies that discriminate against whites, the welcoming in of illegals, the soft-on-crime approach, and the redistribution of money from those who earned it to those who didn’t.

IOW, someome with conservative values as opposed to destructive, anti-American values.
Plus, you are no conservative. Conservatives take responsibilty for themselves. They don't blame others for their problems. They take the circumstances they have and make the most of it through hard work.
You sound like a marxist who wants the government to take care of you. You want Donald Trump and his governemt take away all the unfairness in your life.
Start doing more for yourself. Quit whining.
Plus, you are no conservative. Conservatives take responsibilty for themselves. They don't blame others for their problems. They take the circumstances they have and make the most of it through hard work.
You sound like a marxist who wants the government to take care of you. You want Donald Trump and his governemt take away all the unfairness in your life.
Start doing more for yourself. Quit whining.
OMFG. You just described liberals! They blame everyone but themselves!

And I sound like a Marxist who wants the government to take care of me?! You’re a complete idiot. I want the government to butt out so I CAN take care of myself. It’s the socialist Dems who want the government to buy people houses, and give out money left and right so people who cannot afford things on their own get it, via other people’s money.

And I want Trump to take aware the “unfairness”? Damn! Do you even hear what a hypocrite you are? It is the libs like you going on and on about “equity”. Everyone should end up the same! Welfare recipients should be able to buy the same $100 toy that lawyers and doctors can afford for THEIR kids.

Your post shows such hypocrisy, and such BLINDNESS to it, that I cannot deal with someone so idiotic. Good bye, fool.
The guy was hiding in the bushes with a rifle along Trump's golfing path. They are calling it another attempted assassination.
So what was Routh doing there? He certainly wasn't waiting for a bus, nor was he waiting to poach a deer off the golf course.
OMFG. You just described liberals! They blame everyone but themselves!

And I sound like a Marxist who wants the government to take care of me?! You’re a complete idiot. I want the government to butt out so I CAN take care of myself. It’s the socialist Dems who want the government to buy people houses, and give out money left and right so people who cannot afford things on their own get it, via other people’s money.

And I want Trump to take aware the “unfairness”? Damn! Do you even hear what a hypocrite you are? It is the libs like you going on and on about “equity”. Everyone should end up the same! Welfare recipients should be able to buy the same $100 toy that lawyers and doctors can afford for THEIR kids.

Your post shows such hypocrisy, and such BLINDNESS to it, that I cannot deal with someone so idiotic. Good bye, fool.
Yes, you sound like an extreme liberal. Listen to yourself. You whine about what is unfair and want Donald Trump to take care of it for you.
Plus, you are no conservative. Conservatives take responsibilty for themselves. They don't blame others for their problems. They take the circumstances they have and make the most of it through hard work.
You sound like a marxist who wants the government to take care of you. You want Donald Trump and his governemt take away all the unfairness in your life.
Start doing more for yourself. Quit whining.
When has any Democrat including you taken responsibility for their acts?
Yes, you sound like an extreme liberal. Listen to yourself. You whine about what is unfair and want Donald Trump to take care of it for you.
Call a spade a spade is more suiting.

Called out...Hey you guys stop being asses. Hey stop with the Hirler youth propaganda.

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