
I reckon they will when we have enough Muslim students to move the needle. Right now, there just aren't very many at all, and they don't really complain much.
they will what?-----provide free lunch for all the kids WITH attention to specific dietary requirements? Good idea. Who is funding this miraculous phenomenon?
A halal diet is a way of eating that adheres to Islamic dietary laws and includes foods that are permissible to consume, while excluding foods that are not. Some foods that are considered halal include:

  • Meat and poultry: Zabiha meat, such as beef, lamb, goat, turkey, and chicken, from animals slaughtered according to Islamic law

  • Seafood: Fish with scales

  • Dairy: Milk and dairy products from halal animals

  • Eggs: Eggs from halal animals

  • Fruits and vegetables: All fruits and vegetables, raw, dried, frozen, or canned

    • Grains: Rice, wheat, and other grains

    • Nuts and legumes: Beans, lentils, and other nuts and legumes

    • Water and beverages: Water and most non-alcoholic beverages

Foods that are not considered halal include:

    • Pork and products containing pork

    • Alcohol and products containing alcohol

    • Products that contain ingredients from non-halal animal-derived products

    • Carrion

    • Meat from carnivores

    • Animals that died due to illness, injury, stunning, poisoning, or slaughtering not in the name of God
I've never met a Muslim who was willing to knowingly eat pork, but I've had a lot of beers with Muslims.
The tax payers of the state of Massachusetts.
OH. Is free lunch and breakfast in school common thruout Massachusetts? You paper bag your lunch----none of the students do? MY answer to FOOD FOR EVERYONE is vegetarian---
that way EVERYONE can eat
" Sanctimonious Macabre "

* Sectarian Supremacist Terrorist Facilitators Perfecting The Art Of Killing *

I reckon they will when we have enough Muslim students to move the needle. Right now, there just aren't very many at all, and they don't really complain much.
A form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe .

It is known among hunters of wild game that heart or head shots are best because it does not trigger adrenaline that causes the meat to taste gamy , thus so goes the notion of throat cutting .

Obviously the luciferian sin mythology lunar ticks with +1400 years of homicide by doctrine from a hate speech militant manifesto are pretending to be victims for sympathy from the gullible .
" Sanctimonious Macabre "

* Sectarian Supremacist Terrorist Facilitators Perfecting The Art Of Killing *

A form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe .

It is known among hunters of wild game that heart or head shots are best because it does not trigger adrenaline that causes the meat to taste gamy , thus so goes the notion of throat cutting .

Obviously the luciferian sin mythology lunar ticks with +1400 years of homicide by doctrine from a hate speech militant manifesto are pretending to be victims for sympathy from the gullible .
not quite---the cut is thru the NEUROVASCULAR BUNDLE of the neck---that includes the Carotid, the Jugular and the vagus nerve. The windpipe has nothing to do with it. Don't count on a shot in the heart to avoid a BLAST of Adrenalin. The severing of the vagus nerve works
How little you know...

View attachment 1013827

Female genital mutilation (FGM) also known as female genital cutting, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and female circumcision...

what muslims do with girls is not technically "CIRCUMCISION"----Circumcision is removal of the PREPUCE of the tip of the penis. FMG involves a bit more than the analogous prepuce of the clitoris----sometimes removal of the clitorus which is analogous to the entire tip of the penis----sometimes some removal of the labia minora
" Sounds Like A Personal Problem "

* Prometheus Brought Fire And Benadryl *

  • Pork and products containing pork
Throughout history , religious dietary laws substituted for science .

The eating of raw pork has been known throughout history to cause trichinosis and cases still occur because some insist on eating raw pork .

Many throughout history have had allergic reactions to shellfish and have died .

* Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *
Alcohol and products containing alcohol
Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia was repealed because it was stupid .
I have a few Muslim students, but there are not very many in the school. As a consequence, the cafeteria doesn't offer any Hallal choices. One girl from Algeria in one of my classes is always hungry because she can't eat anything the school has to offer. My wife always puts some sort of fruit and vegetables in my lunch, so I've taken to setting one thing or another aside to give her something to eat. It's hard to learn when you're hungry.
Feed them cats and dogs; desert savages love that!
what muslims do with girls is not technically "CIRCUMCISION"----Circumcision is removal of the PREPUCE of the tip of the penis. FMG involves a bit more than the analogous prepuce of the clitoris----sometimes removal of the clitorus which is analogous to the entire tip of the penis----sometimes some removal of the labia minora

Yeah, I know that it is not technically circumcision, yet some people still do call it that. If you had read my post thoroughly you would have known I didn't need you to try and "educate" me.
Yeah, I know that it is not technically circumcision, yet some people still do call it that. If you had read my post thoroughly you would have known I didn't need you to try and "educate" me.
I was not educating you---in fact I was responding to the comment of a person who answered you saying that "girls can't be circumcised" ----or something like that
I was not educating you---in fact I was responding to the comment of a person who answered you saying that "girls can't be circumcised" ----or something like that

You quoted me, so I naturally thought the response was directed at me.

Whatever it's called, it's a nasty and heinous practice.

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