What to do with enough Natural Gas to heat 500,000 homes?

The Left feels that energy companies should just give their product away for the good of humanity.


OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

You're projecting, hun.
Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

How are they your resources?

they're yours, too. Instead of leasing out public lands at a pittance and then buying back our own, the government should hire (or contract) the drillers and refiners for capture and processing.

They are not mine, they belong to the people who own the land, not to everyone else on the planet.
The Left feels that energy companies should just give their product away for the good of humanity.


OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

Ms. Babs, resources extracted from public lands reap the U.S. Treasury billions of $ annually. If the U.S. government thinks they can do a better job and do it more profitably than companies with decades of experience, then they should just knock themselves out trying.

But... they should be prepared for plenty of failure. One doen't just poke a hole in the ground and become Uncle Jed overnight. Only a small fraction of wells are considered commercial success. The oil and gas industries invest many billions of dollars to make... many billions of dollars. They take the risk, they reap the reward.

We've seen the fruits of our government's foray into the solar energy business...
Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

How are they your resources?

they're yours, too. Instead of leasing out public lands at a pittance and then buying back our own, the government should hire (or contract) the drillers and refiners for capture and processing.

What a galatically stupid idea.

The cost of having the government drill and refine oil will drive the price of fuel off the charts. Just who do you think would get the contracts to "capture and process"?

Given the moronic way the government does contracting, these would be boondoggle cost plus arrangements.

It's horrifying to think that idiots like you vote. SRSLY
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Just to drill a hole in the ground involves deftly choreographing dozens of service and supply companies and a small army of support professionals. IF it's a commercial well then you complete it and tie it to the tanks or pipeline. A whole new ball game.

Oh yeah, I could see the U.S. Government making a huge success out of this. :lol:
Yeah, I can just see their drilling approach:

We have to drill a hole before we can figure out if there's anything down there.
ROFL! The claim that government has to step in to prevent waste in private industry is too absurd for words. Private industry is always more efficient than government. If they are burning off natural gas, it's probably because the cost of the equipment to trap it is greater then the value of the gas. In that case, it isn't a waste. Before liberal idiot politicians go interfering in this issue, they should make sure they understand all the issues involved. It's almost certain that they don't. Politicians almost always end up making bigger problems than the ones they intended to solve.

ROFLOL! That's why medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy.

That's a non sequitur, shit-for-brains. Even if medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy, that wouldn't prove that socialist healthcare is more efficient than private healthcare.

It's why we have death panels. Because health care for profit is the most efficient and reliable way to take care of American health care needs. Hilarious! And right wingers actually believe this.

We only have death panels in socialist healthcare. That's the only way socialist healthcare can control costs, by rationing healthcare.

research. Most companies grow by buying existing companies.

That's pure horseshit. What company did Apple Computer buy? Microsoft? Walmart? Your claim is idiotic on inspection.

They don't even do nearly the research that Universities or Governments do.

Why would private companies waste money doing research the government is already doing? However, the fact is that private industry spending on R&D exceeds federal spending on R&D.
health care for profit is the most efficient and reliable way to take care of American health care needs.

this is true in health care and all industries. When people shop with their own money and providers must compete based on quality and price you get the greatest efficiency, lowest prices and highest quality. This is called capitalism. China just switched to it. East Germany did far worse than West Germany; Cuba does much worse than Florida.

A liberal and most children will lack the IQ to understand capitalism.
Just to drill a hole in the ground involves deftly choreographing dozens of service and supply companies and a small army of support professionals. IF it's a commercial well then you complete it and tie it to the tanks or pipeline. A whole new ball game.

Oh yeah, I could see the U.S. Government making a huge success out of this. :lol:

Yes, lets not forget what a great job the Soviets did:

In communist days, exploration techniques were often wasteful as engineers simply drilled as many wells as possible to satisfy Moscow's quota demands, regardless of the productivity of each one.

Today, at Russia's leading oil companies that is changing.
The OP is what happens when people feel free to comment on things they know nothing about.

Well done Deany
I'm amazed that people who claim to be conservative are defending waste.
Waste has been the belweather of people who claim to be liberals, rdean. I'm surprised at your unintended oxymoron by omission.

That's a complete myth that has been passed around the right so much, some of those idiots actually believe it.

Audit Shows $8.8B Missing in Iraq | Fox News

Yes, that's "BILLION" from a single shipment.

Two unpaid for wars.

Cutting taxes in a time of war.

Deregulating Wall Street.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

No one wastes money like the right wing. No one. They are the best.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

What subsidies? You have a list?
Waste has been the belweather of people who claim to be liberals, rdean. I'm surprised at your unintended oxymoron by omission.

That's a complete myth that has been passed around the right so much, some of those idiots actually believe it.

Audit Shows $8.8B Missing in Iraq | Fox News

Yes, that's "BILLION" from a single shipment.

Two unpaid for wars.

Cutting taxes in a time of war.

Deregulating Wall Street.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

No one wastes money like the right wing. No one. They are the best.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

What subsidies? You have a list?

Deany is not doubt referring to the standard depreciation tax benefit for capital purchases that is available to all corporate taxpayers. The moonbats call it a subsidy.
I'm amazed that people who claim to be conservative are defending waste.
Waste has been the belweather of people who claim to be liberals, rdean. I'm surprised at your unintended oxymoron by omission.

That's a complete myth that has been passed around the right so much, some of those idiots actually believe it.

Audit Shows $8.8B Missing in Iraq | Fox News

Yes, that's "BILLION" from a single shipment.

Two unpaid for wars.

Cutting taxes in a time of war.

Deregulating Wall Street.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

No one wastes money like the right wing. No one. They are the best.

Well, then, step up to the plate, Mr. Dean: show me Obama's budget and how he stuck to it to bring us to the brink of 16.4 Trillion dollar National Debt (A trillion is one thou$and billion, American.

Oh, wait, what budget? Should we continue NOT to budget that we can play money sans accounting for it for 4 more years? Heaven forbid!

Let's see, if 7.8 trillion Obama/Pelosi/Reid spent sans a budget were $7.80 in dollars, 8.8 billion would be what, ... a half penny?

You were saying about Republicans...? Get a grip, RDean!
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The OP is what happens when people feel free to comment on things they know nothing about.

Well done Deany

Indeed. And one notes the irony that those who most often comment on things they know nothing about wish to silence those who hold opposing viewpoints and do know of what they speak.
The OP is what happens when people feel free to comment on things they know nothing about.

Well done Deany

Indeed. And one notes the irony that those who most often comment on things they know nothing about wish to silence those who hold opposing viewpoints and do know of what they speak.

You've been to a townhall meeting in Boulder County

The uncommon call for a security stems from the county's Dec. 4 public hearing held on oil and gas regulations that was delayed by more than 30 minutes when protesters began chanting their opposition to fracking and demanding the commissioners resign if they refused to ban the controversial extraction method in Boulder County.

The next day, the Boulder County commissioners condemned the "mob harassment, cursing and intimidation" of some protesters, citing complaints that Ecana Oil and Gas USA representative Wendy Wiedenbeck was harassed and followed to her car following the meeting.

Read more: Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post
The OP is what happens when people feel free to comment on things they know nothing about.

Well done Deany

Indeed. And one notes the irony that those who most often comment on things they know nothing about wish to silence those who hold opposing viewpoints and do know of what they speak.

You've been to a townhall meeting in Boulder County

The uncommon call for a security stems from the county's Dec. 4 public hearing held on oil and gas regulations that was delayed by more than 30 minutes when protesters began chanting their opposition to fracking and demanding the commissioners resign if they refused to ban the controversial extraction method in Boulder County.

The next day, the Boulder County commissioners condemned the "mob harassment, cursing and intimidation" of some protesters, citing complaints that Ecana Oil and Gas USA representative Wendy Wiedenbeck was harassed and followed to her car following the meeting.

Read more: Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

We've got 'em here in Illinois. Hell bent on destroying one of the very few hopes of an economic revitalization. Long before the first New Albany well is spudded.
Indeed. And one notes the irony that those who most often comment on things they know nothing about wish to silence those who hold opposing viewpoints and do know of what they speak.

You've been to a townhall meeting in Boulder County

The uncommon call for a security stems from the county's Dec. 4 public hearing held on oil and gas regulations that was delayed by more than 30 minutes when protesters began chanting their opposition to fracking and demanding the commissioners resign if they refused to ban the controversial extraction method in Boulder County.

The next day, the Boulder County commissioners condemned the "mob harassment, cursing and intimidation" of some protesters, citing complaints that Ecana Oil and Gas USA representative Wendy Wiedenbeck was harassed and followed to her car following the meeting.

Read more: Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

We've got 'em here in Illinois. Hell bent on destroying one of the very few hopes of an economic revitalization. Long before the first New Albany well is spudded.

If its any comfort, take a trip to The Woodlands outside Houston where Exxon Mobil is moving their World HQ (out of NJ).

I'm certain that once gas is selling for $20/MMSCF the suits brought against municipalities and states for denying mineral property rights will shut these morons up.
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You've been to a townhall meeting in Boulder County

The uncommon call for a security stems from the county's Dec. 4 public hearing held on oil and gas regulations that was delayed by more than 30 minutes when protesters began chanting their opposition to fracking and demanding the commissioners resign if they refused to ban the controversial extraction method in Boulder County.

The next day, the Boulder County commissioners condemned the "mob harassment, cursing and intimidation" of some protesters, citing complaints that Ecana Oil and Gas USA representative Wendy Wiedenbeck was harassed and followed to her car following the meeting.

Read more: Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post Boulder County sheriff to provide security for commissioners' fracking vote - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

We've got 'em here in Illinois. Hell bent on destroying one of the very few hopes of an economic revitalization. Long before the first New Albany well is spudded.

If its any comfort, take a trip to The Woodlands outside Houston where Exxon Mobil is moving their World HQ (out of NJ).

I'm certain that once gas is selling for $20/MMSCF the suits brought against municipalities and states for denying mineral property rights will shut these morons up.

Would love to... and hit up the OTC again, but last year's trip was a one-off.
A bucket list thang. Freakin' awesome that was. :thup:

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