What to do with enough Natural Gas to heat 500,000 homes?

The Left feels that energy companies should just give their product away for the good of humanity.


OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

capitalism of course is the best way to distribute scarce resources.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A Fargo Democrat has introduced arguably the toughest legislation to date aimed at curbing the oil industry's practice of burning and wasting natural gas as an unwanted byproduct of oil production.

Sen. Tim Mathern's bill hits the oil industry in its pocketbook by cutting out an easily acquired waiver that allows companies to claim an economic hardship of connecting a well to a natural gas pipeline. The amount of natural gas burned off each day in eastern North Dakota's oil patch could heat more than 500,000 homes, Mathern said.

ND Bill Cuts Exemption For Wasting Natural Gas | News | Manufacturing.net

This simply demonstates why Government has to step in and protect us from business. The big money is in oil so they throw away one resource in a move to get that greed going. Get as much money as possible. Get that oil money. Forget they are throwing away millions. It won't last forever. We can't just burn it off to make a faster buck today.

ROFL! The claim that government has to step in to prevent waste in private industry is too absurd for words. Private industry is always more efficient than government. If they are burning off natural gas, it's probably because the cost of the equipment to trap it is greater then the value of the gas. In that case, it isn't a waste. Before liberal idiot politicians go interfering in this issue, they should make sure they understand all the issues involved. It's almost certain that they don't. Politicians almost always end up making bigger problems than the ones they intended to solve.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A Fargo Democrat has introduced arguably the toughest legislation to date aimed at curbing the oil industry's practice of burning and wasting natural gas as an unwanted byproduct of oil production.

Sen. Tim Mathern's bill hits the oil industry in its pocketbook by cutting out an easily acquired waiver that allows companies to claim an economic hardship of connecting a well to a natural gas pipeline. The amount of natural gas burned off each day in eastern North Dakota's oil patch could heat more than 500,000 homes, Mathern said.

ND Bill Cuts Exemption For Wasting Natural Gas | News | Manufacturing.net

This simply demonstates why Government has to step in and protect us from business. The big money is in oil so they throw away one resource in a move to get that greed going. Get as much money as possible. Get that oil money. Forget they are throwing away millions. It won't last forever. We can't just burn it off to make a faster buck today.

Do you have any idea how much natural gas is available in this country? Why force oil companies to spend way more money than they can possible earn back trapping the gas when we have enough gas to heat millions of homes already?
The Left feels that energy companies should just give their product away for the good of humanity.


OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

The Bakken field is all on private property, so who is this "us" you are referring to?
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A Fargo Democrat has introduced arguably the toughest legislation to date aimed at curbing the oil industry's practice of burning and wasting natural gas as an unwanted byproduct of oil production.

Sen. Tim Mathern's bill hits the oil industry in its pocketbook by cutting out an easily acquired waiver that allows companies to claim an economic hardship of connecting a well to a natural gas pipeline. The amount of natural gas burned off each day in eastern North Dakota's oil patch could heat more than 500,000 homes, Mathern said.

ND Bill Cuts Exemption For Wasting Natural Gas | News | Manufacturing.net

This simply demonstates why Government has to step in and protect us from business. The big money is in oil so they throw away one resource in a move to get that greed going. Get as much money as possible. Get that oil money. Forget they are throwing away millions. It won't last forever. We can't just burn it off to make a faster buck today.

Do you have any idea how much natural gas is available in this country? Why force oil companies to spend way more money than they can possible earn back trapping the gas when we have enough gas to heat millions of homes already?


Here's a good paper that explains why natural gas is flaired. Just as I suspected, they do it because the wells are drilled far from any existing infrastructure and it would be more costly to collect the gas than to flair it.
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More than one-third of the gas produced in North Dakota is burned off as a byproduct of the state's escalating oil production, compared to less than 1 percent in oil fields nationwide.

The amount of natural gas that's torched and wasted daily by drillers in North Dakota's oil patch also is costing the state millions of dollars annually in lost revenue, Mathern said.


Look at these right wingers. They might as well be saying, "Let's rape the country for everything we can for just a few dollars more".


In August, Xcel Energy Inc., XEL +0.29% based in Minneapolis, notified regulators it wants to close a coal-burning plant in Boulder, Colo., and convert four units at its Cherokee plant in Denver to burn natural gas instead of coal. Xcel says the changes would cost the company $1.3 billion but still would be $225 million cheaper than installing pollution-control equipment on the aging coal units.

Power Companies Burn Less Coal, More Natural Gas - WSJ.com


That's what they should be doing. Natural gas is cheaper and cleaner than coal. And there is the worry we are running out of capacity. But these right wingers seem to be saying, "fuck it, who cares? We need to get more money into the pockets of these oil producers. Who cares if they rape the country and waste it's resources?

Right wingers oppose fracking? Right wingers think we should make natural gas more expensive to support wind power? Right wingers ignore the fact that carbon dioxide production has been dropping in the US without the government getting involved because natural gas is so much less expensive than it used to be?

My guess is all the people you just labeled right wing will be flabbergasted to learn that they have been right wing Republicans all their lives.
rdeanie, I've drilled many holes in the ground during my career. None with success. At the cost of hundreds of thousands of Amelican Dolla.

So far.

And you know what? I'm going to keep punchin' dirt, despite your rabid disdain for my way of life and my pursuit of profit at the risk of failure.

The pursuit of profit at the risk of failure. Sounds good dunnit?

Sounds a lot more good than Obama dollars chasing failrure.

You keep on dreaming Obama rainbows, I'll keep chasing my American dreams of earned dollars spent on risked dollars.

My stakes are high, but you're just high. On Obama dreams.

These guys found so much success, they are just burning it away. When there are people who could use it. There goes our future, up in smoke. Who cares? Not the right.

It's taken me a while (yeah I'm a slow learner), but I'm convinced that you are stupid for the sake of stupid. Simple one-dimensional narrowly focused... stupid.

You just can't help hoping that he will see the light eventually. The problem is he has his eyes closed.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A Fargo Democrat has introduced arguably the toughest legislation to date aimed at curbing the oil industry's practice of burning and wasting natural gas as an unwanted byproduct of oil production.

Sen. Tim Mathern's bill hits the oil industry in its pocketbook by cutting out an easily acquired waiver that allows companies to claim an economic hardship of connecting a well to a natural gas pipeline. The amount of natural gas burned off each day in eastern North Dakota's oil patch could heat more than 500,000 homes, Mathern said.

ND Bill Cuts Exemption For Wasting Natural Gas | News | Manufacturing.net

This simply demonstates why Government has to step in and protect us from business. The big money is in oil so they throw away one resource in a move to get that greed going. Get as much money as possible. Get that oil money. Forget they are throwing away millions. It won't last forever. We can't just burn it off to make a faster buck today.

Do you have any idea how much natural gas is available in this country? Why force oil companies to spend way more money than they can possible earn back trapping the gas when we have enough gas to heat millions of homes already?

https://www.dmr.nd.gov/ndgs/newsletter/winter09/PDF/So why_gas flares.pdf

Here's a good paper that explains why natural gas is flaired. Just as I suspected, they do it because the wells are drilled far from any existing infrastructure and it would be more costly to collect the gas than to flair it.

Didn't rdean argue against a pipeline last year?
The Left feels that energy companies should just give their product away for the good of humanity.


OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

capitalism of course is the best way to distribute scarce resources.

Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

OUR national natural resources are SOLD to us instead of paying these blood suckers the capture and refining fees they should earn, and you suggest that they give US anything? jesushchristonapopsicklestick, but you are one stupidmotherfucker.

capitalism of course is the best way to distribute scarce resources.

Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

How are they your resources?
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A Fargo Democrat has introduced arguably the toughest legislation to date aimed at curbing the oil industry's practice of burning and wasting natural gas as an unwanted byproduct of oil production.

Sen. Tim Mathern's bill hits the oil industry in its pocketbook by cutting out an easily acquired waiver that allows companies to claim an economic hardship of connecting a well to a natural gas pipeline. The amount of natural gas burned off each day in eastern North Dakota's oil patch could heat more than 500,000 homes, Mathern said.

ND Bill Cuts Exemption For Wasting Natural Gas | News | Manufacturing.net

This simply demonstates why Government has to step in and protect us from business. The big money is in oil so they throw away one resource in a move to get that greed going. Get as much money as possible. Get that oil money. Forget they are throwing away millions. It won't last forever. We can't just burn it off to make a faster buck today.

ROFL! The claim that government has to step in to prevent waste in private industry is too absurd for words. Private industry is always more efficient than government. If they are burning off natural gas, it's probably because the cost of the equipment to trap it is greater then the value of the gas. In that case, it isn't a waste. Before liberal idiot politicians go interfering in this issue, they should make sure they understand all the issues involved. It's almost certain that they don't. Politicians almost always end up making bigger problems than the ones they intended to solve.

ROFLOL! That's why medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy. It's why we have death panels. Because health care for profit is the most efficient and reliable way to take care of American health care needs. Hilarious! And right wingers actually believe this.


research. Most companies grow by buying existing companies. They don't even do nearly the research that Universities or Governments do.
I'm amazed that people who claim to be conservative are defending waste.
I'm amazed that people who claim to be conservative are defending waste.

You think the drillers are passing up a chance to profit off the natural gas?
He doesn't think of profits as directly increasing employment as they do. Thanks to him and those who think like he, we have unemployment everywhere, since profits are being discouraged, dissed, and devoured by extreme taxes on Americans.
So government just made gas prices go up more, fucking the poor, and rdean is happy this happened b/c he thinks a company won't do everything it can to increase profits.


You're the Michael Jordan of morons. Born with deep natural talent and worked longer and harder than anyone else to be the best moron ever to troll the internet

Guess I'm irrefutable.

Gotta love when the anti-capitalist crowd is show the truth of their beliefs and has no reply
So government just made gas prices go up more, fucking the poor, and rdean is happy this happened b/c he thinks a company won't do everything it can to increase profits.


You're the Michael Jordan of morons. Born with deep natural talent and worked longer and harder than anyone else to be the best moron ever to troll the internet

Guess I'm irrefutable.

Gotta love when the anti-capitalist crowd is show the truth of their beliefs and has no reply
Notice how when they're in over their heads, libbies do a disappearing act. :rolleyes:
I'm amazed that people who claim to be conservative are defending waste.
Waste has been the belweather of people who claim to be liberals, rdean. I'm surprised at your unintended oxymoron by omission.

That's a complete myth that has been passed around the right so much, some of those idiots actually believe it.

Audit Shows $8.8B Missing in Iraq | Fox News

Yes, that's "BILLION" from a single shipment.

Two unpaid for wars.

Cutting taxes in a time of war.

Deregulating Wall Street.

Apology to BP and subsidies for oil companies.

No one wastes money like the right wing. No one. They are the best.
capitalism of course is the best way to distribute scarce resources.

Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

How are they your resources?

they're yours, too. Instead of leasing out public lands at a pittance and then buying back our own, the government should hire (or contract) the drillers and refiners for capture and processing.
Sure. It's worked out so well so far...meanwhile they're OUR resources. WHY do you think we should PAY for more than for the capture or the processing of them?

How are they your resources?

they're yours, too. Instead of leasing out public lands at a pittance and then buying back our own, the government should hire (or contract) the drillers and refiners for capture and processing.

That's called "nationalization".
We're not quite there yet.
I give it 3-4 years.

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