What to expect from tonight's Trump speech before congress.....

As usual, the good ol' Trumpster will tout his "amazing" win (another campaign speech)....Yes, yes, he will....eventually.....repeal and replace the ACA, build a "beautiful" wall with U.S. taxpayers' money, lower taxes for his rich cronies, kick ISIS' butt in 2 or 3 days, and bring coal miners' jobs back any day now......

Or, depress the hell out of everyone like he did on January 20th.

Or, feed the right wingers with more red meat as he did at AIPAC

Expect lots of criticisms of the judiciary, the media, leakers, foreign countries, radical Islamists, and perhaps a "love note" to Putin and the rest of the old KGB.
Tell the truth, you got your hands on a copy of tomorrows NYTimes didn't you.
Libtards such as yourself will only be satisfied if he shifts wealth from the productive to the useless

Provide me with some data regarding GWB MASSIVE tax cuts, while the unemployment reached 750,000 per month......Didn't that "trickle down" work last time? Just asking.
There it is....


I called that one.

Gnat believes the reasons for the meltdown all took place on Bush's watch.....Gnat is an ill informed partisan hack.

Try hanging by your gonads until that happens....LOL

But, you DID use "snowflake" in your post.....that means you're still in the Trump lap dog team.

I voted for Johnson. What that means for you of the left is that I did not vote for Trump.

If the election were held today, I would vote for Trump. There are millions who hold this same position. I know you think the hate and violence of your party is winning the hearts and minds of America, but it may not be exactly the way you think it is.

So go ahead and have your meltdown after the speech, you snowflakes will be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA over something. You'll throw a temper tantrum. Your fellow democrats will riot on behalf of your Fuhrer, and you'll think this is putting you in position to take power.

Then in 2020 you will express shock that you are again shut out from the halls of government....
As usual, the good ol' Trumpster will tout his "amazing" win (another campaign speech)....Yes, yes, he will....eventually.....repeal and replace the ACA, build a "beautiful" wall with U.S. taxpayers' money, lower taxes for his rich cronies, kick ISIS' butt in 2 or 3 days, and bring coal miners' jobs back any day now......

Or, depress the hell out of everyone like he did on January 20th.

Or, feed the right wingers with more red meat as he did at AIPAC

Expect lots of criticisms of the judiciary, the media, leakers, foreign countries, radical Islamists, and perhaps a "love note" to Putin and the rest of the old KGB.

Why don't you just write you hate and vitriol-laced response now and get it over with?
I expect sore-loser progressive/democratic grandstanding.

Will someone in the congressional audience shout out, "YOU LIE" ????

Just asking.....LOL

If they only do that, I would be shocked. Hell if they only do that, once, they get a pass, call it Karma.

But I expect much, much more. Progressives are not known for their ability to keep their thoughts to themselves, regardless of the required decorum.

Try hanging by your gonads until that happens....LOL

But, you DID use "snowflake" in your post.....that means you're still in the Trump lap dog team.

I voted for Johnson. What that means for you of the left is that I did not vote for Trump.

If the election were held today, I would vote for Trump. There are millions who hold this same position. I know you think the hate and violence of your party is winning the hearts and minds of America, but it may not be exactly the way you think it is.

So go ahead and have your meltdown after the speech, you snowflakes will be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA over something. You'll throw a temper tantrum. Your fellow democrats will riot on behalf of your Fuhrer, and you'll think this is putting you in position to take power.

Then in 2020 you will express shock that you are again shut out from the halls of government....

And Uncensored is the perfect example of:


I held my nose voting for Trump, but now I just get a giggle watching the left melt down over him.
Beats Obungles's me,me,me let me be clear, me, me, me, uh, duh, um, me, me, me

Oh and "this is not who we are"
All you can do is deflect to Obama when it comes to discussing Trump. You're pathetic.
They miss him already but will not admit that they are such losers.

Defense is always easier than attack, it holds true in warfare and in politics.

Wait, that's wrong, Attack is easier in politics.

Need to stop eating and typing.....
As usual, the good ol' Trumpster will tout his "amazing" win (another campaign speech)....Yes, yes, he will....eventually.....repeal and replace the ACA, build a "beautiful" wall with U.S. taxpayers' money, lower taxes for his rich cronies, kick ISIS' butt in 2 or 3 days, and bring coal miners' jobs back any day now......

Or, depress the hell out of everyone like he did on January 20th.

Or, feed the right wingers with more red meat as he did at AIPAC

Expect lots of criticisms of the judiciary, the media, leakers, foreign countries, radical Islamists, and perhaps a "love note" to Putin and the rest of the old KGB.

I think we can expect lots of the Donald being a whiny little beatch
I fully expect narcissistic salesmanship just like he's done every other time he stood before a captive audience with a mic in front of his yap.

No one can EVER exceed petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama in the narcissism category. NO one will exceed him on the number of "I's, me's, and my's" he could fit into one speech. Take away the teleprompter and all he could do was stand there looking bewildered and utter...uh...uh...uh....
As usual, the good ol' Trumpster will tout his "amazing" win (another campaign speech)....Yes, yes, he will....eventually.....repeal and replace the ACA, build a "beautiful" wall with U.S. taxpayers' money, lower taxes for his rich cronies, kick ISIS' butt in 2 or 3 days, and bring coal miners' jobs back any day now......

Or, depress the hell out of everyone like he did on January 20th.

Or, feed the right wingers with more red meat as he did at AIPAC

Expect lots of criticisms of the judiciary, the media, leakers, foreign countries, radical Islamists, and perhaps a "love note" to Putin and the rest of the old KGB.

what dress will you wear to the ghey bar to watch it and whine?
There's bound to be more on what an amazingly yuge victory the so-called president had.

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