What to expect from tonight's Trump speech before congress.....

Hopefully, Trump will end his speech to his supporters with,
" You've been dumb for so long, you're going to be tired of being dumb..."
It's being rumored that Trump may move towards the Democrats' position on immigration.

I hope that's true, mainly because i want to laugh at the Trumptards who flip flop to agree with the Master.
It's being rumored that Trump may move towards the Democrats' position on immigration.

I hope that's true, mainly because i want to laugh at the Trumptards who flip flop to agree with the Master.

Yes, heard the same rumors about a Reaganesque type of amnesty. Of course, even the most dumbest acolytes may have a bit of something to say about that.

Should be "interesting"....LOL
Why don't you just write you hate and vitriol-laced response now and get it over with?

See, you're 100% wrong....I do not hate Trump.....Actually he has been able to do what NO democrat ever dreamed of doing; a true Trojan horse within the GOP.

If they only do that, I would be shocked. Hell if they only do that, once, they get a pass, call it Karma.

But I expect much, much more. Progressives are not known for their ability to keep their thoughts to themselves, regardless of the required decorum.

I am positive that you bashed Rep. Wilson for yelling that stupidity to Obama...otherwise you'd be a low life hypocrite.....

However, democrats have more decorum...All you will hear tonight is some boos from democrats when Trump (for the millionth time) will promise his "repeal and replace" bullshit.

it was a dick move, but hardly unheard of in the Chamber, maybe not recently, but remember back in the day one dude beat another with a freaking cane.
If they only do that, I would be shocked. Hell if they only do that, once, they get a pass, call it Karma.

But I expect much, much more. Progressives are not known for their ability to keep their thoughts to themselves, regardless of the required decorum.

I am positive that you bashed Rep. Wilson for yelling that stupidity to Obama...otherwise you'd be a low life hypocrite.....

However, democrats have more decorum...All you will hear tonight is some boos from democrats when Trump (for the millionth time) will promise his "repeal and replace" bullshit.

it was a dick move, but hardly unheard of in the Chamber, maybe not recently, but remember back in the day one dude beat another with a freaking cane.
I dontated 1000 bucks to Wilson for having the courage to speak the truth.....
If they only do that, I would be shocked. Hell if they only do that, once, they get a pass, call it Karma.

But I expect much, much more. Progressives are not known for their ability to keep their thoughts to themselves, regardless of the required decorum.

I am positive that you bashed Rep. Wilson for yelling that stupidity to Obama...otherwise you'd be a low life hypocrite.....

However, democrats have more decorum...All you will hear tonight is some boos from democrats when Trump (for the millionth time) will promise his "repeal and replace" bullshit.

it was a dick move, but hardly unheard of in the Chamber, maybe not recently, but remember back in the day one dude beat another with a freaking cane.
I dontated 1000 bucks to Wilson for having the courage to speak the truth.....

Still a dick move, but a "diet coke" level dick move. It was just as bad as a move as when Obama chastised the SC justices while all they could do is sit there and take it.

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