What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

You are the one who said we didn't have a teacher.

You are speaking in riddles because you can't speak plainly. You can't speak plainly because what you say has more holes than swiss cheese.

I never recall saying you don't have a teacher. Every religion has teachers--99%of all the religions are in error.
You are being as vague as Hobelim. Turns out his reason for it was he's an atheist.

You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
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I never recall saying you don't have a teacher. Every religion has teachers--99%of all the religions are in error.
You are being as vague as Hobelim. Turns out his reason for it was he's an atheist.

You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
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Were you baptized?
Yes. I was baptized according
Were you baptized?
Yes, according to the last chapter of Matthew, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Were you a baptized JW? If so don't even answer--Jesus has disfellowshipped you.
Tha's a lie. I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit just like it says in the last chapter of the book of Matthew. There is no Scripture about being baptized into the watchtower. Now your rejecting Scripture. Can't you see what you're doing?

WERE YOU A BAPTIZED AS A JW--Yes or NO? And if you say yes, but discount them as Jesus appointed teachers the baptism wouldn't be real if they weren't real teachers that belong to Jesus. No baptism is real unless performed by one in union with Jesus.
Do you believe the Scriptures regarding Jesu

Do you?

The light came into the world but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil.

According to the wrong way to follow the law executing Jesus was the right thing to do.
Do you believe ALL the Scripture in the New Testament or just some of them? It appears you pick and choose which ones to believe.

That sounds comical coming from you. I have studied all sides, but I have studied Jesus as well Its a guaranteed fact his teachings point to the JW teachers--Why is that??? In every translation on earth its the same. the teachings of Jesus point to the JW teachers. Maybe you should study Jesus.
So there were no real Christian teachers until 1881 when Charles Taze Russell invented the watchtower magazine. That's ridiculous.

When Jesus attended the synagogues and temples was taught, served and worshipped a single being God. The God of Moses, David, Abraham, Peter, John , Paul, etc. They never refuted that God, they taught it--Jesus at John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- Paul at 2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28-- Peter--1Peter1:3--John at Rev 1:6--Jesus and 3 real teachers teach--Jesus has a God, his Father.
We all must choose who we believe.
You are being as vague as Hobelim. Turns out his reason for it was he's an atheist.

You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?

Jesus appointed teachers back then--as well here in these last days(Matt 24:45-47) One has to be taught by them. Mortals have 0 choice in the matter.
And don't let anyone call you 'Teacher,' for you have only one teacher, the Messiah.

What do you think the apostles were?--They were teachers. And Jesus appointed his teachers here in these last days as well-Matt 24:45-47

Jesus appointed his disciples to teach in the last days because it was the last days then and he was on earth to do it.... They launched devastating and ruthless counter measures to curse their oppressors, according to his directions to smite the nations with the sword that came out of his mouth. A curse in a cup of wine.

If this jesus wasn't back on earth in 1914, he hasn't appointed anyone to teach anything.

Shit, and If you don';t know what he was teaching back then, WTF are you teaching now?

No Jesus is not on earth, he received his crown here-Rev 6-1914--satan and his angels were cast to earth. And the 4 riders rode--millions upon millions died all over the earth after ww1--from starvation, disease from the filth of the slaughters, etc the other 3 riders--still riding. The bible says Michael rode the white horse at the war in heaven, yet Jesus is the only getting the crown. Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon-He comes with the voice of the archangel-1Thess 4:16)
You are being as vague as Hobelim. Turns out his reason for it was he's an atheist.

You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.
You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?

Jesus appointed teachers back then--as well here in these last days(Matt 24:45-47) One has to be taught by them. Mortals have 0 choice in the matter.
And don't let anyone call you 'Teacher,' for you have only one teacher, the Messiah.

What do you think the apostles were?--They were teachers. And Jesus appointed his teachers here in these last days as well-Matt 24:45-47

Jesus appointed his disciples to teach in the last days because it was the last days then and he was on earth to do it.... They launched devastating and ruthless counter measures to curse their oppressors, according to his directions to smite the nations with the sword that came out of his mouth. A curse in a cup of wine.

If this jesus wasn't back on earth in 1914, he hasn't appointed anyone to teach anything.

Shit, and If you don';t know what he was teaching back then, WTF are you teaching now?

No Jesus is not on earth, he received his crown here-Rev 6-1914--satan and his angels were cast to earth. And the 4 riders rode--millions upon millions died all over the earth after ww1--from starvation, disease from the filth of the slaughters, etc the other 3 riders--still riding. The bible says Michael rode the white horse at the war in heaven, yet Jesus is the only getting the crown. Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon-He comes with the voice of the archangel-1Thess 4:16)

No, thats ridiculous. Satan has been around on earth for a very very very long time, much longer than just since 1914...

When Jesus said that he would come again, he did not say that he would come as a figment of someones imagination who was traumatized from the events of early last century.

He said that would come again as a human being on earth. When Christ appeared the first time he said that he came down from heaven but everyone knows that he came into the world in the usual way, born into a family.

When he comes down from heaven and appears a second time, how could he possibly come down from heaven in any other way?

He said that when he came like a thief in the night, he would separate the sheep from the goats. True?

How is Jesus supposed to do that unless he was here? Your teachers are not the messiah. They don't even know that Jesus taught the only right way to conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.
You are being as vague as Hobelim. Turns out his reason for it was he's an atheist.

You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.

Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Psalm 136:26 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 15:9-17 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.

Romans 5:8 God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:2-5 Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved.

1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:9-11 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
You claim that God is a trinity that became a human being without a human father..

So you are right! I do not believe that there was any such God ever in existence exactly like an atheist..

Unlike an atheist, I believe in a God that you do not know, a God that never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing or sexual preferences of people or whether we destroy ourselves and the entire planet..

I believe this God, my God, chose Jesus, a man, to teach people what he learned in His presence about the figurative nature of the words and the hidden subjects in divine law that are not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used making the promised life for compliance, eternal life, a real choice, a final opportunity for people to change course and escape the coming doom. Obviously they didn't listen. For some mysterious reason they just couldn't accept or admit that Jesus was right about anything even though it was obvious that he was right about everything. From their perverted perspective he didn't wear the right clothes, eat the right food, or associate with the right people and were blinded by hatred for the discomfit they felt and blamed on him.

He revealed the true God to them, they responded with hatred, making evil a deliberate choice and sealing their fate.

Many of the people who mocked Jesus while he was dying on the cross ended up dying on a cross. Thats funny from the perspective of the immortals.

Jesus is the only one who cared about people like you even in your degenerate state. Other people don't care, and God really doesn't care at all.. You are an idolator, repulsive to God, under his eternal condemnation, abandoned and consigned to destruction..

If you want to become acceptable to God, there is only one way, there is only one teacher.

Those who conform to divine instruction according to the revelation of Jesus find fulfillment in this life and a place in the world to come.. Those who don't never will.

Was that clear enough?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

You are an idolator.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
It was clear enough for me to figure out that you didn't hear what Jesus taught or claimed or understand God for that matter.

Was that clear enough?
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
You literally said that God couldn't give two shits whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.
God never became a human being and couldn't give two shits about the diet, clothing, sexual preferences of bipeds or whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

Jesus made that clear. No one listened to him, everything was destroyed. Thats a fact.

You are already dead and in hell and well on your way to destruction. You have made that clear.

You don't even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

You are under a delusion. You profess to be forgiven for your sins, have hold of eternal life, and are saved from destruction even though you never stop sinning or doing that which leads to death and destruction..

24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
You literally said that God couldn't give two shits whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

if you who were given a brain and life why would God care if you took that brain, threw it in the garbage and wasted your life perpetuating the evil of idolatry and consequently destroyed yourself?

God is the God of the living.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
24,000 written manuscripts say God did condescend to man and become man.

24,000 written manuscripts and observations of Creation say God does care about man.

Your logic that you believe God doesn't care about man has made no contact with man but believes man must idolize him makes no sense.

You are nuttier than the JW's.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
You literally said that God couldn't give two shits whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
You can't make up your mind which way you want to go, can you?

Much is made of God's wrath and punishment in the Old Testament, but when God punishes, it is with reluctance.
God often pleads with the Israelites to stop doing wrong and repent so that he may bless them. Anyone who was experiencing God's punishment could end it immediately by repenting.
"Never again will I pity the inhabitants of the earth."

Like I said, the sword was specifically designed by God and handed to Jesus to smite, curse, the nations.(Rev. 19:15)

Do you need to read that more than once?

You think it was because he loved the world so much? lol, yeah right..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
You literally said that God couldn't give two shits whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
You can't make up your mind which way you want to go, can you?

Much is made of God's wrath and punishment in the Old Testament, but when God punishes, it is with reluctance.

If you who were given a brain and life why would God care if you took that brain, threw it in the garbage and wasted your life perpetuating the evil of idolatry and consequently destroyed yourself?

God is the God of the living, not the dead.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
Yeah, I kind of do need more than that. The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, but in the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God of righteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whose tender mercies are in all his works. So for you to reach your conclusion goes against everything the Jews believed.

But even more telling is that your belief is the belief that someone who was trying to subvert belief in God would bandy about.

Gods lovingkindess is from everlasting to everlasting only for those who willingly comply with the instruction in the divine commands. All others are excluded from the blessings of divine sanctuary.

Those who set aside the law and teach others to do the same are the embodiment of the talking serpent in the fairy tale, a despicable low life. A murderer according to Jesus.

How does that go against anything Jesus or the Jews believe?
You literally said that God couldn't give two shits whether we all destroy ourselves and the entire planet.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
You can't make up your mind which way you want to go, can you?

Much is made of God's wrath and punishment in the Old Testament, but when God punishes, it is with reluctance.

If you who were given a brain and life why would God care if you took that brain, threw it in the garbage and wasted your life perpetuating the evil of idolatry and consequently destroyed yourself?

God is the God of the living, not the dead.

"So then let it be: destruction for the many who were born in vain, and salvation for my grape and my tree, which have cost me such labour to bring to perfection."
Who are you to judge me?
Let's see... the person who said God doesn't give two shits about people is now telling me that God is going to smite me?

Why would God smite someone he doesn't give two shits about?

I think this must be militant atheist logic. Or maybe JW logic.
God often pleads with the Israelites to stop doing wrong and repent so that he may bless them. Anyone who was experiencing God's punishment could end it immediately by repenting.
When are you going to get around to it?
Who are you to speak for him?

The word of God speaks for itself.

Openly defy the law of God and you will die, not in some far off future, but in the very day you do it.

Thats what the Bible teaches. Thats what Jesus believed.

You are an openly defiant idolator.

That you do not even have an inkling that the consequence is death demonstrates that you have your reward already.

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