What Was Gary Cohn Doing In the Trump Administration To Begin With ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Gary Cohn was about as fitting for the Trump administration as Jay Z would be for a Bluegrass band. Peculiar, how Cohn, a pure globalist, ever got to be in an administration that was pure economic nationalist, well before it even got to be the administration.

All the economic campaign talk from Trump was to restore America to its leading economic greatness in the world, before George H Bush destroyed it, by abolishing tariffs, and creating huge trade deficits. Trump promised tariffs in 2016, to make America great again. Did Cohn think he was kidding ?

Losing Cohn is like losing the flu. There's a lot of work to be done to restore America's economy, and Trump doesn't need to be held back by a globalist free trader like Cohn. Maybe all the people criticizing Trump's newly announced tariff policies (which are just the beginning, folks), don't realize that most (if not all) of the flak Trump is getting about the tariffs, is coming from globalists, who are likely personally INVE$TED into the US outsourcing economics of the past 30 years.

Anybody ever think of checking into Gary Cohn's stock portfolio ? Or Glenn Beck ? Or Jeff Flake ? Or Hillary Clinton ? Or any one of thousands of globalist freaks, who are more concerned about what happens to THEM, than what happens to America, America's businesses (in the US), and America's workers ?

It is the POTUS' job to look after America, not individuals who are invested in the perverted economics/politics of free trade. The only way to do that and MAGA, is to set foward policy of America first, and that starts with fair trade (not free trade), which restores trade surpluses to America, instead of the current deficits, and makes manufacturing predominant at home once again.
Not surprising that Cohn got fed up and left. He's way too intelligent for Herr Drumpf.

But hey, take heart ... trump is getting so desperate, he will soon be hiring $arah Palin, Ted Poopy Pants Nugent and nutter Kid Rock.

Why? cuz trump hires only the best.

He was the one that put together the tax legislation. He did his job.
Gary Cohn was about as fitting for the Trump administration as Jay Z would be for a Bluegrass band. Peculiar, how Cohn, a pure globalist, ever got to be in an administration that was pure economic nationalist, well before it even got to be the administration.

All the economic campaign talk from Trump was to restore America to its leading economic greatness in the world, before George H Bush destroyed it, by abolishing tariffs, and creating huge trade deficits. Trump promised tariffs in 2016, to make America great again. Did Cohn think he was kidding ?

Losing Cohn is like losing the flu. There's a lot of work to be done to restore America's economy, and Trump doesn't need to be held back by a globalist free trader like Cohn. Maybe all the people criticizing Trump's newly announced tariff policies (which are just the beginning, folks), don't realize that most (if not all) of the flak Trump is getting about the tariffs, is coming from globalists, who are likely personally INVE$TED into the US outsourcing economics of the past 30 years.

Anybody ever think of checking into Gary Cohn's stock portfolio ? Or Glenn Beck ? Or Jeff Flake ? Or Hillary Clinton ? Or any one of thousands of globalist freaks, who are more concerned about what happens to THEM, than what happens to America, America's businesses (in the US), and America's workers ?

It is the POTUS' job to look after America, not individuals who are invested in the perverted economics/politics of free trade. The only way to do that and MAGA, is to set foward policy of America first, and that starts with fair trade (not free trade), which restores trade surpluses to America, instead of the current deficits, and makes manufacturing predominant at home once again.
Not surprising that Cohn got fed up and left. He's way too intelligent for Herr Drumpf.

But hey, take heart ... trump is getting so desperate, he will soon be hiring $arah Palin, Ted Poopy Pants Nugent and nutter Kid Rock.

Why? cuz trump hires only the best.

Looks like the OP didn't help you much. Poor soul.
Not surprising that Cohn got fed up and left. He's way too intelligent for Herr Drumpf.

But hey, take heart ... trump is getting so desperate, he will soon be hiring $arah Palin, Ted Poopy Pants Nugent and nutter Kid Rock.

Why? cuz trump hires only the best.

And you have no idea what he even thinks, other than his tax reform, if even that you knew he was behind. Lol

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