What well known person does everyone say you look like?

This is an actual picture of me. Who do you guys think I look like?

I was his stand in some years ago, but those days are over.

aaah... Jake... yum yum :)
I don't know. Nobody has ever told me that I look like someone famous.

people may be DIVERTED from looking at your FACE

Why, I don't have big boobies. :lol:

oh---who is that shy and elegant lady in the picture?

That's me, but I don't have big boobs by any stretch of the imagination. I'm about a B cup. :(
That's true!

Shut up, freak! Who's talking to you?
This is an actual picture of me. Who do you guys think I look like?

I didn't have that face OR that hair.... but twenty years ago I had bigger pecs and a more defined 6 pack. I could hold a pen inbetween my pectoral muscles....still in decent shape but oh the ravages of time and trying to raise kids and reaching that age of not really giving a fuck..... and that feeling is even more prevalent today....
is that a PUSH UP job?

No, I'm not wearing a bra. Lol. :D

*****SHEEEES****** you is "STACKED" <<<< is that one still a boob word?

My boobs are just high up on my chest, maybe that makes them look deceptively bigger than what they actually are! :dunno: They not big though, take my word for it.

big enough-----long long long ago-----I read that the French consider anything
beyond that which can fill a wine glass-----(something like four ounces) to
The Frenchmen say "Anything more than a mouthful is wasted."
I would agree......
I don't have big boobs either, but it's funny now certain tops can make you look that way....
I think Chris' cover photo in her Gallery pics makes her look bigger.

I have this one top that makes me look big (I'm between a B and C cup - depends on the bra)

this is very deceiving!

View attachment 68550
Is that a photo of you, baby? Damn, you don't look 52! I may have to print me off a copy of that photo and have sex with it later.

If I do then I am also going to print out a photo of ChrisL, tape it to the wall, and make it watch!
I don't have big boobs either, but it's funny now certain tops can make you look that way....
I think Chris' cover photo in her Gallery pics makes her look bigger.

I have this one top that makes me look big (I'm between a B and C cup - depends on the bra)

this is very deceiving!

View attachment 68550
Is that a photo of you, baby? Damn, you don't look 52! I may have to print me off a copy of that photo and have sex with it later.

If I do then I am also going to print out a photo of ChrisL, tape it to the wall, and make it watch!

Get lost, you loser. Nobody wants you!
women don't post many butt pics....
And that's just sad.....just saaad....(doing my best Ross Perot/ Dana Carvey doing his Ross Perot impression)

it's hard to take a selfie of your butt, I need one of those selfie poles I think...

Someone else took a picture of my butt! :lol: It was a guy I was dating. He loved my arse. Lol.
What the fuck is an "arse"?

Are you stupid too?

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