What well known person does everyone say you look like?

women don't post many butt pics....
And that's just sad.....just saaad....(doing my best Ross Perot/ Dana Carvey doing his Ross Perot impression)

it's hard to take a selfie of your butt, I need one of those selfie poles I think...

Someone else took a picture of my butt! :lol: It was a guy I was dating. He loved my arse. Lol.
What the fuck is an "arse"?

Are you stupid too?
Leave it to a troll to disrupt some good natured flirting....guess that is my cue to get gather up the sheep and get the flock out of here......gotta get up in 5 hours and head to the salt mine....
I don't know who people say I look like..but this is me last year:


OMG - how did you lose your left arm?!?

It's actually her RIGHT arm ;)
I don't know. Nobody has ever told me that I look like someone famous.

people may be DIVERTED from looking at your FACE

Why, I don't have big boobies. :lol:

oh---who is that shy and elegant lady in the picture?

That's me, but I don't have big boobs by any stretch of the imagination. I'm about a B cup. :(
Tits are wayyyyy overrated....give me a lady with a fine ass and I will lovingly adore it, fondle it every chance I get. Big tits are great if you are in your early thirties and can step into a bra like a warm handshake but gravity and time eventually takes a toll on us all...but a great butt? They stand the test of time......
on some women they do.....
I've been told I look exactly like:

Madonnas husband, Sean Penn
Armand Assante
Matthew Perry
Alan Alda
... this thread is about to get moved I have a feeling....
On boobs...it is all proportionate to body style.
My biggest turn-ons are legs, neck and shoulders, eyes, smile, hair, ass and breast.
Long hair is a killer, big eyes and a pretty smile and this big ole' tough guy turns to jelly.
who do you LOOK like. FACE

but no, it has to turn into boobs and butts... pervs! (I know I posted a pic of my boobs, I'm stupid too.....)

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