What will democrats do on this solemn day

The fact that systemic racism exists in this country and people oppose it doesn't mean they support terrorism. In fact the opposition to the domestic terrorism we are fighting to end is what some some of the members in this forum consider pro American patriotism.

It doesn't exist so long as you don't count anti-white racism.

End of discussion.

So then really, how are people like the OP, who is in favor of domestic terror against people of color going to celebrate this day? Is he going to continue living underr the pretense of white suipremacy? Or is he going to begin to stop those who want to continue terrorizing citizens of color under the pretense he believes?

How is Uncensored2008 in favor of domestic terrorism? The only domestic terrorism I saw was in Portland, Settle and Kenosha.
If you think democrats don’t mourn on 9/11, have forgotten this day, or will celebrate on this day, you’re really deluding yourself. This partisan hatred by both sides only keeps us divided and makes the oligarchs happy.
On 9/11 the Dims were morning all the American flags they were seeing.

Get this straight: If there is anyone I don't want to be united with, it's a registered Democrat.
Grow up and lose the phony equivalence routine (which is a form of sucking up to the Trump cult.) Pointing out very obvious bad beavior is not "hate".

So why did you think it was acceptible to politicize 9/11? I mean, you're here running cover the people who did that, so clearly you approve of it.
Look you guys totally compromised all ethics by your crazed illogical hatred of dumb Don. You accepted as truth Russiagate. Ate it up for five years.

The hate you guys exhibit is exactly the same kind of hate exhibited by the right.

Read my posts again, because you clearly misrepresented them.
Look you guys totally compromised all ethics by your crazed illogical hatred of dumb Don. You accepted as truth Russiagate. Ate it up for five years.

The hate you guys exhibit is exactly the same kind of hate exhibited by the right.

Read my posts again, because you clearly misrepresented them.
The right only exhibits hatred for leftist thugs who attack them. The left hates us simply for being white, patriotic, successful Americans.
The right only exhibits hatred for leftist thugs who attack them. The left hates us simply for being white, patriotic, successful Americans.
Wrong. You need to open your mind. You are no different than they are.
Wrong. You need to open your mind. You are no different than they are.
Wrong, asshole. The attack us because we sniff at their imbecile ideas. I attack them only after being attacked and because I just want to be left alone. Your theory that we are equally guilty is mornic and only serves to cater to their agenda.
Wrong, asshole. The attack us because we sniff at their imbecile ideas. I attack them only after being attacked and because I just want to be left alone. Your theory that we are equally guilty is mornic and only serves to cater to their agenda.
Oh brother, you’re deluding yourself. Your just as much a moron serving at the behest of the oligarchs.
Oh brother, you’re deluding yourself. Your just as much a moron serving at the behest of the oligarchs.
Prove it, asshole.. Any9one who equates leftwing attacks on the right with the right pointing out the crimes of the leftwing is a fucking delusional moron. You're the kind that always claims "it takes two to fight" when he sees some thug take a swing at an innocent victim.
Prove it, asshole.. Any9one who equates leftwing attacks on the right with the right pointing out the crimes of the leftwing is a fucking delusional moron. You're the kind that always claims "it takes two to fight" when he sees some thug take a swing at an innocent victim.
You’re terribly uninformed.
It was 20 years ago today that Islamic terrorist launched a vicious attack on America, flying planes into buildings and the Pentagon.

America responded by retaliating against Afghanistan for harboring the Terrorist network, Al Qaeda. Over the last month we have seen the shameful surrender and retreat by Joe Biden to the Taliban.

What will democrats do today? Will they remember the attack on America? Will the mourn? Or will they celebrate? Will some like Omar and Tlaib praise the terrorists? Will Biden apologize to Islam and beg forgiveness as he explains that America forced Al Qaeda to react?

Will democrats across the nation engage in terrorist attacks the way they have in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Chicago, and Los Angeles?

View attachment 537858

What do you think they will do? Demonstrate in the streets? Have lunch at the Chinese embassy?
Maybe send greeting cards to the Taliban? Send aid to reconstruct tora bora?

Bearing in mind half those killed were democrats what did you think they would?

You're completely paranoid about democrats. Your hatred is breathtaking while inventing pathetic outrageous scenarios. You're some patriot.
Wake up to yourself.
Confederate Soldier
I agree. I was at work when the first plane hit the tower. Our supervisor had his TV on. None of us could believe what we were seeing and I'd bet it was the same for every American in America and around the world.

At first we all thought it was an accident. Then the second plane hit and we all knew it was a deliberate attack. When I saw people throwing themselves out of the towers it was gut wrenching. The news followed it till they saw that it was bodies and ceased covering those falling bodies.

It was a day I will never forget and neither will every American.
So, just like Trump, the Trump cultists tried to make 9/11 all about their own treasonous hatred.

I'm not going to say I never expected them to stoop that low, because I did. By this time, the Trump cult has demonstrated to everyone that there's no depravity they won't stoop to.

Why are they like that? DearLeader trained them to be disgusting humans. Biden spent the day in solemn remembrance. Trump spent the day promoting himself, insulting Biden and making fake claims of fraud. He literally tried to make 9/11 all about himself, so his fascist lackeys did the same.

I expected you terrorist democrats to engage in a massive attack on America to celebrate the earlier attack. I'm glad that all you did was go out and burn flags commemorating those who died.
You REALLY believe Trumpy can't be bought? Where have you been for the past 5 years. Everything the man does he does for his own corrupt self-interest.

Every other current and ex president honored the 9/11 victims and heroes yesterday. I guess Rump considers them suckers and losers. Sad :(

Trump paid a personal price to serve this nation.

While Quid Pro and Obama made themselves rich from the office they held.

The place Iran bought for Barry is right on the water. I guess he's not real concerned with global warming, is he?
Look you guys totally compromised all ethics by your crazed illogical hatred of dumb Don. You accepted as truth Russiagate. Ate it up for five years.

The hate you guys exhibit is exactly the same kind of hate exhibited by the right.

Read my posts again, because you clearly misrepresented them.

The Nazis have no ethics. The democrats like to call themselves "democrat socialists." But in fact they are "demagogue sociopaths."

I'm glad the democrats didn't launch a terrorist attack Saturday.
Confederate Soldier
I agree. I was at work when the first plane hit the tower. Our supervisor had his TV on. None of us could believe what we were seeing and I'd bet it was the same for every American in America and around the world.

At first we all thought it was an accident. Then the second plane hit and we all knew it was a deliberate attack. When I saw people throwing themselves out of the towers it was gut wrenching. The news followed it till they saw that it was bodies and ceased covering those falling bodies.

It was a day I will never forget and neither will every American.

But democrats in congress say that protesting on 1/6 was far worse than people having to decide to jump to their death or burn to death.

They are full of shit. 1/6 was nothing but a false flag event. Hell there were people in the Capital buildings even before Trump finished speaking. They weren't Trump supporters. Hell they were welcomed in by the Capital police.

1/6 is a bunch of hog wash.

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