What Will The Country be Like After Four Years of Hillary Clinton as President?

In fairness both sides use doom and gloom predictions every election cycle. In the end very little ever changes.
I beg to differ.

There is a huge difference between the nations condition from 1988 to 1992, and from 1992 to 2000, and from 2008 to 2016.

If you cannot see that then I cannot remedy your affliciton.
And I wasn't replying to your post. Of course your version of 'They are coming to take our guns!' is just as hysterical as your other right wing nut jobs have proposed

Many if not most gun manufacturers will be driven out of business with frivolous lawsuits supported by the Clinton White House.

Gun Manufacturers have been thriving under President Obama.
If you werent surprisingly stupid you would be boring, so I guess there is something to be said for libtard moronic brain cells.

There are many who want to allow gun manufacturers to be sued for misuses of guns by buyers, and Hillary is in support of such laws.

You mean repealing the laws which protect gun manufacturers from liability unlike every other manufacturer in the United States?

Why do you think gun manufacturers need special exemptions from liability law?
In fairness both sides use doom and gloom predictions every election cycle. In the end very little ever changes.
I beg to differ.

There is a huge difference between the nations condition from 1988 to 1992, and from 1992 to 2000, and from 2008 to 2016.

If you cannot see that then I cannot remedy your affliciton.

Well tell us the difference.

And why do you leave you leave out 2000 to 2008?
Trump will win anyway.

You are correct.

You don't even need to bother to register to vote for the first time in your life to vote for him.

EVERYONE is going to vote for Trump! Its going to be GREAT! AND Trump will have HUGE plans! Huge Plans!
EVERYONE will have lower taxes and he is going to raise taxes on Imports and it will be HUGE.......lol
It's so adorable watching the folks that predicted Obama would turn us all into Socialists......predict all sorts of nightmares if Hillary is elected

Most of them think the country started to go to hell in 1965 anyway.
So basically the same predictions that never came true for '08 and '12 Obama

Obama began the process of destroying America. Clinton will finish it.
Oh shut up. For being so homophobic, you people sure do love to act like flaming drama queens all the time.

And the left aren't acting like drama queens about Trump? You guys act like segregation will be back as soon as he is elected.
Uh, that is what you guys are acting like. And generally celebrating it.
I'm afraid that if Hillary is elected women will be allowed to vote.

I'm afraid they'll be forced to wear ninja suits to avoid offending mooselimbs.


Seriously though, if you've ever seen a young arab woman in western dress you know that if you started a cult in Mecca 1400 years ago, these split tails would be wearing bikinis and drinking coors light. As a man you'd be forced by dogma to drive them anywhere they want to go.


So basically the same predictions that never came true for '08 and '12 Obama

Obama began the process of destroying America. Clinton will finish it.
Oh shut up. For being so homophobic, you people sure do love to act like flaming drama queens all the time.

And the left aren't acting like drama queens about Trump? You guys act like segregation will be back as soon as he is elected.
That's a great idea.
OF course it is hard call to make. There are so many variables one cannot predict, such as the question of whether she will survive. In 2020 it might be President Tim Kaine running for election, and not Hillary.

Assuming Hillary survives for four years, using her track record as a guide and that of Obama's as well, since she is running as Obama 2.0, we can get some idea. Here is a list of things that are likely to happen during a Clinton Presidency.

1. As Hillary endorses Black Lives Matter, her policies will push for the Federalization of the police forces, which has already begun under Obama. The Justus department has critiqued botht he Chicago and Baltimore PDs even though the Baltimore PD was cleared. This means that crime will sky rocket as there is no problem when the Federalis have taken over that did not get made ten times worse. Cop killings will continue to climb and police recruitment will continue to plummet.

2. Gun rights will be under huge regulatory pressure to make owning and using guns difficult, expensive and extremely risky. Many if not most gun manufacturers will be driven out of business with frivolous lawsuits supported by the Clinton White House. The Politically Correct Nazis will be in full throat, accusing 90% of the population of xenophobia, racism, and genderism.

3. Iran will crush ISIS in the Middle East largely, but will stay at a safe distance from Saudi Arabia so as to not provoke the Saudis into escalating oil exports further and continuing the decline of oil prices. Saudi Arabia will begin to break itself away from the US dollar, and this in turn will cause some inflation. IF current deficit spending levels are maintained, and the Democrats have shown no shame or concern for blowing up the budget and building sky rocketing deficits, even as they slam trump for not finding funding for his tax cuts.

4. Clinton will appoint three federal SCOTUS judges as conservative justices cling to life to deny Hillary more impact on the court than she will have already have had. The SCOTUS will take the nation careening to the left and there will be no restraints on an Imperial Presidency whatsoever, especially not challenged by Republicans who undermined their own opposition to Hillary in the 2016 election.

5. Though ISIS will have been cleared from the Middle East, mostly, they will have already metastized and spread throughout the Western world disguised as refugees, more than two million of whom will have been welcomed into the USA and Europe by 2020. Acts of terrorism will become common place in the USA and ignored by the media despite being a daily occurence.

6. The USA will lose its credit rating, dropping to the low BBB area. This will cause an increase on the debt interest rates that will make the debt maintenance one of the largest items on the federal budget rivaling the DoD and Medicare for costs.

7. The GDP will grow at an anemic rate, driven mostly by government hiring. The private sector will approach collapse due to a shrinking consumer market. The energy sector will not see much development in clean energy sources even as the Hillary Regime continues its purging of coal from our national energy generation.

8. Bill Clinton will continue to get paid $500k+ per speech and the Clinton Foundation will continue to take money from foreign governments. Democrat hacks will defend this as entirely contained from Hillary's role as President and none of the contributions will ever influence any of her policy positions in any way. SNL will make her a major laughingstock until one of the writers has an accidental death. Then the problem goes away.

9. Our military will continue to decline as Clinton continues to cash in on the 'Peace Dividend', lol.

10. A civil war will start along our SW border and terrorists will wage war in our cities. Hillary will only deal with the problems that arise on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays, her days at work as she has to have the remaining time for rest and recuperation from her many chores and duties as POTUS.

11. We will face a military catastrophe in Afghanistan as Taliban stinger missiles will prevent and emergency airlift of our troops from Kabul as the Taliban sweeps into power.

12. The GOP will win the election in 2020, if there is one allowed by Empress Hillary..

Please excuse Mr. Booee, on a recent acid trip he fell down a dry well dug by George W. Bush's roughneck crew; upon landing a large white rabbit hit him over the head with a bowling ball, once used by the roughnecks to determine if anything liquid resided in the well they spent thousands of dollars to drill.

Upon awakening Mr. Booee found himself in the possession of two clay tablets with the above items listed, and a lump the size of a Texas grapefruit on his head. Given time Mr. Booee will come to his senses, at least the one he had before being beaned by the bunny.

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