What Will The Country be Like After Four Years of Hillary Clinton as President?

It's okay, as a literate, informed and intelligent person I poked fun at your arrogant and partisan lecture. Did I bruise your ego?
Bruise my ego?

Lol, no you bruised my ribs from laughter.

You realize the more you retards duck the points I made the more you are essentially conceding them and trying to deflect instead, right?

OF course it is hard call to make. There are so many variables one cannot predict, such as the question of whether she will survive. In 2020 it might be President Tim Kaine running for election, and not Hillary.

Assuming Hillary survives for four years, using her track record as a guide and that of Obama's as well, since she is running as Obama 2.0, we can get some idea. Here is a list of things that are likely to happen during a Clinton Presidency.

1. As Hillary endorses Black Lives Matter, her policies will push for the Federalization of the police forces, which has already begun under Obama. The Justus department has critiqued botht he Chicago and Baltimore PDs even though the Baltimore PD was cleared. This means that crime will sky rocket as there is no problem when the Federalis have taken over that did not get made ten times worse. Cop killings will continue to climb and police recruitment will continue to plummet.

2. Gun rights will be under huge regulatory pressure to make owning and using guns difficult, expensive and extremely risky. Many if not most gun manufacturers will be driven out of business with frivolous lawsuits supported by the Clinton White House. The Politically Correct Nazis will be in full throat, accusing 90% of the population of xenophobia, racism, and genderism.

3. Iran will crush ISIS in the Middle East largely, but will stay at a safe distance from Saudi Arabia so as to not provoke the Saudis into escalating oil exports further and continuing the decline of oil prices. Saudi Arabia will begin to break itself away from the US dollar, and this in turn will cause some inflation. IF current deficit spending levels are maintained, and the Democrats have shown no shame or concern for blowing up the budget and building sky rocketing deficits, even as they slam trump for not finding funding for his tax cuts.

4. Clinton will appoint three federal SCOTUS judges as conservative justices cling to life to deny Hillary more impact on the court than she will have already have had. The SCOTUS will take the nation careening to the left and there will be no restraints on an Imperial Presidency whatsoever, especially not challenged by Republicans who undermined their own opposition to Hillary in the 2016 election.

5. Though ISIS will have been cleared from the Middle East, mostly, they will have already metastized and spread throughout the Western world disguised as refugees, more than two million of whom will have been welcomed into the USA and Europe by 2020. Acts of terrorism will become common place in the USA and ignored by the media despite being a daily occurence.

6. The USA will lose its credit rating, dropping to the low BBB area. This will cause an increase on the debt interest rates that will make the debt maintenance one of the largest items on the federal budget rivaling the DoD and Medicare for costs.

7. The GDP will grow at an anemic rate, driven mostly by government hiring. The private sector will approach collapse due to a shrinking consumer market. The energy sector will not see much development in clean energy sources even as the Hillary Regime continues its purging of coal from our national energy generation.

8. Bill Clinton will continue to get paid $500k+ per speech and the Clinton Foundation will continue to take money from foreign governments. Democrat hacks will defend this as entirely contained from Hillary's role as President and none of the contributions will ever influence any of her policy positions in any way. SNL will make her a major laughingstock until one of the writers has an accidental death. Then the problem goes away.

9. Our military will continue to decline as Clinton continues to cash in on the 'Peace Dividend', lol.

10. A civil war will start along our SW border and terrorists will wage war in our cities. Hillary will only deal with the problems that arise on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays, her days at work as she has to have the remaining time for rest and recuperation from her many chores and duties as POTUS.

11. We will face a military catastrophe in Afghanistan as Taliban stinger missiles will prevent and emergency airlift of our troops from Kabul as the Taliban sweeps into power.

12. The GOP will win the election in 2020, if there is one allowed by Empress Hillary..
So you are preparing for the reality of 4 years of Clinton.

And you know that probably means 8 years.

Imagine the war we will have with Iran if trump wins
So basically the same predictions that never came true for '08 and '12 Obama

It's not the same country. Look at places like Baltimore, Ferguson, and now Milwaukee. More and more rioting by black agitators all encouraged by Obama,etc.

You dumb SOB. Read some US History, and review the year 1968.
The riots of 1968 do not change the fact that yet more riots are happening since.

Why do you idiots think that it is punishing to racist whites to burn down black neighborhoods and businesses?

REminds me of the scene in, I think it was Blazing Saddles where the black sheriff holds himself at gun point threatening to 'kill the n+gger'.

It might work in a movie, but in real life the racists go 'Yeah burn it all down, dumbass, that will really show them!'
Yep- Clinton will be seizing twice as many guns from citizens as President Obama.

Of course 2 x zero is still zero.

You didnt read what I posted, which is par for your comprehension skills.

I said guns will become more expensive and difficult to keep under government regulations, etc.

I didnt say that guns will be seized, at lest not in the next four years, idiot.
so...you are whining about the price of guns. I thought you said you weren't a pussy.
In fairness both sides use doom and gloom predictions every election cycle. In the end very little ever changes.
I beg to differ.

There is a huge difference between the nations condition from 1988 to 1992, and from 1992 to 2000, and from 2008 to 2016.

If you cannot see that then I cannot remedy your affliciton.

Well tell us the difference.

And why do you leave you leave out 2000 to 2008?
I'll give you the short version.

The Reagan economy was a growing economy after Carters appointee at the Federal Reserve (Volker) kept interest rates high, reducing inflation and allowing the economy to expand under the Reagan tax cuts and fight against the growth in regulation. The country was rebounding economically, but under Reagan's successor G H W Bush, he returned to a steadily growing regulatory policy, kicked the H1-B visa limit to 65,000 and purged the GOP of all Reaganites. The economy almost immediately went back into a slump.

Clinton worked with Gingrich in the House to reduce regulatory growth rates, lowered taxes and pumped more stimulus intot he economy and we went on our best economic boom ever, reversing the Bush 41 disaster.

I left out the 2000 to 2008 change which was so dominated by the War on a Noun that it isnt a good example of WHO is in office rather than the circumstances of what happened while in office. I dont think Gore would have been all that much different as he serves the same corporate interests that Bush 43 did.

The difference between 2008 and 2016 is huge also. We went from an economy on the precipice of a Shadow Banking System Armageddon to a more stable economy, but after doubling the national debt and including that spending as part of the GDP recovery. Obama used Keynesian economics to stimulate the economy, but I thought it was going to be like the Japanese economy since 1992; stagnant and with zero growth. Instead we have doubled our national debt and have an anemic 1.5%ish growth.

While Obama has done some things that I think need to be reversed, like his expansion of War time powers into peacetime non-emergency conditions and his abuse of Executive Orders to invent new law, he at least got the economy moving in a positive direction, but far better could have been done and some things were just legal robbery, such as the $4 trillion given to Wall Street banks in QE.

But since Bush 41, we have seen the Corporate Crony network grow in both parties and slowly take complete control in Washington DC and it is vital that we reverse this corruption of our government. THAT is the biggest issue, and the best way to go about it Sanders was right about; break up the Too Big To Fail banks. Those banks finance this whole network that is choking our government from fresh new ideas and new interests groups that speak for the American people instead of corporate money.
Cars will be replaced by jet packs.
Flying cars should be available for those who can afford them by 2020 and traffic congestion will start to disappear. People that make the long commutes up and down I95 will find travel easier.

Personal flying drones are coming to make 'Jetsons'-style transportation a reality

China-based Ehang debuted the Ehang184 "autonomous aerial vehicle" at the 2016 International Consumer Electronics Show on Wednesday. The quadcopter's cabin, approximately 3.3 feet wide and 6.8 feet tall, can purportedly carry a single passenger with a small backpack.

The drone is entirely autonomous, meaning the rider can't control the vehicle at all. To fly the drone, a person only needs to enter a start and end destination into Ehang's mobile app and the flying pod will take them there directly.

FAA Approves Terrafugia's Flying Car for Test Flights

Self-flying helicopter makes first 30 mile journey in Connecticut
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I love conservative apocalypse porn.
No, actually you dont or you would be more familiar with it.

For example, Hillary has a track record of going after gun rights and proposing further gun restrictions on law abiding citizens that have never broken the law.

Why do you think that as President she wont continue to do the same thing on a larger scale?

Your dismissiveness suggests that really these patterns are painful for you to have to observe as it increases the pain of Cognitive Dissonance, but my guess is you are already inured to such writhings of conscience by now.
It's not the same country. Look at places like Baltimore, Ferguson, and now Milwaukee. More and more rioting by black agitators all encouraged by Obama,etc.

I'd say more encouraged by small, ill-trained white cops shooting black men. I've seen at least two videos where the police were beyond out of order.
It's not the same country. Look at places like Baltimore, Ferguson, and now Milwaukee. More and more rioting by black agitators all encouraged by Obama,etc.

I'd say more encouraged by small, ill-trained white cops shooting black men. I've seen at least two videos where the police were beyond out of order.

You mean like Ferguson when blacks rioted over lies about what 3 forensic experts said didn't happen the way the rioters claimed and for which they used as an excuse to riot?

You mean like Baltimore where every police officer was acquitted over the death of a black guy yet the rioters used what they had deemed guilt of those officers as an excuse to riot?

You mean like Milwaukee where the black guy shot by a BLACK police officer RAN and was ARMED? Add to that his sister encouraging people to go where white people were and burn shit down?

Trying to keep RIOTERS in line is out of order? How dare police officers try to stop or say something about a looter stealing a TV from somewhere not associated in any way with why they are rioting because they're mad. Maybe police should let them commit arson and steal so it won't be considered police brutality.
She appoint a 5th Scotus judge and together they "decide" the Constitution means:
  • There is no individual right to bear arms
  • Illegals Alien have all the rights of US citizens, especially the right to vote several times in a Democrat election
  • Free Speech does not include speech critical of her government
  • It takes a village to raise your kids
  • Your stuff belongs to the Village
  • Infrastructure
We may not have the services of the CIA:

According to the State Department Inspector General, 22 of Hillary’s emails totaling 38 pages included materials marked “HCS-O,” the most sensitive category reserved for information about clandestine CIA operatives in ongoing operations. These emails were so sensitive that they could not be released — even with the entire message redacted.

According to John Schindler, an intelligence analyst writing for The Observer,, “these classified emails could jeopardize “sources, methods, and lives…and exposed the Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover,” Schindler added :”Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover.”

Gee, Wow! Do you think that more than 4,500 American's will be killed and tens of thousands more Americans wounded, beating the record of George W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice and their maiming others with life long disabilities than HRC has caused by e-mail.

You must think (excuse the expression, of course you don't) you must believe that HRC is the most powerful person in the world.

Why not follow the advice of DICK Cheney and go fuck yourself.

Actually, I am adult enough to not dwell in the past on things I cannot change and I am also adult enough to not be so uncouth and immature to curse and use profanity on a public board. Go tell your Mommy to wash your mouth out, juvenile.
It's okay, as a literate, informed and intelligent person I poked fun at your arrogant and partisan lecture. Did I bruise your ego?
Bruise my ego?

Lol, no you bruised my ribs from laughter.

You realize the more you retards duck the points I made the more you are essentially conceding them and trying to deflect instead, right?


Retard is a nasty word, one which disparages a group of human beings suffering from an accident of birth or a serious injury. Only an asshole uses such a word as a pejorative.

But I digress, I suspect you were a child (not the childlike adult you are today) in 1968 and have no memory of that time in American History. There is a theory of revolution written by Davies called the J curve which describes why people will take to the streets; it is easily applied to revolutions or riots. I'll simplify my thinking on this issue even though I suspect the only response from you and others like you will be a charge that my thinking is funny.

  • With the election of Obama many people of all races believed racism had been locked away, had became socially unacceptable
  • The black community became optimistic and looked forward to real change in how they were treated
  • With the election of Obama white males, believing the few jobs left would now go to blacks due to affirmative action, shit their pants.
  • With the election of Obama and the Great Recession which greeted the new president, racism came out of the closet on steroids
  • With overt racism (obvious with posts on this message board) existing, the black community's rising expectations were not realized
  • Seeing unequal justice, and the disproportion of young black men killed and in jails and prisons, hope and change were dashed and were replaced by anger.
  • Recent killings of black men by cops made the headlines, which ignited the anger created by this disappointment.
And here we are today, faced with the possible election of Donald Trump, who was nominated by racists, bigots and fools.
We may not have the services of the CIA:

According to the State Department Inspector General, 22 of Hillary’s emails totaling 38 pages included materials marked “HCS-O,” the most sensitive category reserved for information about clandestine CIA operatives in ongoing operations. These emails were so sensitive that they could not be released — even with the entire message redacted.

According to John Schindler, an intelligence analyst writing for The Observer,, “these classified emails could jeopardize “sources, methods, and lives…and exposed the Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover,” Schindler added :”Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover.”

Gee, Wow! Do you think that more than 4,500 American's will be killed and tens of thousands more Americans wounded, beating the record of George W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice and their maiming others with life long disabilities than HRC has caused by e-mail.

You must think (excuse the expression, of course you don't) you must believe that HRC is the most powerful person in the world.

Why not follow the advice of DICK Cheney and go fuck yourself.

Actually, I am adult enough to not dwell in the past on things I cannot change and I am also adult enough to not be so uncouth and immature to curse and use profanity on a public board. Go tell your Mommy to wash your mouth out, juvenile.

But not adult enough to foego being captious, or to violate the Commandment of God - YOU shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

But I digress, go to hell (I don't want to expose you to vulgarity). Since your statements about HRC will likely put you in hell in spite of your self righteous indignation, I suppose telling you to go to hell is simply redundant.
So basically the same predictions that never came true for '08 and '12 Obama

In fairness both sides use doom and gloom predictions every election cycle. In the end very little ever changes. It may be different this time around if Trump wins due to his unpredictability, but very little would change under Clinton.

Until now all presidential nominees were normal people, more or less.

This time around, they are NOT.

So, go figure!
It's okay, as a literate, informed and intelligent person I poked fun at your arrogant and partisan lecture. Did I bruise your ego?
Bruise my ego?

Lol, no you bruised my ribs from laughter.

You realize the more you retards duck the points I made the more you are essentially conceding them and trying to deflect instead, right?


Retard is a nasty word, one which disparages a group of human beings suffering from an accident of birth or a serious injury. Only an asshole uses such a word as a pejorative.

But I digress, I suspect you were a child (not the childlike adult you are today) in 1968 and have no memory of that time in American History. There is a theory of revolution written by Davies called the J curve which describes why people will take to the streets; it is easily applied to revolutions or riots. I'll simplify my thinking on this issue even though I suspect the only response from you and others like you will be a charge that my thinking is funny.

  • With the election of Obama many people of all races believed racism had been locked away, had became socially unacceptable
  • The black community became optimistic and looked forward to real change in how they were treated
  • With the election of Obama white males, believing the few jobs left would now go to blacks due to affirmative action, shit their pants.
  • With the election of Obama and the Great Recession which greeted the new president, racism came out of the closet on steroids
  • With overt racism (obvious with posts on this message board) existing, the black community's rising expectations were not realized
  • Seeing unequal justice, and the disproportion of young black men killed and in jails and prisons, hope and change were dashed and were replaced by anger.
  • Recent killings of black men by cops made the headlines, which ignited the anger created by this disappointment.
And here we are today, faced with the possible election of Donald Trump, who was nominated by racists, bigots and fools.

Lol, I only call you retarded because you genuinely seem to be retarded in your ability to think rationally. You, like most libtards,are great at citing reams of data and cobwebbbed studies by your fellow libtards that prove there is no God, that Republicans are all racists and things go according to Marx's predictions since 1840, etc but in the real world that is all well known to be complete horse shit. How Marx went wrong, how God is a certainty, and the racists are all still in the Democratic Party are not things you can seriously discuss because all the fellow libtards you live among all regard them as equally ridiculous. Thus your ability to think independently is retarded, and I say that with all seriousness. But I also realize that the likelihood you can ever pull your head out of this depth of ideologically driven idiocy is next to zero.

But as to your theory, yeah, the disappointment of people who have their expectations falsely raised is tinder for a revolution or rebellion. But to attribute the problems we see today 100% to impersonal macro forces is to engage in Deterministic Behaviorism, which we know today is a false model of human behavior. The Marxist and criminal nature of Black Lies Matter is plain with the evidence we have today, and the result to be derived from it, greatly heightened crime in the black community, is the intended goal of BLMs sponsor, Geroge Soros who was a committed Nazi in his youth and describes it as one of the happiest periods of his life.

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