What will the next faux scandal be?

Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
Having an Incompecunt as SecState isn't bad enuf for you? Our enemies sure enjoyed it.

Four men in Benghazi didn't...
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Amen! I'm sure they'll find some Klingon connection.
Klingons are too honorable to deal with Clintoons...

Really? So you know some Klingons...?

he is a serious poster. fer shizzle.
Hey, Drunkhota brought them up...
hey, read the thread. serious poster. lakhota lampooning, and you all star trek nerd, hahaha.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
Having an Incompecunt as SecState isn't bad enuf for you? Our enemies sure enjoyed it.
Our enemies? And who were our friends?
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
IDK but that corrupt **** has been in the limelight for years. No doubt something else will pop up
Yeah maybe the right will accuse her of being a secret Muslim and the inventor of the Zika virus
accusing her of being anything religious would be suggesting she had a soul
accusing her of inventing anything would be suggesting she had a brain.
not to sure either one is going to be suggested.
Now if you want to say she is AKC registered, that's possible since she is a bitch.
do you actually need a soul to fall for any of those pranks, though?
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
Having an Incompecunt as SecState isn't bad enuf for you? Our enemies sure enjoyed it.
Our enemies? And who were our friends?
from the outside it sure looks like the enemy is those ***** promising to do anything so that the president does not succeed.

If I'm such a bad person, how come the Clinton Foundation took all my checks? Why did Hillary accept all my campaign checks? Why were they good friends with me for all those years? Oh...wait. Can we strike that?
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
Having an Incompecunt as SecState isn't bad enuf for you? Our enemies sure enjoyed it.
Our enemies? And who were our friends?
illegal Mexicans.

Look. You know and I know, everybody knows, Hillary is the one who chopped down that cherry tree. George took the fall for her. He took the fall for her, folks. They had an arrangement. A secret deal. Are we going to let her keep getting away with this?

And remember...RE-MEM-BER...don't forget, the herpes epidemic. The herpes epidemic, which has killed MILLIONS of Americans, don't forget...it started in Little Rock, Arkansas. And Bill Clinton was having sex with everything that cast a shadow during that period.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Donald John Trump and Hillary Clinton worked together to help get her elected will be the new scandal after Hillary Clinton win in a landslide this November...
Hillary has some overdue library books and there was that time she didn't rewind her video tape

That is why they call her crooked Hillary

I'm thinking maybe I should exhume Vince Foster's body when I'm President. What do you think? There are a lot of things which should have been looked into that weren't looked into.

It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary drove one of the trucks which carried Saddam's WMDs to Syria. It wouldn't surprise me at all. That's another thing I'm going to look into. I bet she didn't even have a Commercial Driver's License. That would be indictable. Driving WMDs without a CDL in the FAO. I'll put her on trial in the Hague!
Hillary has some overdue library books and there was that time she didn't rewind her video tape

That is why they call her crooked Hillary
and the librarian that was going to go public with hillarys library fines ended up committing suicide by running herself over with a riding mower.

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