What will the next faux scandal be?

Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

That's funny. Comey actually said that she violated the law. He just said that the DOJ (under obama's minions) wouldn't prosecute so decided not to waste taxpayer money on something that wouldn't go anywhere. But, he laid out chapter and verse the crimes she committed. Do you not understand English?
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Comey actually said she was guilty of breaking the law and confirmed she lied.

All he said was that you would have to be a crazy person to pursue her legally in such a corrupt government system
aha. you sure are a creative listener.
Do you care about the law?

18 US Code 793 Section F:
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—


18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
i do, days ago i cited USC. wasn't well received, though. lol.

listen to the fbi statement, again. without filter. and then get bent, muppet.

Comey said that she:

1. Unlawfully used private e-mails
2. Gave top secret information away to hackers
3. But did not purposefully do so.

Hence being negligent under the law
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Amen! I'm sure they'll find some Klingon connection.
Klingons are too honorable to deal with Clintoons...
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Comey actually said she was guilty of breaking the law and confirmed she lied.

All he said was that you would have to be a crazy person to pursue her legally in such a corrupt government system
aha. you sure are a creative listener.
Do you care about the law?

18 US Code 793 Section F:
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—


18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
i do, days ago i cited USC. wasn't well received, though. lol.

listen to the fbi statement, again. without filter. and then get bent, muppet.

Comey said that she:

1. Unlawfully used private e-mails
2. Gave top secret information away to hackers
3. But did not purposefully do so.

Hence being negligent under the law

actually, what he said is plainly visible and audible everywhere. i suggest you read it or listen to it. but even in your spin you failed to shoehorn "grossly" into it.
those are legal terms, and quite important. you know. you care about legality, justice, and stuff. i can tell. LOL
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Amen! I'm sure they'll find some Klingon connection.
Klingons are too honorable to deal with Clintoons...

Really? So you know some Klingons...?
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Amen! I'm sure they'll find some Klingon connection.
Klingons are too honorable to deal with Clintoons...

Really? So you know some Klingons...?

he is a serious poster. fer shizzle.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
IDK but that corrupt **** has been in the limelight for years. No doubt something else will pop up
Yeah maybe the right will accuse her of being a secret Muslim and the inventor of the Zika virus
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Some people say Crooked Hillary was the one who shot the cruise missile at the Pentagon on 9/11. I don't know. We'll have to look into that.

My inside sources tell me Bill and Loretta had hot sex during that visit. I don't know. We will definitely be investigating that whole thing when I'm President.

I don't believe she's stupid. No. Crooked Hillary isn't stupid. I bet she could rig one of those election machines in less than 30 seconds, if she wanted to.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?

Amen! I'm sure they'll find some Klingon connection.
Klingons are too honorable to deal with Clintoons...

Really? So you know some Klingons...?

he is a serious poster. fer shizzle.
Hey, Drunkhota brought them up...
“What will the next faux scandal be?”

That Clinton got ‘special treatment,’ that Justice is ‘in the bag’ for Clinton, and that the timing of the announcement was to ‘benefit’ Clinton politically.

Conservatives will continue to propagate the same repackaged lies.

Chelsea Clinton. Now there's a piece of work, huh? We'll be doing a DNA test on that freak when I'm President, bleev me.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
IDK but that corrupt **** has been in the limelight for years. No doubt something else will pop up
Yeah maybe the right will accuse her of being a secret Muslim and the inventor of the Zika virus
She is bro. She is.
Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
Having an Incompecunt as SecState isn't bad enuf for you? Our enemies sure enjoyed it.

We got a big surprise for October. A BIG surprise. You won't bleev it. I'll give you a hint. "Bosnian sniper". You won't BLEEV who he works for, folks. This is one scandal that will do her in.

Now that Benghazi, the e-mails, ebola, Obama's birth certificate, Jade Helm, etc. are over and done with, what will the right come up with next to rile up the base?

Is there a college brochure laying around somewhere that says Hillary is the 12th Imam? Will Hillary's father be accused of being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald? How many of Hillary's advisers can be accused of being secret Muslims?

What will it be?
IDK but that corrupt **** has been in the limelight for years. No doubt something else will pop up
Yeah maybe the right will accuse her of being a secret Muslim and the inventor of the Zika virus
accusing her of being anything religious would be suggesting she had a soul
accusing her of inventing anything would be suggesting she had a brain.
not to sure either one is going to be suggested.
Now if you want to say she is AKC registered, that's possible since she is a bitch.

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