What will you believe if science recreates the beginings of life?

"But scientists studying DNA from people all over the world, both living and long-dead, have established that all humans descended from a single woman who lived about 50,000 years ago, he said. Some put the date earlier.

In addition, he said, DNA establishes that all humans descended from a single man, who also lived about 50,000 years ago.

And, he said, biblical genealogy, taking into consideration gaps in the genealogies, also puts Adam and Eve about 50,000 years ago.

Evidence of human use of clothing, tools, art, complex language and spiritual expression begin to appear in the archeological record about 40,000 years ago, he said, about when they would be expected if the human race appeared 50,000 years ago.

The great irony, he said, is that this all got started by scientists recovering DNA from the very Neanderthal Man fossil that Charles Darwin used to launch his descent of man hypothesis.

"The very same fossil overturned his hypothesis," he said."
Tulsa World
You might want to take the "I am a narrow minded idiot" sticker off your forehead now.
I love it when bozos think their ignorance is funny. You admitted to enjoying your ignorance. Have at.
Perhaps you should look it up.

Oh wait, you'd rather trust your own limited brain.

Have at again.
I think you are right. I think they may prove birds are direct descendants of the dinosaur. Look at the pelican!

The biggest evidence comes from two parts, the bones of birds has an almost identical structure to reptiles and the simple fact that feathers are actually scales ...
Allie is funny, thinking that only knowing one answer to everything is somehow knowing more than knowing a LOT of answers to many things.
"But scientists studying DNA from people all over the world, both living and long-dead, have established that all humans descended from a single woman who lived about 50,000 years ago, he said. Some put the date earlier.

In addition, he said, DNA establishes that all humans descended from a single man, who also lived about 50,000 years ago.

And, he said, biblical genealogy, taking into consideration gaps in the genealogies, also puts Adam and Eve about 50,000 years ago.

Evidence of human use of clothing, tools, art, complex language and spiritual expression begin to appear in the archeological record about 40,000 years ago, he said, about when they would be expected if the human race appeared 50,000 years ago.

The great irony, he said, is that this all got started by scientists recovering DNA from the very Neanderthal Man fossil that Charles Darwin used to launch his descent of man hypothesis.

"The very same fossil overturned his hypothesis," he said."
Tulsa World

It's interesting how religious writers find ways in which science supports finding allegorical Bible stories to be describing historical events, but science writer do not.
Here are some interesting findings by real scientists, the kind who start with facts and observations, then try to form hypotheses from that, rather than trying to look for facts to support pre conceived notions or someone's interpretation of ancient writings:

Remember the little icons of fish with legs and the word "Darwin" inside? Well, here's a real legged fish:

CLEVELAND - The enigmatic 375 million-year-old fossils of a fish in the midst of adapting to life on land are giving up more of their secrets.

Scientists first described the stubby aquatic predator they named Tiktaalik in 2006, focusing on the anatomical features that showed its front fins were on their way to becoming limbs, and were capable of lifting the animal in a kind of push-up out of the ancient muck.

And the debate about "macro" evolution? Here's an example of one type of creature beginning to change into quite a different one:

The skeletal similarities between some dinosaurs and modern birds have been noted by researchers since the nineteenth century. The discovery of Archaeopteryx in the 1860s was hailed as the "missing link" between reptiles and birds, giving rise to the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Since then it has been assumed that Archaeopteryx was "the first bird", having evolved from small bird-like dinosaurs. Over a century later new finds of "feathered" dinosaurs are complicating the issue.

Dinosaurs with feathered arms and tails that clearly did not fly may indicate that at least some types of theropod dinosaurs, rather than being the ancestors of birds, could just as likely be descended from birds (or at least flying dinosaurs) themselves. With the discovery of Cryptovolans, a basal dromaeosaur distantly related to Velociraptor, it seems that even some non-avian dinosaurs were capable of flight. The idea that some dinosaurs evolved from birds, the opposite of the "orthodox" theory, is not new. It was first proposed by Abel in 1911, and has since been revised by George Olshevsky. This theory would explain why the most bird-like of dinosaurs, the dromaeosaurs such as Velociraptor, all post-date Archaeopteryx. In 2002 Dr Gregory Paul published a book, called Dinosaurs of the Air, which is entirely devoted to this idea, and follows from his earlier and much sought after Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, published in 1988. Which ever theory is correct, and which ever group evolved from whom, it is becoming hard to deny that dinosaurs and birds are closely related.

Which came first, the bird or the dinosaur? It is an interesting question, isn't it? How about those feathered dinosaurs with the bird like characteristics, what were they really? It is a fascinating field of study.
No. God is, was and always will be. No beginning, no end. Infinite.

Not if Man was created in gods image. If that is the case then god is a life and life needs an intelligence to be created. You do understand what intelligent design is don't you? You cannot always be when your existence is predicated by another intelligent being.
Not if Man was created in gods image. If that is the case then god is a life and life needs an intelligence to be created. You do understand what intelligent design is don't you? You cannot always be when your existence is predicated by another intelligent being.

Don't bother, many like to deny all their circular logic because none of it makes sense and it only demonstrates how wrong the whole "god dunnit" argument is.
She has her own particular view of the history of the Baptists. Her branch thinks they've been in existence since John the Baptist.

that makes her part of a cult: the cult of John the Baptist.

all the signs are there...delusions of grandeur and importance. secret knowledge. etc...

the thing is they have to use mainstream Christianity's Bibles. Why? because the bibles they use were put together by the Vatican during one of their councils or something (shhhh, how I come to my knowledge of these things is a secret).

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