What with all this talk of homosexuality

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cslaughlin13 said:
Avatar: I will ask it again. How does a law that will allow two homosexuals to marry affect your life? In another thread, you did not give me an actual answer.

Actually I did. No man is alone. Everyone action effects everyone elses. Each of us has an effect on society just as each of us are effect by what others do in society.

To think that the actions of two people, particularly when those action involved the powers to procreate, effect absolutely no one else is incredibly naive and short sighted.
Kagom..Being gay is a vice to you because of your religious convictions. But our country doesn't cater (or isn't supposed to cater to) any special religious ideal.

Not necessarily, some who are not religious believe Homosexuality to be wrong as well, if for no other reason than practical, or just a natural visceral adversion to something that seems very unatural. And it is for that reason that the majority of people whether religious or not don't want homosexual "marriage" to be legal, and they vote for representatives that agree.
Avatar4321 said:
Actually I did. No man is alone. Everyone action effects everyone elses. Each of us has an effect on society just as each of us are effect by what others do in society.

To think that the actions of two people, particularly when those action involved the powers to procreate, effect absolutely no one else is incredibly naive and short sighted.
Agreed, whether aware of it or not, each of us is part of the civilization/culture in which we reside. There are serious reasons not to grant marriage priviledges to those that are other than a single male/female. The reasons are NOT limited to procreation.
Kathianne said:
Agreed, whether aware of it or not, each of us is part of the civilization/culture in which we reside. There are serious reasons not to grant marriage priviledges to those that are other than a single male/female. The reasons are NOT limited to procreation.

I think it goes "none of us live in a vacuum". Except aborted babies.
MissileMan said:
Again...you are assuming that there is a God. What is the point of searching for something that doesn't exist? Your truth is that there is a god. My truth is there is none. You are still in essence saying that you have to believe to believe.

Your example has a few bugs in it too. To have a more honest example, it wouldn't be two people, but billions. And then all but the last two have gone through the door never to be seen again. Do you still think it's a good idea to go exploring because some book says so?

ETA: And on top of that, the stack of books you have all claim there is something different at the end of the hallway. One claims a mansion, one claims a garden, one claims a forest full of game, one claims a great hall full of heroes, one claims there's absolutely nothing. Which one do you believe?

Actually you have that backwards. You are the one with the circular reasoning. You believe there is no God, so you dont bother searching to find out if thats true.

I on the other hand did not assume that there was a God. I assumed that if there was a God, it was possible to find out if He was real. Based on this I began experimenting on the Word. and have since learned that God exists. Not because I assumed He did, but I assumed that it was possible to find out.

I used a scientific method, you didnt bother doing anything. I am assuming that its possible to discover something. You are assuming that it isnt and that there is no point to try.

Havent you ever been interested why so many people say God is real? It isn't blind belief. Its personal experience.
Bonnie said:
Not necessarily, some who are not religious believe Homosexuality to be wrong as well, if for no other reason than practical, or just a natural visceral adversion to something that seems very unatural. And it is for that reason that the majority of people whether religious or not don't want homosexual "marriage" to be legal, and they vote for representatives that agree.

I was going to answer that very statement by kag also Bon. But you did a very good job of it and saved me the trouble.

Thanks pard.
Avatar4321 said:
Actually you have that backwards. You are the one with the circular reasoning. You believe there is no God, so you dont bother searching to find out if thats true.

Again, why would I search for something that doesn't exist? My assumption that there is no god and subsequent non-search is the same as your assumption that there is a god and living your life in a manner you believe your god wants.

Avatar4321 said:
I assumed that if there was a God, it was possible to find out if He was real.
This is a reasonable assumption, I'm glad it worked out for you. Now, can you prove it to me?

Avatar4321 said:
I used a scientific method,

Avatar4321 said:
you didnt bother doing anything.

Another assumption! You're really good at assuming.

Avatar4321 said:
Havent you ever been interested why so many people say God is real? It isn't blind belief. Its personal experience.
I'm sure there are a myriad of reasons why people believe in a god.
MissileMan said:
I'm sure there are a myriad of reasons why people believe in a god.

Does God exist? Should America allow “gay marriage"? Those are 2 separate questions. There are many books that “prove” that god does not exist. There are many books that “prove” that god exists. People have been discussing it and debating it for centuries. It is highly unlikely that man will ever come to an agreement. Thankfully, at least in America, one is not required to believe that God exists.

I thought that I’d chime in and answers Avatar’s question from my perspective. Some people have read apologetic books and, after having read those books, come to the conclusion that God exists. Some people read books and came to the opposite conclusion. Some people base their faith on nothing more that wishful thinking. Some believe that God exists because their fathers and mothers said that God exists (the bandwagon phenomenon). Some believe that God exists because they just “feel” that God exists. Some people claim to have had “religious” experiences. There are many reasons why people believe and reasons why people don’t believe.
avatar, and bonnie, and kathianne, I need a more concrete answer than "We all live in the same place...we are spiritually connected...it will affect something someway...in which I don't know...its really...really...bad and will spread AIDS to everyone..."
seriously, your answers are crappy. There is nothing to support your claims.
cslaughlin13 said:
avatar, and bonnie, and kathianne, I need a more concrete answer than "We all live in the same place...we are spiritually connected...it will affect something someway...in which I don't know...its really...really...bad and will spread AIDS to everyone..."
seriously, your answers are crappy. There is nothing to support your claims.
and you are a fuktard, why?
cslaughlin13 said:
avatar, and bonnie, and kathianne, I need a more concrete answer than "We all live in the same place...we are spiritually connected...it will affect something someway...in which I don't know...its really...really...bad and will spread AIDS to everyone..."
seriously, your answers are crappy. There is nothing to support your claims.

Actually many including myself have already stated practical reasons.. if you go back and read them you will see, and then you will still disagree with them as they won't be concrete to you no matter how sensical or persuasive.
Stephanie said:
I do believe we've been quite considerate, considering all the name's we're called day in and day out...

Let me tell you this...
I've been married ONCE(16 yrs), am divorced now, not looking to get married again.
It's not everything it's all glamorized about, anyway. :rotflmao:
You think I don't know marriage isn't what it's cracked up to be? My parents are divorced. My aunt has been remarried 4 times. My dad is still single. I know it's not as glamorized as it is made out to be.
Avatar4321 said:
See here is the problem. You seem to think that just because you think something is not a vice it isn't. Virtue and vices are constant. Simply because you recognize it or doesnt recognize it doesnt make it any less a virtue or a vice.

If I decided Racism was completely alright and lived my life as a racist, it wouldnt be any less a vice because I decided it wasn't. Moral relativity is a bunch of bosh.

As for how i know my beliefs are correct, I went to the source and asked God along with observing human nature.
Here's the thing. We know that a vice is something that is unhealthy and dangerous to a person's health or is in some way, shape, or form unethical/immoral. Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone. Here you can argue about diseases, etc. But those diseases are not strictly a dominant homosexual thing. It's seen in heterosexuals. As for the ethical/moral side of it, it is debatable by belief. There's even internal conflict among religious denominations on the subject. I believe it isn't a vice because it harms no one and I don't see it as unethical (obviously I would).

I went to the source many times (i.e. God). You know what? Sometimes you can't be sure. You dont' know if your God is the real God or not. YOu believe. You say you know, but that is unfounded because you dont' have definitive proof other than what you make out to be proof.
I'm sorry kathianne, but I don't consider
"Agreed, whether aware of it or not, each of us is part of the civilization/culture in which we reside. There are serious reasons not to grant marriage priviledges to those that are other than a single male/female. The reasons are NOT limited to procreation." -posted by Kathianne

"Actually I did. No man is alone. Everyone action effects everyone elses. Each of us has an effect on society just as each of us are effect by what others do in society.

To think that the actions of two people, particularly when those action involved the powers to procreate, effect absolutely no one else is incredibly naive and short sighted."-Posted by avatar

to be valid reasons.

So basically, you both are giving me just your opinion, and kathianne, especially for you to call me a "fucktard", you had better have some godamn good reasons in your answer to my question other than vague statements like "there are serious reasons not to grant marriage priveledges..." what are the fucking serious reasons? DO YOU HAVE PROOF!!!!???? neither you nor avatar have stated any facts, just your opinion which you think are facts, next time, why don't you give me a concrete answer other than "there are reasons". And chances are that when you can't actually back up your claims with facts, you resort to insulting others. Basically you lose!!!
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