What with all this talk of homosexuality

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Avatar4321 said:
To think that the actions of two people, particularly when those action involved the powers to procreate, effect absolutely no one else is incredibly naive and short sighted.

You live next to two gay men for 10 years. You have nothing to do with them. They have no effect on your life. A law is passed allowing them to marry. They marry. How has your life changed?
Kagom said:
Here's the thing. We know that a vice is something that is unhealthy and dangerous to a person's health or is in some way, shape, or form unethical/immoral. Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone.

Kag, kag, kag.... c'mon now son, we've been over, and over, and over this. You KNOW that the queer lifestyle is dangerous. There's VOLUMES upon VOLUMES of PROOF EVERYWHERE on the web. STOP LYING!


Dr Grump said:
You live next to two gay men for 10 years. You have nothing to do with them. They have no effect on your life. A law is passed allowing them to marry. They marry. How has your life changed?

You live next to a man and his dog for 10 years. You have nothing to do with them. They have no effect on your life. A law is passed allowing the man to marry his dog. They marry. How has you life changed?

One scenario is no more rediculous than the other.
Pale Rider said:
You live next to a man and his dog for 10 years. You have nothing to do with them. They have no effect on your life. A law is passed allowing the man to marry his dog. They marry. How has you life changed?

One scenario is no more rediculous than the other.

Dogs are now sentinent human beings? How, er, interesting... ;)
Dr Grump said:
Dogs are now sentinent human beings? How, er, interesting... ;)

Nice deflection of the issue, which makes it look as though you have no counter.

The point was, men shouldn't marry men, as well as they shouldn't marry dogs.
Pale Rider said:
Nice deflection of the issue, which makes it look as though you have no counter.

The point was, men shouldn't marry men, as well as they shouldn't marry dogs.

I'm not sure even women are safe. :fifty:
Pale Rider said:
Nice deflection of the issue, which makes it look as though you have no counter.

The point was, men shouldn't marry men, as well as they shouldn't marry dogs.

No dodge. You are comparing apples and oranges. What happens between two consenting adults is none of your business and long as it does not affect you. Thing is, you may not realise that I find the idea of homosexual sex barfable. But it ain't none of my business. What i find interesting is that generally you want govt and everybody else out of your busines, yet as soon as a subject that comes up that is none of your business, you want a say in it...ironic eh?
mattskramer said:
Does God exist? Should America allow “gay marriage"? Those are 2 separate questions. There are many books that “prove” that god does not exist. There are many books that “prove” that god exists. People have been discussing it and debating it for centuries. It is highly unlikely that man will ever come to an agreement. Thankfully, at least in America, one is not required to believe that God exists.

I thought that I’d chime in and answers Avatar’s question from my perspective. Some people have read apologetic books and, after having read those books, come to the conclusion that God exists. Some people read books and came to the opposite conclusion. Some people base their faith on nothing more that wishful thinking. Some believe that God exists because their fathers and mothers said that God exists (the bandwagon phenomenon). Some believe that God exists because they just “feel” that God exists. Some people claim to have had “religious” experiences. There are many reasons why people believe and reasons why people don’t believe.

if i say god exists god exists.....what you say matters not to my beliefs

if i say gay marriage is wrong.....what you say matters not to my opinion
Dr Grump said:
No dodge. You are comparing apples and oranges. What happens between two consenting adults is none of your business and long as it does not affect you. Thing is, you may not realise that I find the idea of homosexual sex barfable. But it ain't none of my business. What i find interesting is that generally you want govt and everybody else out of your busines, yet as soon as a subject that comes up that is none of your business, you want a say in it...ironic eh?

No no no grump----the gays WANT government in their business. They want to be sanctioned BY THE GOVT.
dilloduck said:
No no no grump----the gays WANT government in their business. They want to be sanctioned BY THE GOVT.

uh-uh Dillo, all they want is the right to marry like you and I do. Avatar's "they can marry women too" is such a ridiculous argument it is laughable...it's like saying only the colour red may be used in colouring books...and you know what "don't bitch to me about the colour blue because you have the same rights as me! You can use red, too!!" Brilliant, brilliant logic... :rolleyes:
Dr Grump said:
No dodge. You are comparing apples and oranges. What happens between two consenting adults is none of your business and long as it does not affect you. Thing is, you may not realise that I find the idea of homosexual sex barfable. But it ain't none of my business. What i find interesting is that generally you want govt and everybody else out of your busines, yet as soon as a subject that comes up that is none of your business, you want a say in it...ironic eh?

Disagree. He's comparing sticking it in the worng thing to sticking it in the wrong thing.
Dr Grump said:
uh-uh Dillo, all they want is the right to marry like you and I do. Avatar's "they can marry women too" is such a ridiculous argument it is laughable...it's like saying only the colour red may be used in colouring books...and you know what "don't bitch to me about the colour blue because you have the same rights as me! You can use red, too!!" Brilliant, brilliant logic... :rolleyes:

The argument is not ridiculous unless you can show me where heterosexuals have a right to marry "who they love" while homosexuals do not. You can't, and THAT is their argument, and it is a bogus one.
GunnyL said:
The argument is not ridiculous unless you can show me where heterosexuals have a right to marry "who they love" while homosexuals do not. You can't, and THAT is their argument, and it is a bogus one.

Hetros can marry any woman they like. Why you care if a homo marries another homo is beyond me. I just don't see how it affects your life one iota. Anyway, I've done enough ranting on this subject to last me a lifetime. This asshat has to take his kids to swimming lessons...

take it easy...
Dr Grump said:
Hetros can marry any woman they like. Why you care if a homo marries another homo is beyond me. I just don't see how it affects your life one iota. Anyway, I've done enough ranting on this subject to last me a lifetime. This asshat has to take his kids to swimming lessons...

take it easy...

Your argument is dishonest. The affect of homsexuality on society is quite obvious. First, they quietly came out of the closet. Then they started making small demands. Now, they want complete legitimacy for what is at the crux of the entire argument ... aberrant behavior.

It affects my life when a dishonest agenda is forcing something unnatural and obscene onto my children as being as legitimate as heterosexuality. Common sense and logic are being thrown out the window for yet another episode of the left attempting to force by law what they cannot gain by popular support ... the tyranny of the minority.
GunnyL said:
Your argument is dishonest. The affect of homsexuality on society is quite obvious. First, they quietly came out of the closet. Then they started making small demands. Now, they want complete legitimacy for what is at the crux of the entire argument ... aberrant behavior.

It affects my life when a dishonest agenda is forcing something unnatural and obscene onto my children as being as legitimate as heterosexuality. Common sense and logic are being thrown out the window for yet another episode of the left attempting to force by law what they cannot gain by popular support ... the tyranny of the minority.

Dr Grump said:
No dodge. You are comparing apples and oranges. What happens between two consenting adults is none of your business and long as it does not affect you. Thing is, you may not realise that I find the idea of homosexual sex barfable. But it ain't none of my business. What i find interesting is that generally you want govt and everybody else out of your busines, yet as soon as a subject that comes up that is none of your business, you want a say in it...ironic eh?

If someone breaks into your house tonight, robs you, rapes your wife, then kills you and your family, THAT won't "directly" affect me either. But it's WRONG.

Two men, two women, marrying is WRONG. What the fuck about that don't you understand? And you say you're not a liberal??!! Bullshit. It's people with no back bone that just look the other way and pretend it doesn't happen like you that are the problem nowadays. Unable to make decisions. Unable to take a stand. Just let all the sick shit keep happening, "because it doesn't affect me". That's a load of fucking crap. That's the character of a quiter, a scardey cat, a heathen liberal.

The one thing I'm thankful for is that YOU are the MINORITY by an EXTREME AMOUNT! You and all your pussy attitudes toward moral decay. Thank God the vast majority have higher morals than you, and are willing to stand up and say so, and DO something about it.

Why don't you pinch yourself grunt. Make sure you're still alive, 'cause your fortitude is dead.
cslaughlin13 said:
avatar, and bonnie, and kathianne, I need a more concrete answer than "We all live in the same place...we are spiritually connected...it will affect something someway...in which I don't know...its really...really...bad and will spread AIDS to everyone..."
seriously, your answers are crappy. There is nothing to support your claims.

And why should I care that you want to reject perfectly rational and satisfactory explanations simply because you dont like them?

Why stop being so damn selfish and think about others rather than your own physical appetites for a change.
Dr Grump said:
You live next to two gay men for 10 years. You have nothing to do with them. They have no effect on your life. A law is passed allowing them to marry. They marry. How has your life changed?

Look at TV from about 50 years ago and look at it today and tell me how has moral deprivaty changed society.

And what planet do you live on where you dont know your neighbor?
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