What would it cost for cortez


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.
The idea of free, free, free is a ridiculous one for sure, but free comes with a price, and that's what people can't seem to get through their empty skulls today.

Giving people power in exchange for free this and free that is a very dangerous political game that is being played. People have no idea what that free ends up costing them and their families in the end.

The loading this country up with free loaders is by design, and the brainwashing of our youth to except all what is going on is also by design. Trump is figured to have thrown a monkey wrench into the plans of the socialist/no borders globalist, and this is why they hate him so.

People are being used badly, and they don't even realize it. Closing the borders to the globalist has been a huge threat to their world domination plan in which seeks to wipe away cultures, and attempts to tie everyone together economically.

If we are to truly keep our American identity and cultures, then we are in for the fight of our lives. First we must identify the threats from within, and we must reform our citizenry's thinking about what this nation is supposed to be about, and to consider it's long time struggle's, and to study it's history.
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.
/----/ AOC is way ahead of you. She is working on a plan to plant 25 acres of money trees to be used exclusively for her agenda.
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.
/----/ AOC is way ahead of you. She is working on a plan to plant 25 acres of money trees to be used exclusively for her agenda.
Yep, and that's why they have to take back the power they lost, because they have to get the government to plant those tree's in the minds of the weak minded (fertile ground), and to then begin the trimming and prunning of the branches until achieve desired results.
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.

It's only a great plan for the greedy corrupt Democrats politicians and their donors.
This stuff is how Democrat Politicians become multi-millionaires while "serving the public".
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.


No, I thought not.
You have to be completely crazy to believe that any of those proposals would work. The costs are so high as to be unobtainable.
The changes needed to our healthcare system alone would make people wish for better. There would be far less improvements in treatments and less newer drugs. Private and semi private rooms would be a thing of the past. Wait times to see a specialist would be a month or more. Non life threatening surgery would be a year wait. Not to mention medical care would be sub par or just acceptable.

Take 4.2 Trillion divide by 10 and you get 4 Trillion and change a year. The federal taxes only brought in 3.2 Trillion in 2016. Everyone's taxes would have to triple just to pay for it and what we already pay for. We would most likely still run a deficit.
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.


No, I thought not.
I don't know what all are included in her estimates or where she got them from but here is a link just to the proposed Medicare for all.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.


No, I thought not.
I don't know what all are included in her estimates or where she got them from but here is a link just to the proposed Medicare for all.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Actually I'm asking the OP. It's HIS point, let HIM defend it. Without such defense all he has is trolling.

But why are you asking me if I'm a robot?
Yes the new socialist democrats plans for america are estimated to cost 42 trillion over 10 years
Basically you taxes would have to double or triple.
How many here think thats a good plan.


No, I thought not.
/----/ While your Google is in the shop for repair, I'm happy to research for you. No need to thank me, I'm here to help.
Report: Democratic Socialism Would Cost $42 Trillion Over 10 Years

Once AGAIN the question was not "DO LINKS EXIST". The question is specific to the OP to back up what he was thinking.

Not what somebody else is thinking white-knighting on his behalf -------------- what *HE* was thinking.

You'll notice he ran away. Which is exactly what I expected, and got.

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