What Would It Take?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
What would it take to prove a God?

What would it take to prove The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran?

I find the possibility of a God intriguing and I'm not certain that I don't believe that one exists. Either way, I'm convinced that if God is, She's way bigger than all of the ancient stories.

Proving The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran would require a sign for me.

Like video of a pillar of fire blocking a gay wedding. :thup:


Do you know how, when you have a conversation with God, and you're sure it's God, you can be sure that you're talking to God?

If another person is involved, unless the God in question proves Himself and His messenger, you kind of have to take their word for it.

The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, has, according to The Stories, apparently provided proofs to humanity before, like pillars of fire thwarting an evil king. I say that it's not unreasonable for us to ask for proof when a mere man, even an ancient man like Abraham, is seeking to establish the fact of a Divine Presence.

What does it take to prove a Divine Presence being described by another person to you?

I'm still looking for pillars of fire at a gay wedding or an abortion clinic! :thup:
And His Three Ancient Story Books.

Rose, meet Petunia... Petunia, Rose.
What is "real"?

How do you define "real"?

The placebo effect is a proven science.

Imagine, then, if Gods are not "real", what placebo effect powers one can still have if they truly believe in a God or Gods/ Goddesses.

And aside from placebo effect powers, think of the inspiration, the motivation, one can find through their Gods. How mere belief, even in something that is not "real", can strengthen one, influence them, and affect not only themselves, but others.

How mere belief

Can give one an advantage

In Life
I saw the proof today...............In the sky.............the trees and birds...........and whatever...................

Because I believe in an existence better than all the half empty glass people on the earth...................

I'd rather see it as half full.

To those who don't believe there is no amount of words I can say to change their opinion. The same in return to them saying there isn't a god.
What would it take to prove a God?

What would it take to prove The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran?

I find the possibility of a God intriguing and I'm not certain that I don't believe that one exists. Either way, I'm convinced that if God is, She's way bigger than all of the ancient stories.

Proving The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran would require a sign for me.

Like video of a pillar of fire blocking a gay wedding. :thup:


These also required a sign:

Mat_16:1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
Mat_16:4A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
the Lord proves Himself all the time. Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened.

those aren't just idle words. They are the key to the mysteries of God
What would it take to prove a God?

What would it take to prove The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran?

I find the possibility of a God intriguing and I'm not certain that I don't believe that one exists. Either way, I'm convinced that if God is, She's way bigger than all of the ancient stories.

Proving The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran would require a sign for me.

Like video of a pillar of fire blocking a gay wedding. :thup:


God use to talk to people all the time. But doesn't anymore, why doesn't god talk to me? Is it because I've educated myself beyond Bill O'Reilly and know that my inner monologue isn't the voice of god?

I think if god just said, "Dude, wake up, I'm real" I'd go back to my solid Christian ways. I wouldn't rely on Faith like I use to be rely on fact like I could.

I want to be a good Christian but the people who represent Christianity today seem to be in opposite land.
No one can prove god exists. No one can prove god doesn't exist. And it doesn't matter what GOD we are discussing. There have been over 2,500 gods/deities named. And EVERY religion is for sure they are the only god.
“What would it take to prove a God?”


One can't 'prove' the existence of something that in fact does not exist as perceived by theists.
the Lord proves Himself all the time. Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened.

those aren't just idle words. They are the key to the mysteries of God

"God" I understand.

It's THE God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran that I believe requires something beyond The Books for proof.

When someone else is involved in your relationship with God, even someone who wrote or inspired an ancient story, God Himself should be the one to let us know that He's on board with both the books, and the modern self-proclaimed spokespersons. Miraculous events remain the only acceptable proof of a God being promoted by another.
I can answer that one!!

Define GOD in a provable manner!!


Step one in any productive religious conversation is to name the god under discussion.

Of course, defining God in a "provable manner" goes WAY beyond defining a God by name.
“What would it take to prove a God?”


One can't 'prove' the existence of something that in fact does not exist as perceived by theists.

Hypothetically, Bro'.

What would it take to prove the existence of The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran to YOU?

For me, a modern repeat of Biblical Miracles is the only acceptable proof because you're absolutely correct - no mere Monkey can prove God to another Monkey, responsibility for that lay solely in the hands of God.
You know

Some of you have a preconceived notion of what God is.
If that is the case, then you already have an idea of which definition of God you will use.

Normally, this definition is either is or the one derived from the Judaic God, the god of Abraham(Yahweh). We don't really need to talk about the God of Christianity or Or Islam since they all purport that the God of Abraham is their God.

Understand, the "Father" in Christianity is equated to the Judaic God in the gospels. What is left for christians to do is to establish that this god had a son that did all the things said in the gospels. There is also the case of some denominatons where Jesus is equated to god, the Holy Spirit is equated to God and,or the Word of God is equated to God. This means that proving the God in Christianity requires a bit more work than just establishing the Judaic god.

Likewise for Islam, Allah is equated to the God of Abraham. Also, Islam also purports that there was a Jesus(which they do not equate to god. More like Jesus was a prophet) and the last prophet of this God is Mohammed. Given how Islam is set up, it is not necessary to prove christianity in full(doing so actually undermine their case) but yet their work in establishing the Judaic God is still necessary. Also, they have a little more work since they have to establish the claims of who were the prophets and there actions as well.

Note: The work to establish the Islamic God should be easier than trying to establish the Christian god due to the fact that they only have to establish divinity ONE time. The Christans have to establish divinity in several seemingly unique entities and still try to maintain Monotheism.

This is just some of the things to think about when you talk about proving there is/is not a God and so forth when we talk abut God in a western religion. If you do not clarify, it is best to assume you are talking about the Judaic God only. You stilll have to establish the validity of the God in another religions, and claims there of, before you can claim that god, as described in that religion, is true.

By the way, What I mean by a "western religion" is it is a religion that purports that their God is equated to the Judaic God. The above mentioned religions are not all the western religions. Also, religions such as Scientology, is not considered western by this definition despite being started in the west. However, Mormonism is even if you object to it being labeled "Christianity".
the Lord proves Himself all the time. Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened.

those aren't just idle words. They are the key to the mysteries of God
So when I ask your god to show itself to me, why doesn't it? :dunno:
I asked and received squat!

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