What Would Jesus Do......

He would do as the Superior Authorites ordered him to do. Enforce the law and punish violaters. Respect boundaries.

Rom 13;17….let every soul be in subjection to superior authorities.
Titus 3;1..be obedient to government and authorities as rulers.
Luke 2;1-5…a decree went forth from Caesar for all the inhabited earth to be registered…
Acts 24;16…I am exercising myself continually …of committing no offense to GOD and men. (they are breaking our laws and GOD’s laws.)
Rom 13;2-4…”he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of GOD…those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment..if you are doing what is bad, be in fear.
Christians who subject themselves to proper authority of political government receive benefits….Rom 13;3,4….1Pet 2;12-14.

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Does God Punish?
However much one dislikes the idea, divine punishment has plenty of Scriptural backing, it is firmly established in church tradition and, rightly or wrongly, human beings have a tendency to assume that all wrongdoings are punished sometime and somehow. If any of these conventional beliefs are fallacious then it cannot be right to perpetuate them
Does God Punish?
A Pastoral Letter from the House of Bishops
Phoenix, Arizona, September 21, 2010

There shall be for you and the resident alien a single statute, a perpetual statute throughout your generations; you and the alien shall be alike before the Lord. You and the alien who resides with you shall have the same law and the same ordinance (Numbers 15:15-16).

So [Christ] came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:17-19).

Episcopal News Service - NEWS


Boundaries (borders) Boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason. Gen 4;10,11....3;23,24... Gen 15;18-21. Ex 23;31..... To Abraham and his seed God promised a certain land with definitely stated boundaries. Gen 15;13-16.....would enforce an eviction decree when “the error of the Amorites” came to its completion. Deut 2;4,5,18,19....Jehovah God also decreed that the Israelites would not encrouch on the boundaries of the nations of Edom, .... Deut 32;8....when the Most High gave the nations an inheritance, when he parted the sons of Adam from one another, he proceeded to fix the boundary of the people with regard for the number of the sons of Israel.” Eph 2;12-16....Under penalty of death, Gentiles were prohibited beyond that boundary, such wall serving the apostle as an apt illustration of the division created by the Law covenant. Isa 54;l14,15...60;18..Co 3;16,17.

TAXESBoth Jesus and the apostle Paul showed that I was proper to pay taxes to “Caesar”or the Superior Authorities. Matt 22;17-21.

Originally posted by Big Black Dog
He would most likely strike down dead anyone who tried to sneak in illegally.

The hell he would!!!!

He would notice a striking similarity between the occupiers of his homeland (Romans) and the occupiers of nothern Mexico (anglos).

Render unto America the things which are America’s,
and unto Mexico the things that are Mexico's.

Jesus would love them and big Mo (mohammed) would kill them and conquer their land for Allah. Any other questions?
Sometimes I wonder what's behind Bullfighter's threads. Just normal trolling or mental disease?

Maybe both... :D
Depends on what you believe Jesus would do... I'm not religious but it seems most people agree God does not allow everyone in heaven, so it sounds like he has a boarder that he enforces. Of course, I wouldn't pretend to know what God would or would not do.
José;3229425 said:

Render unto America the things which are America’s,
and unto Mexico the things that are Mexico's.


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
From Wikipedia,

Cover of the exchange copy of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.The. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo in Spanish) is the peace treaty, largely dictated by the United States[1][2] to the interim government of a militarily occupied Mexico City, that ended the Mexican-American War (1846 – 48). With the defeat of its army and the fall of the capital, Mexico in September 1847 the Mexican government surrendered to the United States and entered into negotiations to end the war. The peace talks were negotiated by Nicholas Trist, chief clerk of the State Department, who had accompanied General Winfield Scott as a diplomat and President Polk's representative. Trist and General Scott, after two previous unsuccessful attempts to negotiate a treaty with Santa Anna, determined that the only way to deal with Mexico was as a conquered enemy. Nicholas Trist negotiated with a special commission representing the collapsed government led by Don Bernardo Couto, Don Miguel Atristain, and Don Luis Gonzaga Cuevas of Mexico.[3]

Under the terms of the treaty negotiated by Trist, Mexico ceded to the United States Upper California and New Mexico. This was known as the Mexican Cession and included present-day Arizona and New Mexico and parts of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado (see Article V of the treaty). Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as the southern boundary with the United States (see Article V).

The treaty provided for the Mexican Cession of 1.36 million km² (525,000 square miles) to the United States in exchange for 15 million dollars (equivalent to $380 million today).[4] From the viewpoint of some[who?] in Mexico, this Treaty also ceded an additional 1,007,935 km² (389,166 square miles), since Mexico had never officially recognized either the independence of the Republic of Texas (1836) or its annexation by the United States (1845), and under this calculation, Mexico lost about 55% of its prewar territory.[5]

The Treaty also ensured safety of existing property rights of Mexican citizens living in the transferred territories. Despite assurances to the contrary, the property rights of Mexican citizens were often not honored by the U.S. in accordance with modifications to and interpretations of the Treaty.[6][7][8] The U.S. also agreed to take over 3.25 million dollars (equivalent to $82.2 million today) in debts that Mexico owed to American citizens.

This is what is known as KICK ASS TACTICS.

In 1846 what we bought from Mexico was barren wasteland.
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Depends on what you believe Jesus would do... I'm not religious but it seems most people agree God does not allow everyone in heaven, so it sounds like he has a boarder that he enforces. Of course, I wouldn't pretend to know what God would or would not do.

There must be borders separating heaven from hell and he enforce those laws and bet my life no one gets into heaven illegally.
I do not recall the bible actually talking about Jesus doing any work.

He preached, he healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the hungry. He was a minister, a doctor, and the government. Sound like work to me. He also was a carpenter
Matthew 13:55 refers to Jesus as the carpenter's son.
Mark 6:3 refers to him as the carpenter
I do not recall the bible actually talking about Jesus doing any work.

He preached, he healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the hungry. He was a minister, a doctor, and the government. Sound like work to me. He also was a carpenter
Matthew 13:55 refers to Jesus as the carpenter's son.
Mark 6:3 refers to him as the carpenter

Actually the word used translates to Handyman according to scholors I have spoken with at the siminary in Wilmore, KY.

And yes he was a handymans son, but it never talks of anything whwew he did physical work. He grew up in the temple it seems.
One of those liberal academia types?
What would Jesus do about drug running illegal immigrants who break the law? Be careful what you wish for. The penalties for breaking the law 2,000 years ago were a little more stringent than they are today.

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