What would 'Palestine' be like today if the Jews never came back?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
I would like an honest answer about this from Team Palestine about this.

I ask in light of this thread:

Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Dysfunction | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

this thread:

The Muslim claim to Jerusalem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And the article in above thread (which penelope provided from another thread here):

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem :: Daniel Pipes

I could go on, but I really want to hear from Team Palestine about this question.

In light of how the rest of the Middle East is going and the history of how Islam cared about Israel ('Palestine') before the Jews decided to return; tell me honestly what 'Palestine' would be like today.
Daniel Pipes. Ugh.

What is "Team Palestine"?
What is "Team Israel"? Since you just used that moniker . . . :confused-84:

Not exactly sure. I used it in response to "Team Palestine" in the post I was responding to.

Presumably everyone here must be on one team or the other. That is the inference I'm getting.

What do you mean by it?
I would like an honest answer about this from Team Palestine about this.

I ask in light of this thread:

Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Dysfunction | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

this thread:

The Muslim claim to Jerusalem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And the article in above thread (which penelope provided from another thread here):

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem :: Daniel Pipes

I could go on, but I really want to hear from Team Palestine about this question.

In light of how the rest of the Middle East is going and the history of how Islam cared about Israel ('Palestine') before the Jews decided to return; tell me honestly what 'Palestine' would be like today.

Please disregard the first article as it appears to be bias (the Daniel Pipes one) , instead refer to this one
@Coyote :

"Team Palestine" is a moniker that @Daniyel came up with very recently. I used to say the 'pro-Pali' folks. You very recently replied in another thread with the moniker "Team Israel", here:

Hamas "We killed the Israeli teens" | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

but I guess you as a mod have a very short memory with all the duties you have. So what do you mean by it?

I'll say this much, and it is sad that we are on different "teams", however, those on "Team Palestine" seem to be very good at derailing threads, or deflecting from the original question in the OP of the thread or at the very end, (now this applies to both "teams") name calling.

You, in this thread have shown me once and for all that your are on "Team Palestine" insomuch as you have very artfully performed the former two actions in my last sentence, though I have never seen you do the latter.

So now that I have explained all that for you (including reminding you of your reference to the two "Teams") and indulged you with your derailment and deflection of the original question of this thread.

What is your answer?
If the Jews had never come back, Palestine would be another Paradise, much like Shangri La.
@Coyote :

"Team Palestine" is a moniker that @Daniyel came up with very recently. I used to say the 'pro-Pali' folks. You very recently replied in another thread with the moniker "Team Israel", here:

Hamas "We killed the Israeli teens" | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

but I guess you as a mod have a very short memory with all the duties you have. So what do you mean by it?

I just told you Teddi, or did you miss it? It was in direct response to Daniyel's use of the term "Team Palestine". I thought that was pretty clear?

I'll say this much, and it is sad that we are on different "teams", however, those on "Team Palestine" seem to be very good at derailing threads, or deflecting from the original question in the OP of the thread or at the very end, (now this applies to both "teams") name calling.

It is sad we appear to be on "different teams" though as I recall you used to claim to be coming here with an "open mind". I find both teams quite good at derailing when it suits them, don't you?

You, in this thread have shown me once and for all that your are on "Team Palestine" insomuch as you have very artfully performed the former two actions in my last sentence, though I have never seen you do the latter.

There is no once and for all about it, and what team I am on depends on the situation being discussed. It is exactly that kind of forced dichotomy - your must be one or the other NO MATTER WHAT that makes me such a crank-ass. I think the Palestinians have a right to a homeland and state and a just solution. I think Israel is no angel in this either and there are real inequities in it's system in the way justice and rights are granted to the people under it's control. Likewise, I feel Israel has every right to protect it's people from Hamas rocket attacks, and a right to exist. Hamas has done no favors for it's people but unlike the current propaganda drival that is currenty intent on demonizing it - I think the PLO is a lot better than Hamas. So which team am I on? Probably Palestinian. But it's a false and forced dichotomy that is runs through every debate.

So now that I have explained all that for you (including reminding you of your reference to the two "Teams") and indulged you with your derailment and deflection of the original question of this thread.

You've explained nothing.

What is your answer?

The answer is there is no way of knowing and anyone who pretends otherwise is lying.

What would Palestine be like if there had been NO CONFLICT? What kind of country would it be? Would the factions be as intractable as they are now? What could have developed without all the wars and poltical maneuverings? No one knows. It's an empty question.
Based on history, the Muslims would have been murdering non-Muslims until the French kicked their asses again.
But, who really cares about history anyway.
Based on history, the Muslims would have been murdering non-Muslims until the French kicked their asses again.
But, who really cares about history anyway.

There have been MANY arguments on this board regarding
THE FUTURE ----which have been based on EXTRAPOLATIONS -----of the situation at a given time and
NATURAL PROGRESSION thereof. The situation of the area now being called "Palestine " was documented -----more or less thruout its history.
The EXTRAPOLATORS have a good opportunity to EXTRAPOLATE. Palestine as a place without jews is an
interesting exercise------just choose a date from which to EXTRAPOLATE..... check the conditions of the time---and note historic trends There are several places in North Africa that were once part of the OTTOMAN empire----that have no jews----or so few that they had no impact. -----"Palestine without jews" would logically be something like them, -----depending on oil ---of course. Palestine
does not have oil to speak of------so it would not have turned into Kuwait
Siege of Jerusalem (637) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting link there Penelope.

In answer to the thread title, presuming no other massive US interference in the region (not necessarily realistic) Britain would have not had the issues with Zionist terrorism, so would have been much more successful in bringing the Palestinians to a state of education and competency to run a British style ex-colonial system.

Due to the interruption of WWII it is likely that Britain would, seeing good progress, have accepted the request from the UN to extend its mission to continue to administer the region for some more years. I would think maybe 5, plus 10 more in a supportive role, and providing military security to its borders.

Of course Palestine would develop its own version of parliamentary rule, and have some similarities with India, as well as with Britain. Being small though, it would be able to move faster in education, commerce and development. The gas reserves would probably have been discovered earlier too.

Such a state, on the Med with British supporting security would likely have been commercially and diplomatically influential in the region. The tribal conflicts about it would still fester, but the bloodshed would be more proportionate to how much modern armaments were pushed into the region. As now.

It would likely have a stabilising effect on Lebanon and Jordan.

As to whether we would have had Saddam, the two (three) Iraq wars, the Iran / Iraq wars, well, again that comes down to how much other US / UK / French mischief would be going on in this alternate universe.
So basically, the US and Great Britain are at fault for everything bad in the Middle East.
Uh huh.
It's very hard to tell what Palestine would have been like with no Jewish invasion.
I know a lot less people would be dead.
So basically, the US and Great Britain are at fault for everything bad in the Middle East.
Uh huh.

A lot of it, yes.
Without that interference, there would likely be far fewer problems than there are today.
I would like an honest answer about this from Team Palestine about this.

I ask in light of this thread:

Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Dysfunction | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

this thread:

The Muslim claim to Jerusalem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And the article in above thread (which penelope provided from another thread here):

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem :: Daniel Pipes

I could go on, but I really want to hear from Team Palestine about this question.

In light of how the rest of the Middle East is going and the history of how Islam cared about Israel ('Palestine') before the Jews decided to return; tell me honestly what 'Palestine' would be like today.

Not sure about how Palestine would be but surely America would be in a much better financial condition having not dumped billions upon billions upon billions of dollars into that Zionistic sh*t hole so named as Israel. Just think . . . if we hadn't dumped this amount of money to make a foreigner's desert bloom <guffaw>, perhaps we could even afford health insurance for all of our citizens just like 'Issheforreal' has <snicker>.
And no need for so much oil, and thus a dirt poor Middle East filled with hateful savages.
But we have that anyway, don't we?
I would like an honest answer about this from Team Palestine about this.

I ask in light of this thread:

Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Dysfunction | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

this thread:

The Muslim claim to Jerusalem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And the article in above thread (which penelope provided from another thread here):

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem :: Daniel Pipes

I could go on, but I really want to hear from Team Palestine about this question.

In light of how the rest of the Middle East is going and the history of how Islam cared about Israel ('Palestine') before the Jews decided to return; tell me honestly what 'Palestine' would be like today.
I wonder what the world would be like if you'd just shut your fuckin' mouth?

I'll tell you what it would be like, Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs would get together for community dinners and play Trivial Pursuit.

No major incidents of violence have been recorded before the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century. Then you fuckers show up acting like the major assholes that you are and all hell breaks loose.

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