What you must believe to think Biden is innocent.

The POTUS has the final say on foreign policy. Are you ignoring the EU and the IMF threat to pull their 18 billion in loan guarantees which was also riding on cleaning up corruption. They even had a few Republicans on board.

They are not impeaching him yet. That does take a full vote.

What? No Subpennie Power for the Oversight Committee? (or others) The hell you say!

Never happened. That’s a lie. But nice try.
So three people is “everyone”. No.
It’s everyone we have on record. Do you have anyone saying he wasn’t useless? Other than Shokin of course. Maybe you have an interview from his mom saying he’s a good dude?
Why would he lie? What does he get out of it? 🤷‍♂️
Asked and answered. It’s trolling to ask the same question repeatedly and ignore the answer.
Never happened. That’s a lie. But nice try.
I stand corrected. It was closer to 40 billion

Daria Kaleniuk, the co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, credited Biden, the International Monetary Fund — which threatened to delay $40 billion in aid for similar reasons — and others with the prosecutor's removal.

"Civil society organizations in Ukraine were pressing for his resignation," Kaleniuk said, "but no one would have cared if there had not been voices from outside this country calling on him to go."

After Shokin left the Prosecutor General's Office, Jan Tombinski, the ambassador from the European Union to Ukraine, called it "an opportunity to make a fresh start."

"I hope," Tombinski said, "that the new Prosecutor General will ensure that the Office of the Prosecutor General becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust."
started with "There is a mountain of credible evidence, moron."

So why would one need bank records, if the records they already have contain 'mountains' of evidence?

Are shell LLC's illegal?
Cool story.

Doesn't change the fact you claimed the bank records show nothing, Simp.
It’s everyone we have on record. Do you have anyone saying he wasn’t useless? Other than Shokin of course. Maybe you have an interview from his mom saying he’s a good dude?

Asked and answered. It’s trolling to ask the same question repeatedly and ignore the answer.
You said “idk”

Exactly. He would not lie. He came off as credible to me. Maybe you should listen and see what you think. 🤷‍♂️
I stand corrected. It was closer to 40 billion

Daria Kaleniuk, the co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, credited Biden, the International Monetary Fund — which threatened to delay $40 billion in aid for similar reasons — and others with the prosecutor's removal.

"Civil society organizations in Ukraine were pressing for his resignation," Kaleniuk said, "but no one would have cared if there had not been voices from outside this country calling on him to go."

After Shokin left the Prosecutor General's Office, Jan Tombinski, the ambassador from the European Union to Ukraine, called it "an opportunity to make a fresh start."

"I hope," Tombinski said, "that the new Prosecutor General will ensure that the Office of the Prosecutor General becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust."
I listened to him. He came off as credible and honest. You do you.
That's the best you have, a faked Russian email from the faked laptop?

You're more corrupt and desperate than anyone imagined.
The FBI said the laptop is real, moron. How would an email from Hunter's personal email account found on his real laptop be "fake?"

You're a fucking idiot. It takes a high degree of stupidity to claim there is no evidence.
The guy lays everything out in the article, but here is his synopsis at the end. Unfortunately, the liberal board members believe all this.

Que the "where is the evidence' crowd...........

In order to believe that Biden is innocent of taking bribes for favorable foreign policy decisions, we must ignore his own words, his son’s text messages and emails, all the “spontaneous” meetings, all the whistleblowers and witnesses, and the need for more than 20 shell companies to launder and distribute loot among family members who have no demonstrable skills. Finally, we must believe that $20 million — and probably much more — has been lavished on all of these people except the only one possessed of the power to make it rain.

$20 million? Spread out over years and multiple people?

That's chicken feed. Ridiculous to think that's bribery money. It's insulting at those amounts.
$20 million? Spread out over years and multiple people?

That's chicken feed. Ridiculous to think that's bribery money. It's insulting at those amounts.
It's more like $50 million, but they have hard proof of $20 million.

"Chicken feed" compared to what?
The POTUS has the final say on foreign policy. Are you ignoring the EU and the IMF threat to pull their 18 billion in loan guarantees which was also riding on cleaning up corruption. They even had a few Republicans on board.

They are not impeaching him yet. That does take a full vote.

What? No Subpennie Power for the Oversight Committee? (or others) The hell you say!

There not going to impeach him. Starting the process will get them his bank records and they can show the American people. They already said it will prove Biden took bribes. No need to impeach him after that, he goes to jail.
$20 million? Spread out over years and multiple people?

That's chicken feed. Ridiculous to think that's bribery money. It's insulting at those amounts.
So, $5 million at a time doesn't qualify for bribery? Got a link to a statute that says that?
I don’t have to take Joe at his word since I have numerous other people who corroborate his account.

Shokin has no one.

It’s not hard to figure out what Shokin gets out of this. For starters, his reputation is being dragged through the mud so he may make this claim just for that reason. But there’s a lot of other fishy business here too. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Dimitry Firtash but he’s a real piece of shit who has been sniffing around and getting involved with people in Trump’s circle, such as Giuliani. The first time Shokin made this claim was in a deposition for Firtash’s trial to extradite him to the US to stand trial for corruption. Firtash is also highly connected to corrupt Russians, and we know Russia was pumping this narrative against Joe Biden in the 2020 election. So what does he have to gain? I don’t know. He could be getting paid by Russians to help Trump with this story.

I doubt you ever heard of any of this.
Firtash lawyers are Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova, Who also were John Solomon's attorneys....and Giuliani friends. John Solomon is the sole news source for Giuliani's propaganda campaign against Joe and Hunter in the Ukraine....breaking news from Solomon every day, reporting (for the lack of a better word) all of the Giuliani shenanigans and propaganda that got Trump impeached.

Firtash said (Thru Toensing and DiGenova), that he would help Giuliani, and paid Shokin to come to Austria, where Firtash was hiding out fighting extradition to the USA, for a deposition allegedly that would help Firtash....this I believe is where they got Shokin to claim Biden stopped him from investigating Burisma.... Though Shokin never claimed Biden did, he claim the USA did and said only when Giuliani or one of Giuliani workers, told him about Biden holding back military aid till he was removed, did he learn about that....in 2019.
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