What you should know about Islam


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions

Pray the Novena to St. Louis who fought Islam

The goals of Islam around here in America is to sell a lot of bean pies, incense and Final Call newspapers.

Here in America, Islam isn't really a problem except in a few locales like Dearbornistan- a city in Michigan that adopted Sharia Law. A group of Christians were stoned a few years ago for sharing the good news to a group of heathen in the town park.
Islam wasn't a problem in England for centuries, but as their numbers increased in the twentieth and twenty-first century and they added more and more Muslim parliamentarians into the House of Commons, the situation has changed considerably. At one time, they bragged they had several parliamentarians, then they bragged that they had 12 Muslims in parliament and of the last elections, they've bragged that they now have 19 Muslims in parliament. They've also bragged that once they have enough in control of parliament, they can make important changes to the government. What do the non-Muslim parliamentarians openly think and say about it? Nothing.
You might want to keep that in mind as more and more Muslims funnel in from overseas and via our southern border.
Islam is a political religion. When 60% of your holy books deal with how you treat non-Muslims that is politics. Islam is a supremacist religion and a violent one. The violence can be considered pious if it advances Islam. Including 9/11.
There was a time in our country when having 19 Irish Catholics in Congress was considered a reason to panic.
But the Irish Catholics weren't beheading and chopping off of hands of infidels and they also didn't mandate a "Jizya tax" on non-believers and the women weren't required to wear hijabs and burkas per Islamic mandate and all believers and not, to obey Shariah Laws.
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Islam is a political religion. When 60% of your holy books deal with how you treat non-Muslims that is politics. Islam is a supremacist religion and a violent one. The violence can be considered pious if it advances Islam. Including 9/11.

Everywhere in the Quran is says violence is bad and you can only used it in defense after being attacked.
And that is especially true with Jews and Christians that Mohammad called "Brothers of the Book", meaning the shared same Old Testament.
The WTC hijacking was done by atheists, and had nothing at all to do with religion.
Bin Laden was just angry about how we massacred civilians on the Highway of Death and how badly we treat the Palestinians.
We started it all.
But the Irish Catholics weren't beheading and chopping off of hands of infidels and they also didn't mandate a "Jizya tax" on non-believers and the women weren't required to wear hijabs and burkas per Islamic mandate and obey Shariah Laws.

They used to chop of the hand of thieves because there were no prisons back then.
That is better than they did in England, where if you remember, they would hand pickpockets.

And the Jizya is not at all unfair, because it is no more than Moslems pay, only they pay in the Mosque.

Again, since there were no prisons, the point of the hijab or burka is not to punish women, but to reduce rape.

You have everything backwards and upside down.
Everywhere in the Quran is says violence is bad and you can only used it in defense after being attacked.
And that is especially true with Jews and Christians that Mohammad called "Brothers of the Book", meaning the shared same Old Testament.
The WTC hijacking was done by atheists, and had nothing at all to do with religion.
Bin Laden was just angry about how we massacred civilians on the Highway of Death and how badly we treat the Palestinians.
We started it all.
Here is what you seem to be either ignorant of, or choosing to ignore.
Muslims who believe themselves to be "true" Muslims, use "abrogation" when following the Quran. In short, Muhammad's latter teachings of war and hatred towards non-believers (infidels) and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Here is what you seem to be either ignorant of, or choosing to ignore.
Muslims who believe themselves to be "true" Muslims, use "abrogation" when following the Quran. In short, Muhammad's latter teachings of war and hatred towards non-believers (infidels) and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.

Totally wrong.
Mohammad started out being attacked by Meccans, and responded with a very war like doctrine.
He got more peaceful and so did Islam, with age, because we was no longer under attack all the time.

When Islam got more violent was after 1200 or so, the Mongols massacred Baghdad and took over Islam.
The Moghuls took over again about 200 years later, and the Turks took over a couple hundred years after that.
So Mohammad had nothing to do with any of the Islamic violence.
They used to chop of the hand of thieves because there were no prisons back then.
That is better than they did in England, where if you remember, they would hand pickpockets.

And the Jizya is not at all unfair, because it is no more than Moslems pay, only they pay in the Mosque.

Again, since there were no prisons, the point of the hijab or burka is not to punish women, but to reduce rape.

You have everything backwards and upside down.
We will agree to disagree, as strict Islamic nations still do these things in the 21st century and when they went through their own "reform," they ended up with Wahhabism.
The bottom line is the last thing the west needs is the oppression of Islam or the oppression of Marxism. Evil is evil.

Pray the Novena to St. Louis who fought Islam

Well, we can look at many religions and see massive problems.

Ask yourself why the top 34 countries in the world for murder are all Christian countries.
Well, we can look at many religions and see massive problems.

Ask yourself why the top 34 countries in the world for murder are all Christian countries.
Thank Gawd I am a Taoist…

A poor one but still one!

Islam and Christianity are from the Jewish House of Religions and come from Abraham bloodline, and one should ask themself why they follow a religion from Abraham when he ( Abraham ) was willing to kill his own son no matter if it was Ishmael or Issac?

Fact is both religions have a history written in the blood of so many and in the name of their God…
Thank Gawd I am a Taoist…

A poor one but still one!

Islam and Christianity are from the Jewish House of Religions and come from Abraham bloodline, and one should ask themself why they follow a religion from Abraham when he ( Abraham ) was willing to kill his own son no matter if it was Ishmael or Issac?

Fact is both religions have a history written in the blood of so many and in the name of their God…

Yes, they do. Conquest is the reason they're the two biggest religions, and also why Judaism is much smaller these days.
The goals of Islam around here in America is to sell a lot of bean pies, incense and Final Call newspapers.

Here in America, Islam isn't really a problem except in a few locales like Dearbornistan- a city in Michigan that adopted Sharia Law. A group of Christians were stoned a few years ago for sharing the good news to a group of heathen in the town park.

Dearborne has NOT adopted Sharia Law.

Voluntary arbitrage between Muslims in civil matters doesn't supersede US law. Its like Beit Din which we have had in the US for 200 years.
We will agree to disagree, as strict Islamic nations still do these things in the 21st century and when they went through their own "reform," they ended up with Wahhabism.
The bottom line is the last thing the west needs is the oppression of Islam or the oppression of Marxism. Evil is evil.

You might read the Wahhabi Myth..

Amputation of a hand is pretty rare. Its for grand larceny of a three time loser.
You might read the Wahhabi Myth..

Amputation of a hand is pretty rare. Its for grand larceny of a three time loser.
Strangely, the loss of a hand for theft is about the only thing in the Quran I like. I hate thieves.
What kind of atheist lies about being a Muslim?

Muslim is a culture, tradition, social order, etc., and does not require a belief in a supreme being, just like Judaism.
What people these days forget, is that at one time government did not provide social services.
That was all the responsibility of religions.
So these older religions have many diverse social functions other than just worshiping a divine being.

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