

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008

oh my the liberals dreams have been fullfilled in GB but the liberal democrats are still bitching.. taxes too high? heh? waiting on medical care heh?

it's a gimmmie gimmmie gimmmie group which will never ever be satisfied.
Yep. Did you catch the part about "It we don't see you on schedule HNS will pay for you to go private"? And, "the government has poured money into it but still people are missed."? You can't tell American Democrats a damn thing.
The modern left - I refuse to call those people liberals for I will not give credit where it isn't due - are by and large victims of a most peculiar religion in which they appear to believe that government - as long as it is run by them - is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent and omnibenevolent.
The modern left - I refuse to call those people liberals for I will not give credit where it isn't due - are by and large victims of a most peculiar religion in which they appear to believe that government - as long as it is run by them - is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent and omnibenevolent.

cept when it concerns their right to murder their children, then they want government to stay "outta their wombs."
Oh well, get used to it. We will be running things for a while. Really be hard to do worse than your hero, George orWell Bush.

LOL! No disclaimer, how refreshingly honest, if more than idiotic.
You are asking me to deny what has not yet happened. But you lie unabashadly about the things that have already happpened to this nation. Well, I think there is going to be an accounting, whether or not Reid or Obama wish for it.
The only one generally lying about what has happened to this nation are the assorted leftist dill weeds.

By the way you've got it for about 2 years then if things get worse which they almost certainly will given a prescription that insists on continuing down the path that got us here in the first place, The REps will get at least one and possibly both houses of congress back.
The only one generally lying about what has happened to this nation are the assorted leftist dill weeds.

By the way you've got it for about 2 years then if things get worse which they almost certainly will given a prescription that insists on continuing down the path that got us here in the first place, The REps will get at least one and possibly both houses of congress back.

What a croc. The American People already know this as the Second Great American Depression. Your boys lied ever since the downturn last December. For that is how long we have been in a real recession. And the American People know that. Keep prattling on how good you boys have done, and there will be closer to 70 Dem Senators than 60 in 2010.
What down turn would that be? Until you party took by the congress the economy was doing quite nicely, two years later and everything has gone to hell in a hand basket. Your party led by the nose with copious quantities of Cash from Fannie and Freddie to ol Barn and assorted other Democrats who stonewalled the desperately needed reform of Fannie and Freddie - both by the way wholly owned subsidiaries of the Federal government private entities to about the same extent as the US Post office or Amtrak.
What down turn would that be? Until you party took by the congress the economy was doing quite nicely, two years later and everything has gone to hell in a hand basket. Your party led by the nose with copious quantities of Cash from Fannie and Freddie to ol Barn and assorted other Democrats who stonewalled the desperately needed reform of Fannie and Freddie - both by the way wholly owned subsidiaries of the Federal government private entities to about the same extent as the US Post office or Amtrak.

Again, what a crock. The American People demonstrated what they thought of the nonsense that you claim in November. You guys have screwed up everything that you have touched for the last eight years. You continue on the same track and 2010, and 2012 will be just as disastrous to the Republican Party.

No, the Democrats did not stonewall on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. At the time there were enough Republicans on the committee to have brought the matter to vote. Had they wished to. But other people within the Republican Party sabotaged Hagel and the other Republicans that clearly saw the danger.

WASHINGTON – Freddie Mac secretly paid a Republican consulting firm $2 million to kill legislation that would have regulated and trimmed the mortgage finance giant and its sister company, Fannie Mae, three years before the government took control to prevent their collapse.
In the cross hairs of the campaign carried out by DCI of Washington were Republican senators and a regulatory overhaul bill sponsored by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. DCI's chief executive is Doug Goodyear, whom John McCain's campaign later hired to manage the GOP convention in September.
Freddie Mac's payments to DCI began shortly after the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee sent Hagel's bill to the then GOP-run Senate on July 28, 2005. All GOP members of the committee supported it; all Democrats opposed it.
In the midst of DCI's yearlong effort, Hagel and 25 other Republican senators pleaded unsuccessfully with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., to allow a vote.
"If effective regulatory reform legislation ... is not enacted this year, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system and the economy as a whole," the senators wrote in a letter that proved prescient.
Unknown to the senators, DCI was undermining support for the bill in a campaign targeting 17 Republican senators in 13 states, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. The states and the senators targeted changed over time, but always stayed on the Republican side.
In the end, there was not enough Republican support for Hagel's bill to warrant bringing it up for a vote because Democrats also opposed it and the votes of some would be needed for passage. The measure died at the end of the 109th Congress.
McCain, R-Ariz., was not a target of the DCI campaign. He signed Hagel's letter and three weeks later signed on as a co-sponsor of the bill.
By the time McCain did so, however, DCI's effort had gone on for nine months and was on its way toward killing the bill.
In recent days, McCain has said Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were "one of the real catalysts, really the match that lit this fire" of the global credit crisis. McCain has accused Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama of taking advice from former executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and failing to see that the companies were heading for a meltdown.
McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, or his lobbying firm has taken more than $2 million from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac dating to 2000. In December, Freddie Mac contributed $250,000 to last month's GOP convention.
Obama has received $120,349 in political donations from employees of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae; McCain $21,550.
The Republican senators targeted by DCI began hearing from prominent constituents and financial contributors, all urging the defeat of Hagel's bill because it might harm the housing boom. The effort generated newspaper articles and radio and TV appearances by participants who spoke out against the measure.
Inside Freddie Mac headquarters in 2005, the few dozen people who knew what DCI was doing referred to the initiative as "the stealth lobbying campaign," according to three people familiar with the drive.
They spoke only on condition of anonymity, saying they fear retaliation if their names were disclosed.
Freddie Mac executive Hollis McLoughlin oversaw DCI's drive, according to the three people.
"Hollis's goal was not to have any Freddie Mac fingerprints on this project and DCI became the hidden hand behind the effort," one of the three people told the AP.
Before 2004, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were Democratic strongholds. After 2004, Republicans ran their political operations. McLoughlin, who joined Freddie Mac in 2004 as chief of staff, has given $32,250 to Republican candidates over the years, including $2,800 to McCain, and has given none to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.
On Friday night, Hagel's chief of staff, Mike Buttry, said Hagel's legislation "was the last best chance to bring greater oversight and tighter regulation to Freddie and Fannie, and they used every means they could to defeat Sen. Hagel's legislation every step of the way."
"It is outrageous that a congressionally chartered government-sponsored enterprise would lobby against a member of Congress's bill that would strengthen the regulation and oversight of that institution," Buttry said in a statement. "America has paid an extremely high price for the reckless, and possibly criminal, actions of the leadership at Freddie and Fannie."
McCain head actually killed Hagel's Fannie Mae bill - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums
The only one generally lying about what has happened to this nation are the assorted leftist dill weeds.

By the way you've got it for about 2 years then if things get worse which they almost certainly will given a prescription that insists on continuing down the path that got us here in the first place, The REps will get at least one and possibly both houses of congress back.


You two dummies are posting this crap about "liberals" in the midst of a complete meltdown of the right-wing.


At a time when republican identity is somewhere around that of the Whigs, you dummies look for redemption in talking about how bad liberals and democrats are .. and "the path that got us here"


With knuckleheads like you two, democrats have nothing to worry about.

You two dummies are posting this crap about "liberals" in the midst of a complete meltdown of the right-wing.


At a time when republican identity is somewhere around that of the Whigs, you dummies look for redemption in talking about how bad liberals and democrats are .. and "the path that got us here"


With knuckleheads like you two, democrats have nothing to worry about.

Yez! that's what them DUmmies over in England are saying ain't it?
Yez! that's what them DUmmies over in England are saying ain't it?

Despite our philosophical differences, I don't think you unintelligent at all. I think you have a passion for what you believe. But irrespective of what they think in England .. this country is in crisis my brother. Isn't this the part where America takes precedent over ideology? America first?

We are in crisis my brother and America needs citizens, not subjects, not partisans. Neither side of the contrived political fence can claim absolution from the crisis we're in. Both democrats and republicans and liberals and conservatives all contributed to where we are today .. and to claim anything different defines one as a subject, not a citizen. The Declaration of Independence defines the difference quite clearly.

It is always much easier to look out the window for failure than it is to look in the mirror. All Americans voters should be looking in the mirror. What did your side of the divide do wrong? Have the courage to recognize YOUR responsibility and DUTY to America.

Get rid of Snow White's mirror and get yourself a real mirror my brother. The exact same thing is true for those on the opposite side of the contrived divide. Democrats are in power because of the incredible failures of republicans ... NOT because of democratic success of their own.

America needs citizens, not dumb ass partisans. Your words would have much more power if they were directed by the mirror.
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Despite our philosophical differences, I don't think you unintelligent at all. I think you have a passion for what you believe. But irrespective of what they think in England .. this country is in crisis my brother. Isn't this the part where America takes precedent over ideology? America first?

We are in crisis my brother and America needs citizens. not subjects, not partisans. Neither side of the contrived political fence can claim absolution from the crisis we're in. Both democrats and republicans and liberals and conservatives all contributed to where we are today .. and to claim anything different defines one as a subject, not a citizen. The Declaration of Independence defines the difference quite clearly.

It is always much easier to look out the window for failure than it is to look in the mirror. All Americans voters should be looking in the mirror. What did your side of the divide do wrong? Have the courage to recognize YOUR responsibility and DUTY to America.

Get rid of Snow White's mirror and get yourself a real mirror my brother. The exact same thing is true for those on the opposite side of the contrived divide. Democrats are in power because of the incredible failures of republicans ... NOT because of democratic success of their own.

America needs citizens, not dumb ass partisnas. Your words would have much more power if they were directed by the mirror.

Well said.. :clap2:
Despite our philosophical differences, I don't think you unintelligent at all. I think you have a passion for what you believe. But irrespective of what they think in England .. this country is in crisis my brother. Isn't this the part where America takes precedent over ideology? America first?
We are in crisis my brother and America needs citizens. not subjects, not partisans. Neither side of the contrived political fence can claim absolution from the crisis we're in. Both democrats and republicans and liberals and conservatives all contributed to where we are today .. and to claim anything different defines one as a subject, not a citizen. The Declaration of Independence defines the difference quite clearly.

It is always much easier to look out the window for failure than it is to look in the mirror. All Americans voters should be looking in the mirror. What did your side of the divide do wrong? Have the courage to recognize YOUR responsibility and DUTY to America.

Get rid of Snow White's mirror and get yourself a real mirror my brother. The exact same thing is true for those on the opposite side of the contrived divide. Democrats are in power because of the incredible failures of republicans ... NOT because of democratic success of their own.

America needs citizens, not dumb ass partisnas. Your words would have much more power if they were directed by the mirror.

Now that I can respect. My point was BAC is that England is a prime example of where the left wants the USA to go. My point was that direction dosen't seem to solve any problems.

Not entirely true, but you keep on believing that because they put it in your kool aid. I do look in the morrir. Do You?

Have a Merry Christmas
Now that I can respect. My point was BAC is that England is a prime example of where the left wants the USA to go. My point was that direction dosen't seem to solve any problems.

Not entirely true, but you keep on believing that because they put it in your kool aid. I do look in the morrir. Do You?

Have a Merry Christmas

Wow, he holds both parties accountable and you call that "kool aid" Do you even understand what that means?

Again try another look in the "morrir" :lol:

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