Whatever Happened to the Good Old Jeep?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Defense contractors and the military R&D system always seem to come up with something new. Then, after months and years of lab testing, they send them out to the field – only to discover that the troops find the flaws and come up with their own fixes. What will replace this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iXyQPDm2w34]Boeing's Phantom Badger - YouTube[/ame]

Read more @ Navy?s New 80-MPH Mini Combat Vehicle Can Drop From the Sky | Danger Room | WIRED

JEEP OWNERS ARE A BREED OF OUR OWN. I think a Jeep is a very safe vehicle, which is why I treasure my 2007, (similar below). I like 4WD for the rainy season with all that motor oil on the roads. The round headlights are very Jeep, and there is a snap on chrome grill for those special occaisions! I keep the chrome grill off because when I park in bad areas downtown, I want the Jeep to look low-end.


This is the style of Jeep which I would not own because it looks like a Mitsuzuki or some damn foreign thing. I park in the underground garage at work, and watch these guys lay out thousands for a BMW, Mercedes, or Lexus each year. To be honest, I look down on people who buy foreign cars. Of every American car sold nearly $1,700 goes to American workers. Besides in SEVEN years it has never failed to start, never.


This year Jeep came out with the traditional Jeep Grand Cherokee and a sexy new one. Why should I trade in my 2007 it only has 50,000 miles? However, I would like to have that new back-up video camera system. Our driveway is a mess of privacy shrubs that are unsafe.



Sexy to me.


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We've got an '07 Grand Chokerie Loredo. It took me a few years to learn to appreciate the vehicle but I'm a fan now. And this past winter it got us through thousands of miles of snow LOL.

Oh- it's a 4x4 which as I understand, is different from 4-wheel drive?
I LOVED my Jeep Cherokee Laredo. Colorado Red was her color and we drove through the tops of snow-capped mountains and through wild rivers in the Sierra Nevada mountains. She and I never met a challenge we didn't overcome and have a blast, doing. Gads, I loved that car. I bought her new in 1994. Woot!

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