What's Been Your Most Valuable Lesson?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
For me, it's probably that there isn't much that seperates us from the animal kingdom after you've stripped away all the self-imposed laws and societal conventions (depending on which 'society' you come from).

I'm not looking to be proven wrong or attempt to prove others wrong. I'm simply interested to hear what you believe has been the most valuable lesson you've learned thus far, if there's been one. It can stem from anything and/or be relevant to anything.

So, what's it been?
If you're too proud to ask for help, you're stupid enough to stay where you are.

Learned that the hard way.
Mr. H, the first time I was caned at school I was very young (7 or 8, I think), and after the headmaster had finished beating some sense into me I cried my little eyes out. Before I left his office, he said to me (and I remember this vividly): "Chin up, lad. You'll laugh about this one day."

He was right, as it happens. Whenever I think back to all the thrashings I got at school, for some reason I can't help but laugh.
For me, it's probably that there isn't much that seperates us from the animal kingdom after you've stripped away all the self-imposed laws and societal conventions (depending on which 'society' you come from).

I'm not looking to be proven wrong or attempt to prove others wrong. I'm simply interested to hear what you believe has been the most valuable lesson you've learned thus far, if there's been one. It can stem from anything and/or be relevant to anything.

So, what's it been?

"Never assume anything."

"We do not attract that which we want; we attract that which we are."
Life has taught me much as did my parents and even friends and co-workers.

"You can't put an old head on young shoulders" Good advice when raising children.

"There are two ways to be rich, have more or want less"

"Be humble and curious"

My favorite public piece of advice:

Trust but verify.
For me, it's probably that there isn't much that seperates us from the animal kingdom after you've stripped away all the self-imposed laws and societal conventions (depending on which 'society' you come from).

The only thing that separates YOU from the animal kingdom is that YOU are less intelligent.
The most valuable lesson that I have learned is this one. Do not forgive someone until they ask you to because forgiving them automatically will only make them think that they can walk all over you whenever they feel like it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


"Boy... I say boy... The sooner you learn that there is ONE and only ONE attitude on this planet that you can hope to have any control over, the happier you'll be."

:dunno: I don't know why that lesson comes in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn... it just does.

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