What's in store for Trump (and his cult) in 2019?

Compared to what the country would have been like under democrat rule, those issues are really chikin-shit and Trump can beat them in court. In case you forgot, these are the policies that Trump can beat the dems senseless with in 2020:

Did morons like you ever wonder why a good number of Trump's cabinet is "ACTING"??

Ha, look at the clown car of democrats about to become Committee Chairs, watch Executive Privilege rule the day, and the dems impeach, and the Senate clears, and the dems look like low IQ morons
Meet the Democrats poised to torment Trump




What an intelligent looking bunch.

Lindsay Graham will be heading up the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Two can play the investigation game.
If he really was as pissed as he made himself out to be during the SCOTUS hearings, where bed wetters were talking about a 30 years old HS Yearbook. It was Romper Room in there and maybe Lindsey has finally had enough toying with these assholes.

I doubt it, but maybe.
It would be bad for the country and bad for the Democrats to hold non-stop hearings about Trump's racketeering. They should keep their powder dry, and wait to see if there is anything of serious consequence.

Trump cheated on his wife, fucked a porn star, and suborned criminal activity by his lawyer and the National Enquirer. Yes. But this still does not rise to an impeachable offense. It some sleazy shit, sure.

We've already impeached one President over lying about a blowjob. Let's leave that as the low water mark.

If hard evidence is uncovered that Trump laundered Russian mob money, then go for the gusto. Hang the fucker from a tree.

Anything less than that, though, forget it. Not worth it.

I get that shit like porn stars helps score political points. But have we not had enough yet of making elections about which candidate is the least sleazy?

I too could NOT care less about the wife-cheating and the fact that Trump has to pay handsomely for illicit sex.........My point was, is and will always be the increasingly evidence that the orange clown is a corrupt and possibly treasonous scumbag.
ou had no freeking idea in 2016 what was in store.

You had no freeking idea in 2017 what was in store.

You had no freeking idea in 2018 what was in store.

I've already wasted more effort on this thread than it is worth to think you'd have any idea about 2019.

Then go back to your kool-aid drinking, moron.....

We had an election in 2017???.....Who the fuck knew!

...and cult members "think" that the 2018 midterms were a win for your cult?? REALLY?

Ha, look at the clown car of democrats about to become Committee Chairs, watch Executive Privilege rule the day, and the dems impeach, and the Senate clears, and the dems look like low IQ morons

A heck of a lot better than this puppet, don't you think???...........LOL

Bottom line, Trump cultists.....2019 is going to be a lot of fun watching Trump with his closing-in bunker walls.....lol
Ha, look at the clown car of democrats about to become Committee Chairs, watch Executive Privilege rule the day, and the dems impeach, and the Senate clears, and the dems look like low IQ morons

A heck of a lot better than this puppet, don't you think???...........LOL


Maybe that's why Comey. McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Page and the rest of the Deep State are going to be prosecuted? We'll see the score at the end of Trump's term. Nunes knew that the FISA warrants were a fraud on the court. All the dems wanted to do was protect Hillary for her illegal server, fucking hypocrites.
Maybe that's why Comey. McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Page and the rest of the Deep State are going to be prosecuted? We'll see the score at the end of Trump's term. Nunes knew that the FISA warrants were a fraud on the court. All the dems wanted to do was protect Hillary for her illegal server, fucking hypocrites.

Protect and defend your fucking orange clown all you want......JUSTICE will soon be kicking your cult on your collective asses.
Delusion and cult mentality has Trump and his "loyal" followers facing a real shock wave in the upcoming months........So, what will we be all facing in 2019...and what the cultists refuse to recognize?

A Mueller final report now guaranteed to be made public by a Dem, House majority

The same Dem. House majority initiating investigation of the Trump Mafia and issuing tons of subpoenas.

Of course, a revelation of the Trumpster's tax returns and where his loans have come from.

An energetic SDNY AND NY state AG office investigating the entire Trump family and his co-conspirators.

A declining stock market with tons of fears based on the orange maniac's trade and tariff failures.

A 2020 census that will deny the GOP its gerrymandering advantage.

The return of ISIS as a force that the idiot-in-chief bullshitted that he single-handedly had defeated.

A rising debt "thanks" to Trump's tax scam that went mostly to stock by-backs.

Etc., etc. etc.......nothing to "worry" about Trump cultists.......Keep watching FOX.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Cognitive Dissonance ^^^
Maybe that's why Comey. McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Page and the rest of the Deep State are going to be prosecuted? We'll see the score at the end of Trump's term. Nunes knew that the FISA warrants were a fraud on the court. All the dems wanted to do was protect Hillary for her illegal server, fucking hypocrites.

Protect and defend your fucking orange clown all you want......JUSTICE will soon be kicking your cult on your collective asses.

EWWW.....I sense a meltdown coming.
Collective Delusion is the condition of Obabble Supporters.

But thanks for playing!

Yeah, yeah, moron.....when the fucking heat gets too hot....Quickly SHIFT to blaming Obama...Hannity would be proud of your fucking stupidity......LOL

(come on, blame Hillary and Comey also.......a trifecta)

Nobody worships Trump the way you loons worship Obabble.

I certainly hope he raises the national minimum wage as he promised to do. Although I am a democrat, that was one of the few things he said he would do that I actually like. I am very happy many cities around the country have raised the minimum wage for workers in those cities and the workers I know who work those minimum wage jobs are very happy with the pay increase.

Trump said he was going to put in a national $10/hr minimum wage during his presidency I have yet to see it happen. It would be a step in the right direction if he did that, would help pave the way for democrats when they take over to put legislation in for $12/hr national minimum wage and then later a $15/hr national minimum wage.

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