What’s more divisive than a government forcing a demography/culture change on its people against their will?

Where I come from, bigotry keeps standards and expectations in check….America could never have become exceptional without bigotry being the primary component.
You think that because you are a coward and an idiot. You are NOT an American.
Has such a thing ever been done before anywhere else in the world?
An American citizenship, quite possibly the most coveted possession on the globe….what happens when it becomes devalued by it’s own government as they hand out manufactured forms of citizenship to illegal thirdworlders?
Do the core people lose pride in their country? Do they continue to value American sovereignty?
Do they begin to take issue with taxes and ‘safety-net’ programs as they realize they are not just for their people?
Do they lose site of the American Dream as they realize the American Dream isn’t something reserved for Americans?
Does the divineness perpetuated by government as they force an inorganic change in the people create or stimulate racism?

I wonder if REAL Independents have had enough….I wonder if REAL Independents will vote the lunacy down?

soros (23).jpg
No, I won't "shut up about it"! We have laws, policies and rules NOW, and they need to be followed.
You need to because laws policies and rules were made during the civil rights movement and they still aren't being followed.
Lies in your OP.

An American citizenship is NOT the most coveted thing in the world. Not even close. You're begging white people to emigrate to the USA, and you're not getting any takers. American citizenship is already "devalued" in the first world because guns, political instability and lack of affordable health care.

Your nation was built by enslaved third worlders, Mexicans, and poor white people from Europe. Rich people didn't "escape to America". People who are doing well where theey are aren't giving up wealth and power to go to a new frontier. The people immigrating to a new country are those who aren't doing well where they are. Europe's poorest most downtrodden people came to the USA.

The Irish came during the Potato Famine. The British emptied their prisons to populate Australia. Dire poverty in drove Italians to go to America. Stratified class structures throughout Europe left no opportunities for social mobility. Few of the people who actually built your country were rich or white.

It takes a lot more work, dedication and ingenuity to get OUT of a Third World country today, than it takes to be born stupid and white in the USA, like you.

The American Dream no longer exists. The Republican Party's economic policies of enriching the wealthy at the expense of the middle class, has made the American Dream beyong the reach of 80% of the population.
How do you suppose “historical racism” forces them to make babies they can’t properly care for without other peoples money?
Can you explain that mechanism please?
Human needs take priority over poverty caused by racism.
How do you suppose “historical racism” forces them to make babies they can’t properly care for without other peoples money?
Can you explain that mechanism please?
Time out! Hold up! Whoa! Let’s take a short break from the action to talk about the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act. Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for WHITE single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federalgrants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.

Other peoples money paid for white women to have children they could not afford since 1910.

That includes black tax dollars paid for the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act.

Before you run your mouth, know your history.
Time out! Hold up! Whoa! Let’s take a short break from the action to talk about the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act. Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for WHITE single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federalgrants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.

Other peoples money paid for white women to have children they could not afford since 1910.

That includes black tax dollars paid for the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act.

Before you run your mouth, know your history.
True…there is lots of white trash filth out there…AND NOBODY claims they are filth because of anyone or anything other than themselves.
See how simple this accountability shit is?

Has such a thing ever been done before anywhere else in the world?
An American citizenship, quite possibly the most coveted possession on the globe….what happens when it becomes devalued by it’s own government as they hand out manufactured forms of citizenship to illegal thirdworlders?
Do the core people lose pride in their country? Do they continue to value American sovereignty?
Do they begin to take issue with taxes and ‘safety-net’ programs as they realize they are not just for their people?
Do they lose site of the American Dream as they realize the American Dream isn’t something reserved for Americans?
Does the divineness perpetuated by government as they force an inorganic change in the people create or stimulate racism?

I wonder if REAL Independents have had enough….I wonder if REAL Independents will vote the lunacy down?

Unless you're of Native American descent, please STFU with this garbage!
Why didn’t racism cause poverty for Ben Carson and Barack Obama?
How is racism so smart and selective with who it affects?
Why do whites like you try using 1-2 blacks as an example?

Do Jared Taylor and David Duke prove all whites are racists?
Unfortunately for you... you have to offer something other than Lunacy as an alternative... and you're not likely to be doing that...
Can you detail this “lunacy” you speak of?
My bet is you won’t because you know you’ll make a fool of yourself trying…right?

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