What's Next after Covid Looting?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

Speculation on this exact scenario is running rampant through some federal level intelligence agencies as we speak, hypothetically. Who's to say, right? No one seemed to see novel coronavirus coming from very far out, although it's not like they were looking in that direction either. That was USAMRIID's job. The problem with that? USAMRIID was "sort of" taken off-line ahead of COVID-19 hitting the States, a not-a-coincidence, I'd wager.

So what's next? What state of pandemonium will the radical leftist children cook up in the near future to aid and abet the further destruction of America with their newest tantrum? Good question. Perhaps the assassination of one of their own social justice leaders? Someone well known, both from television and on social media? Someone with millions of followers? Perhaps a Michelle Obama or a Stacey Abrams or an equivalent? Maybe some kind of bombing campaign against blacks which the media will report was carried out by whites or white cops or soldiers? Whatever comes next it will likely be big, loud and felt by every last American.
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

Speculation on this exact scenario is running rampant through some federal level intelligence agencies as we speak, hypothetically. Who's to say, right? No one seemed to see novel coronavirus coming from very far out, although it's not like they were looking in that direction either. That was USAMRIID's job. The problem with that? USAMRIID was "sort of" taken off-line ahead of COVID-19 hitting the States, a not-a-coincidence, I'd wager.

So what's next? What state of pandemonium will the radical leftist children cook up in the near future to aid and abet the further destruction of America with their newest tantrum? Good question. Perhaps the assassination of one of their own social justice leaders? Someone well known, both from television and on social media? Someone with millions of followers? Perhaps a Michelle Obama or a Stacey Abrams or an equivalent? Maybe some kind of bombing campaign against blacks which the media will report was carried out by whites or white cops or soldiers? Whatever comes next it will likely be big, loud and felt by every last American.

Maybe an Operation Canned Goods type event? Definitely a False Flag of some type here in the USA. I doubt it would be Big Mikey, but maybe Stacey or RBG's Body Double? OMG! Biden! That's it!! They never had any plans to let Joe run in November, he was always a place holder anyway. They could stage a "White Supremacist" attack on Quid Pro Joe - done by a guy in a MAGA hat. And then Big Mikey steps up for Joe

The CCP is starting action in India, So China Sea and Hong Kong.

Maybe they're release a second, real slate-cleaner virus?

Trump better check the Secret Service detail around Biden and make sure they're on their toes
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

Let's see, what happens after Covid, and mass looting.... Trump gets elected. That's my bet.
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

Let's see, what happens after Covid, and mass looting.... Trump gets elected. That's my bet.

You're missing a step. There's definitely something else coming

Violent border invasion from the south?

Intensified rioting and looting to make martial law inevitable?

Massive war on law enforcement, ambushes, on law enforcement (Friday October 13, 1307) to make martial law inevitable?

Rich ones sell stocks and make a rush on banks and cause major bank closings across USA like Black Tuesday 29 October 1929?

Another 9/11/2001?

Assassination of President?

*****SAD SMILE*****

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Ellison incompetence overpromises, underdelivers sparking larger riots which will indeed require active duty troops to quell
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I was just thinking the same thing this morning, I am thinking a string of mass shootings as they are going to need to get the guns out of our hands soon.

Book/library burnings across the United States?

Especially the National Library where the Constitution and Declaration Of Independence are kept?


Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

When there is a hurricane/tropical system that hits the US this year, will you blame the Democrats for that too? Really, you sound like a lunatic.
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

When there is a hurricane/tropical system that hits the US this year, will you blame the Democrats for that too? Really, you sound like a lunatic.
Nope. That's the fault of manmade global climate warming change. The science is settled. Prior to the invention of the internal combustion engine, we never had a hurricane make landfall, they were too weak and powerless.

Seriously, there's something big coming.
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?

When there is a hurricane/tropical system that hits the US this year, will you blame the Democrats for that too? Really, you sound like a lunatic.
Nope. That's the fault of manmade global climate warming change. The science is settled. Prior to the invention of the internal combustion engine, we never had a hurricane make landfall, they were too weak and powerless.

Seriously, there's something big coming.

Well, at least you guys stopped blaming hurricanes on gay marriage. So I guess that is progress from you cavemen.
Since Democrats don't need a reason to do the stupid shit they've been doing for the last 3 1/2 years, and Democrats have no morals or integrity, I could see another bogus impeachment try coming.
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?
Ballet stuffing .
Clearly Xi and the democrats cooked up a series of catastrophes to bring down the USA and cost Trump the election.

Obama paid the ChiComs for Bat Research, Pelosi timed the Impeachment to coincide with the "accidental outbreak", we social distanced - in Churches and mourning for a beloved Rabbi, but rioters were exempt from that. It's pretty obvious that the Obama funded Wuhan Flu is a bust and the Rioters quickly wore out their welcome plus any sympathy the vast majority of Americans felt about potential police misconduct involving a felon resisting arrest.

The question remains, what's next?

We'll see more riots over the summer due to joblessness. All the more so since the big democrat run cities have gone out of their way to turn the Wuhan Flu into an economic catastrophe.

I think the next phase is rioting over demanding $ from the Federal government to fund Illegals and the unemployed.

Wuhan II?


Any ideas?

What would Xi do?
Ballet stuffing .


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