What's So Wrong With Schools Having Slave Auctions?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A group of mostly White students attending two of Traverse City’s high schools had held a mock slave auction on the social media app, “trading” their Black peers for money. “I know how much I was sold for: one hundred dollars,” said Nevaeh, who is half-Black. “And in the end I was given away for free” - to the friend who first warned her about the group. The Snapchat group, titled “slave trade,” also saw a student share the messages “all blacks should die” and “let’s start another holocaust,” according to screenshots obtained by The Washington Post.

t spurred the fast-tracking of a school equity resolution that condemned racism and vowed Traverse City Area Public Schools would better educate its overwhelmingly White student body and teaching staff on how to live in a diverse country. Events in Traverse City would demonstrate how quickly efforts to address historic disparities or present-day racial harassment in schools can become fodder for a campaign against critical race theory, fueled by White parents’ growing conviction that their children are being taught to feel ashamed of their Whiteness - and their country."

First of all, schools have no business intervening into what kids do in their own time; especially if what they were doing is in private..do they not have free speech protection? Second of all, whatever traitor went and told these blacks that they were being auctioned off; that person should be shamed and bullied, rightfully...none of this would have been a problem if that kid had kept their mouth shut.

However, it does make me wonder...why is this a bad thing? ....Instead of trying to shove Marxist critical race theory down our throats; why not have slave auctions in schools in order to teach these darkies how slavery was actually to their benefit...It definitely seems like it could be fun as well.....you can have a special award given to the black who earned the highest bid...instead of trying to use history as a way to make whites feel bad; how about we use it to show these darkies how they were the ones who should feel bad...they were basically property -- why would a white kid feel bad about that? -- its them who should feel bad...and its about time they are reminded why -- because they are getting far too uppity.
What's wrong with them is that you don't get to keep them.

I'm trying hard, here..
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the school wasn't having any such thing, BF. These were just the students.

My guess is that with teenagers, the primary motive of the Traverse City teens was to honk off the adult population. And it sounds like they were tremendously successful.

Congratulations to the tykes for paying attention to what really causes adults to have a conniption and having the courage to step forward with their convictions .
The School did not sanction it and it was teenagers that did it on private time it seem…

I am sure the females went for a higher rate and if you were up for auction the ones selling you would have to pay someone to take you seeing you can read, write and have a sarcastic sense of humor…
High school students/teenagers often do stupid stuff because they think it is funny at the moment and to "fit in" with there peers.

A friend of mine who went to government school made a stamp in print shop with the slogan "fuck you" in a fancy font, and got an ink pad and went to town on it. After he stamped the napkins in the napkin holder at a local diner with them, we were all very amused but the waitress in the joint was not.

To understand the attitude of 14 year old teenage boys in America, I'd recommend that the folks criticizing the kids in Traverse City tune into Beavis and Butthead.
What those kids did was wrong.

One should never jest about slave auctions.

And those kids were stupid to bring attention to their city by pulling that stunt.

Their 90% Caucasian city may now experience an influx of newcomers.
We had slave auctions in high school back in the 1970s. They were girls bidding on boys to be their slave for 24 hours. It raised money for some social event. They were all white kids. The mostly black high school across town did the same. We kids were good with it. The parents were not on both sides of town.
the school wasn't having any such thing, BF. These were just the students.

My guess is that with teenagers, the primary motive of the Traverse City teens was to honk off the adult population. And it sounds like they were tremendously successful.

Congratulations to the tykes for paying attention to what really causes adults to have a conniption and having the courage to step forward with their convictions .

Slave Day was popular during the 1950s.. Maybe earlier. It was to raise money for some school project. All in fun. They also had Sadie Hawkings Day.
Sadie Hawkins Day - Wikipedia

Sadie Hawkins Day is an American folk event and pseudo-holiday originated by Al Capp's classic hillbilly comic strip Li'l Abner (1934–1978). This inspired real-world Sadie Hawkins events, the premise of which is that women ask men for a date or dancing. "Sadie Hawkins Day" was introduced in the comic strip on November 15, 1937; the storyline ran until the beginning of December. The storyline was revisit…

"A group of mostly White students attending two of Traverse City’s high schools had held a mock slave auction on the social media app, “trading” their Black peers for money. “I know how much I was sold for: one hundred dollars,” said Nevaeh, who is half-Black. “And in the end I was given away for free” - to the friend who first warned her about the group. The Snapchat group, titled “slave trade,” also saw a student share the messages “all blacks should die” and “let’s start another holocaust,” according to screenshots obtained by The Washington Post.

t spurred the fast-tracking of a school equity resolution that condemned racism and vowed Traverse City Area Public Schools would better educate its overwhelmingly White student body and teaching staff on how to live in a diverse country. Events in Traverse City would demonstrate how quickly efforts to address historic disparities or present-day racial harassment in schools can become fodder for a campaign against critical race theory, fueled by White parents’ growing conviction that their children are being taught to feel ashamed of their Whiteness - and their country."

First of all, schools have no business intervening into what kids do in their own time; especially if what they were doing is in private..do they not have free speech protection? Second of all, whatever traitor went and told these blacks that they were being auctioned off; that person should be shamed and bullied, rightfully...none of this would have been a problem if that kid had kept their mouth shut.

However, it does make me wonder...why is this a bad thing? ....Instead of trying to shove Marxist critical race theory down our throats; why not have slave auctions in schools in order to teach these darkies how slavery was actually to their benefit...It definitely seems like it could be fun as well.....you can have a special award given to the black who earned the highest bid...instead of trying to use history as a way to make whites feel bad; how about we use it to show these darkies how they were the ones who should feel bad...they were basically property -- why would a white kid feel bad about that? -- its them who should feel bad...and its about time they are reminded why -- because they are getting far too uppity.

I bet you didn't know slave day was a fundraiser ...
Aug 16, 2012 · I bet you didn’t know “slave day” was a fundraiser? my yearbook picture from 1986. I am in the midst of planning my 25th high school reunion and as a result have been daydreaming about all the fun times I had in high school. I started thinking about the end of 1986 when I participated in Newport Harbor’s SLAVE DAY.

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