What's the difference between progressive and conservative views?

What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

The word "progressive" (small P, the adjective) would mean simply having the traits of progress -- as opposed to "static". Nobody except a hyper-Luddite or an ascetic monk would take the latter position.

The OP used the term "Progressives" (capital P), as a proper name identifying a specific movement, and followed it with a hissyfit of emotionally-based strawmen that were wholly unrelated to his term. So I gave him a temporal road map to show him just how far off he was.

Anyone can apply a false description or label. I'm talking about those who declare they're progressive today. Why not comment on the points in the body of the OP? Answer, I forgot a progressive view, which is to talk in circles, ignore the obvious and decorate.

Incidentally, the definition you provided for progressive can be applied to anyone, conservatives included.

Then it kinda renders your whole point here moot, doesn't it.

For a moment I thought you were suggesting 1890-1920 applied to 2018. That would be like saying Democrats still support slavery. Thanks for the clarification.

Looks like that's what you're suggesting with the uninformed title.

Slavery didn't exist 1890-1920 btw. By then everybody had abolished, even Brazil.

Great britian didn't abolish it till recently on the main land and did you forget about these zoos ?

Photos reveal horrifying 'human zoos' in the early 1900s | Daily Mail Online

Thanks, that's a treasure trove of illustrated history and vital for the purpose of knowing where we came from. But while those subjects are certainly dehumanized and while that is a vital dynamic to consider, those are not "slaves".

So these people being forced to preform for bananas are not being held as slaves?
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.

Progressives define improvement by being more like a 3rd world country. That's why they see us as a worse version of undeveloped cultures.

And because they lie, they call themselves progressives. They really are regressives.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.

Progressives define improvement by being more like a 3rd world country. That's why they see us as a worse version of undeveloped cultures.

And because they lie, they call themselves progressives. They really are regressives.

You are confusing true Progressives with Liberals who try to hide themselves by adopting the Progressive title.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?

>> The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.

The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (Trust Busting) and corporations through antitrust laws. These antitrust laws were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors.

Many progressives supported prohibition of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others out of a religious motivation.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". << --- Wiki​
That contains as much propaganda as the Prager U video you were bitching about.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

The word "progressive" (small P, the adjective) would mean simply having the traits of progress -- as opposed to "static". Nobody except a hyper-Luddite or an ascetic monk would take the latter position.

The OP used the term "Progressives" (capital P), as a proper name identifying a specific movement, and followed it with a hissyfit of emotionally-based strawmen that were wholly unrelated to his term. So I gave him a temporal road map to show him just how far off he was.

Anyone can apply a false description or label. I'm talking about those who declare they're progressive today. Why not comment on the points in the body of the OP? Answer, I forgot a progressive view, which is to talk in circles, ignore the obvious and decorate.

Incidentally, the definition you provided for progressive can be applied to anyone, conservatives included.

Then it kinda renders your whole point here moot, doesn't it.

"Kinda'" is code for insecurity. I rendered your point moot. "Progressivism" is separate and distinct from those who claim to be progressive TODAY. I'd call your kind liberal, but that's an even greater misnomer. Progressives have destroyed liberalism.
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What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Democrats are literally against all of that.

Instead Democrats want to go back to the Salem witch trials and pretend that there are 57 genders .
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
So allowing men in girls bathrooms is an improvement of society?
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
So allowing men in girls bathrooms is an improvement of society?
Damn the lines are long enough with just women wanting to go into the girls bathrooms, but now you want men also? you are sick mother fuckers...
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Democrats are literally against all of that.

Instead Democrats want to go back to the Salem witch trials and pretend that there are 57 genders .


There are at least 65 genders now.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males

Since you're projecting your hated of liberal causes, you are romanticizing conservative values and denigrating liberal values. Your language in describing both is a dead give away.

When you speak of "traditional values" being a Conservative value, and then say that progressives want to "stomp out traditional values" you provide no context. Racial bigotry and xenophobia are "traditional values" which have no place in a modern, respectful multi-cultutal world. And yet these are values currently being upheld by today's Republican Party.

If you're talking about marriage as being between a man and a woman, progressives aren't "stomping it out", they're augmenting it. They're adding non-traditional couplings without harming or diminishing straight heterosexual marriage in any way.

Gay marriage is everything that conservatives say they want. It allows those who are gay to have the same level of commitment and legal protections as straight couples. Mostly, it protects gays families from being disrespected or dispossed of their loved ones in times of medical emergency. It gives "next of kin" status to gay couples to prevent disapproving family from swooping in and pushing the partner aside, which happens more than you think. And yet it has no effect on hetero-sexual marriage whatsoever. Why conservatives oppose gay marriage is beyond me.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males

Since you're projecting your hated of liberal causes, you are romanticizing conservative values and denigrating liberal values. Your language in describing both is a dead give away.

When you speak of "traditional values" being a Conservative value, and then say that progressives want to "stomp out traditional values" you provide no context. Racial bigotry and xenophobia are "traditional values" which have no place in a modern, respectful multi-cultutal world. And yet these are values currently being upheld by today's Republican Party.

If you're talking about marriage as being between a man and a woman, progressives aren't "stomping it out", they're augmenting it. They're adding non-traditional couplings without harming or diminishing straight heterosexual marriage in any way.

Gay marriage is everything that conservatives say they want. It allows those who are gay to have the same level of commitment and legal protections as straight couples. Mostly, it protects gays families from being disrespected or dispossed of their loved ones in times of medical emergency. It gives "next of kin" status to gay couples to prevent disapproving family from swooping in and pushing the partner aside, which happens more than you think. And yet it has no effect on hetero-sexual marriage whatsoever. Why conservatives oppose gay marriage is beyond me.

I love how you think American values are "xenophobic", "racially bigoted". "not multi-cultural enough" and "not modern".

You can fuck off at any moment. We won't miss...
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Democrats are literally against all of that.

Instead Democrats want to go back to the Salem witch trials and pretend that there are 57 genders .


There are at least 65 genders now.

71 according to Facebook. For today's "progress"ives this must represent progress. Hopefully the number continues to grow, cuz it's progressive.

For a moment I thought you were suggesting 1890-1920 applied to 2018. That would be like saying Democrats still support slavery. Thanks for the clarification.

Looks like that's what you're suggesting with the uninformed title.

Slavery didn't exist 1890-1920 btw. By then everybody had abolished, even Brazil.

Great britian didn't abolish it till recently on the main land and did you forget about these zoos ?

Photos reveal horrifying 'human zoos' in the early 1900s | Daily Mail Online

Thanks, that's a treasure trove of illustrated history and vital for the purpose of knowing where we came from. But while those subjects are certainly dehumanized and while that is a vital dynamic to consider, those are not "slaves".

So these people being forced to preform for bananas are not being held as slaves?

What you've got here, so as not to diminish its import, is certainly an eloquent picture of the white supremacist attitude toward what were called "savages" even into the 20th century, and a vital window into how recently the Euro standard came to accept said "savages" as actual humans. But as to 'slavery' I'd have to know more about what the arrangement was. Were these people prisoners? POWs? Were they hired? Were they in captivity, permanent or temporary? Were they forced to work as a condition of survival? Did they "work off" their positions?
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Democrats are literally against all of that.

Instead Democrats want to go back to the Salem witch trials and pretend that there are 57 genders .


There are at least 65 genders now.

Nope, 71 according to Facebook. For today's "progress"ives this must represent progress.

When you find the phrase "according to Facebook" in your own post, you should probably just get in the Witless Protection Program and change your name.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.

Progressives define improvement by being more like a 3rd world country. That's why they see us as a worse version of undeveloped cultures.

And because they lie, they call themselves progressives. They really are regressives.

And yet ---- the OP can't define what he's talking about and neither can you.

I've been putting this same question up on this board for five years. The next answer will be the first.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males

Since you're projecting your hated of liberal causes, you are romanticizing conservative values and denigrating liberal values. Your language in describing both is a dead give away.

When you speak of "traditional values" being a Conservative value, and then say that progressives want to "stomp out traditional values" you provide no context. Racial bigotry and xenophobia are "traditional values" which have no place in a modern, respectful multi-cultutal world. And yet these are values currently being upheld by today's Republican Party.

If you're talking about marriage as being between a man and a woman, progressives aren't "stomping it out", they're augmenting it. They're adding non-traditional couplings without harming or diminishing straight heterosexual marriage in any way.

Gay marriage is everything that conservatives say they want. It allows those who are gay to have the same level of commitment and legal protections as straight couples. Mostly, it protects gays families from being disrespected or dispossed of their loved ones in times of medical emergency. It gives "next of kin" status to gay couples to prevent disapproving family from swooping in and pushing the partner aside, which happens more than you think. And yet it has no effect on hetero-sexual marriage whatsoever. Why conservatives oppose gay marriage is beyond me.
I don't know when you take a man's dick and put it in another man's ass, doesn't sound too romantic but very messy and stinky...
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Democrats are literally against all of that.

Instead Democrats want to go back to the Salem witch trials and pretend that there are 57 genders .


There are at least 65 genders now.

Nope, 71 according to Facebook. For today's "progress"ives this must represent progress.

When you find the phrase "according to Facebook" in your own post, you should probably just get in the Witless Protection Program and change your name.

Reference to talk in circles. ILMAO "when I find "according to Facebook" in my own post".........You sure are an intellect Pogo. You a teacher?

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