What's the difference between progressive and conservative views?

From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.

Leftists have wide range of ideas and and often disagree with each other?

More proof regarding the lies. If their access to the echo chamber is interrupted, a quick delivery to the cry closet is needed.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.

Progressives define improvement by being more like a 3rd world country. That's why they see us as a worse version of undeveloped cultures.

And because they lie, they call themselves progressives. They really are regressives.

And yet ---- the OP can't define what he's talking about and neither can you.

I've been putting this same question up on this board for five years. The next answer will be the first.

Progressives play make-believe and then declare themselves the winner. Everyone gets a trophy.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?<snipped for brevity>
Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. That is diametric to what a conservative is. It is today largely synonymous with the left or left-of-center political ideology. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.

I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change.

It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.

Progressives define improvement by being more like a 3rd world country. That's why they see us as a worse version of undeveloped cultures.

And because they lie, they call themselves progressives. They really are regressives.

And yet ---- the OP can't define what he's talking about and neither can you.

I've been putting this same question up on this board for five years. The next answer will be the first.

Progressives play make-believe and then declare themselves the winner. Everyone gets a trophy.

From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.
Everything you think a conservative is was told to you by your masters in the media and repeated by other lemmings of the media.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?

>> The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.

The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (Trust Busting) and corporations through antitrust laws. These antitrust laws were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors.

Many progressives supported prohibition of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others out of a religious motivation.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". << --- Wiki​
Wow, that’s the rosiest, Puerto Rican shower I’ve ever seen given to early 20th century progressivism. Hey, let’s ban alcohol for everyone and really stick it to those saloon bosses, that’ll show them. Also, we should really make sure those “undesirables” aren’t, you know, getting mixed into the gene pool, wink wink nod nod...well because that’s science. And you know what else, we can really make the whole government thing more efficient if we just add beuracracy to it. While we’re at it, we need more government power to make sure cattle, I mean, citizens are living a more “desirable” lifestyle.

Yea Americans rejected progressivism hard, which is why FDR has to rebrand it as liberalism. But Hitler certainly didn’t, he embraced it to its fullest extent.
One of the most enjoyable progressive talking points is "conservatives only serve the wealthy and want $ distributed to a few". Consistent with the OP, this is an emotional response that involves no critical application. That's not an opinion it's a fact as supported by:

A. The wealthiest people today are "liberal".
B. The wealthiest zip codes are primarily liberal.
C. California leads the path for today's "progress"ive values. The middle class are evacuating California, leaving the untra-wealthy and ultra-poor.
One of the most enjoyable progressive talking points is "conservatives only serve the wealthy and want $ distributed to a few". Consistent with the OP, this is an emotional response that involves no critical application. That's not an opinion it's a fact as supported by:

A. The wealthiest people today are "liberal".
B. The wealthiest zip codes are primarily liberal.
C. California leads the path for today's "progress"ive values. The middle class are evacuating California, leaving the untra-wealthy and ultra-poor.

It's more progressive lies.

What they mean is that the republicans don't want to confiscate the wealth of the middle class and give it to the unproductive parasite class, often seen wearing pussy hats.

Once the slogan speech is converted to its actual meaning, the ideology starts to make a lot more sense.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?

>> The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.

The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (Trust Busting) and corporations through antitrust laws. These antitrust laws were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors.

Many progressives supported prohibition of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others out of a religious motivation.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". << --- Wiki​
Wow, that’s the rosiest, Puerto Rican shower I’ve ever seen given to early 20th century progressivism. Hey, let’s ban alcohol for everyone and really stick it to those saloon bosses, that’ll show them. Also, we should really make sure those “undesirables” aren’t, you know, getting mixed into the gene pool, wink wink nod nod...well because that’s science. And you know what else, we can really make the whole government thing more efficient if we just add beuracracy to it. While we’re at it, we need more government power to make sure cattle, I mean, citizens are living a more “desirable” lifestyle.

Yea Americans rejected progressivism hard, which is why FDR has to rebrand it as liberalism. But Hitler certainly didn’t, he embraced it to its fullest extent.

Liberalism has ZERO to do with Progressivism. Liberalism was so branded long before FDR or his grandparents were even born. It's what created this country and wrote its Constitution. Had nothing to do with Progressivism that would bubble up a century later, NOR did "Americans reject it" when it did. On the contrary it (finally) gave women the vote, despite the objections of supposedly "Progressive" President Wilson, it broke up monopoly trusts under Progressive President (T) Roosevelt, and for better or worse it did succeed in passing Prohibition, which was undone in the FDR administration and which was a culmination of the Temperance Movement that long predated Progressivism.

As for your last line, Godwin's Law dismisses. "Hitler" my ass. No idea what a "Puerto Rican shower" is supposed to mean but I suspect Godwin has a corollary for that too.
I agree that Progressivism is the support for and/or advocacy of improvement of society by reform, but I disagree that Conservatives don't support or advocate improvement of society. I feel Conservatives merely want a more careful and moderately paced change. By definition, Conservatives want to CONSERVE the things that we have while modifying as we go to ensure we end up with well thought out change. It's the Liberals who want to plunge into change without thought of consequences and only care about their power. I can't support them.
I call myself eclectic when it comes to political beliefs. I have no use for either the democrats or republicans. Philosophically, I fall within the progressive/liberal group but I don't necessarily follow all their precepts either, such as in abortion, immigration, etc. Save the above mentioned items, I have little in common with today's conservatives. I have no problem with the slow approach to things but repel at certain things that are forcibly pushed, such as Obama's dictate on sharing bathrooms and showers with transsexuals. I'm LGBT but even my kids, who are rather open minded about such things, completely rejected it.

It's stuff like that which Obama did that paved the way for trump. Nobody likes being forced into something without being consulted first. I can see where many (white) men were beginning to feel marginalized. Outside of the fanatic conservatives in this forum, the republicans I personally know had reached the end of their rope. Slow and easy is the key.
Last edited:
Conservative View: Take care of your own shit

Progressive View: Fling your shit at other people
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.

Leftists have wide range of ideas and and often disagree with each other?

More proof regarding the lies. If their access to the echo chamber is interrupted, a quick delivery to the cry closet is needed.

You do enjoy your fantasies, don't you?
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.
Everything you think a conservative is was told to you by your masters in the media and repeated by other lemmings of the media.

Wrong fool!

I have lived most of my life in predominantly conservative areas - about 5 miles from where Trump grew up. I know conservatives!
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?

>> The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.

The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (Trust Busting) and corporations through antitrust laws. These antitrust laws were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors.

Many progressives supported prohibition of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others out of a religious motivation.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". << --- Wiki​
Wow, that’s the rosiest, Puerto Rican shower I’ve ever seen given to early 20th century progressivism. Hey, let’s ban alcohol for everyone and really stick it to those saloon bosses, that’ll show them. Also, we should really make sure those “undesirables” aren’t, you know, getting mixed into the gene pool, wink wink nod nod...well because that’s science. And you know what else, we can really make the whole government thing more efficient if we just add beuracracy to it. While we’re at it, we need more government power to make sure cattle, I mean, citizens are living a more “desirable” lifestyle.

Yea Americans rejected progressivism hard, which is why FDR has to rebrand it as liberalism. But Hitler certainly didn’t, he embraced it to its fullest extent.

Liberalism has ZERO to do with Progressivism. Liberalism was so branded long before FDR or his grandparents were even born. It's what created this country and wrote its Constitution. Had nothing to do with Progressivism that would bubble up a century later, NOR did "Americans reject it" when it did. On the contrary it (finally) gave women the vote, despite the objections of supposedly "Progressive" President Wilson, it broke up monopoly trusts under Progressive President (T) Roosevelt, and for better or worse it did succeed in passing Prohibition, which was undone in the FDR administration and which was a culmination of the Temperance Movement that long predated Progressivism.

As for your last line, Godwin's Law dismisses. "Hitler" my ass. No idea what a "Puerto Rican shower" is supposed to mean but I suspect Godwin has a corollary for that too.
After Wilson, who was very progressive, progressivism left a bad taste in the mouth of Americans. FDR, who was very progressive, obviously, did not want to be associated with progressivism, so he took over the term liberal as a rebranding, even though it’s a misnomer. Which is why the Democratic Party used to call themselves liberal, up until recently. And socially, at least 10 years ago or so, they were more liberal, just not fiscally. Anyway, this is why what would be considered traditional/jeffersonian liberal (or what is known as liberal in Europe), had to be rebranded as libertarian in the 60s or 70s (whenever that happened). This is also the reason why our politics no longer fit in the European/traditional political spectrum.

And you can call it goodwins law if you want, I call it history, because that’s where Hitler got his politics from, American progressives. That’s who Hitler credits.This is why Time magazine named him person of the year. Progressives had a lot of praise for Hitler before he started invading everywhere. Before WW2 started, we used to have our students give the pledge of allegiance doing a hitler salute (bellamany salute it was called). Hitler and Mussolini both praised FDR’s new deal, and hoped it would succeed to show that not only does progressivism work here, it also works in America. Then there’s the likes of Sanger, and Bernard Shaw, and other famous progressives of the time who praised Hitler, and vise versa. Hitler was considered a good dude by progressives, up until he started with the whole world domination thing.

And the temperance movement didn’t pick up steam until the progressives came onto the scene. Once progressives passed prohibition, they took it upon themselves to poison alcohol found with wood alcohol, to teach the disobedient cattle a lesson. That killed 50,000 or so Americans (I believe, it was a big number), and blinded a shit ton more. This is what happens when you give power to control freaks who think they know better, and have delusions of utopia, and quite the opposite happens when they try to enact it.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.
Everything you think a conservative is was told to you by your masters in the media and repeated by other lemmings of the media.

Wrong fool!

I have lived most of my life in predominantly conservative areas - about 5 miles from where Trump grew up. I know conservatives!
Trump didn't grow up in a conservative area at all.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability
Traditional values. Like fucking porn stars and defrauding the elderly at a fake university.

Intellectual honesty! Jesus, I'm surprised the forum server didn't explode on that one.

Personal accountability. Like tossing one's spunk in the voter's faces and promising to repeal and replace Obamacare with a plan that will be a "tiny fraction of the cost".
After Wilson, who was very progressive, progressivism left a bad taste in the mouth of Americans. FDR, who was very progressive, obviously, did not want to be associated with progressivism, so he took over the term liberal as a rebranding, even though it’s a misnomer. Which is why the Democratic Party used to call themselves liberal, up until recently. And socially, at least 10 years ago or so, they were more liberal, just not fiscally. Anyway, this is why what would be considered traditional/jeffersonian liberal (or what is known as liberal in Europe), had to be rebranded as libertarian in the 60s or 70s (whenever that happened). This is also the reason why our politics no longer fit in the European/traditional political spectrum.


Nobody decided they were going to be or not be a "Progressive", with the exceptions of T Roosevelt, Bob LaFollette and later on Henry Wallace who all used the term (as an adjective) to name their short-lived parties launched for the purpose of Presidential runs. "Progressivism" is a historian term, hence the dates affixed, which once began with T Roosevelt and was backed up to 1890 to reflect local origins and "Populist/Fusion" movements.

What YOU choose to accept or ignore as legitimate political science terms among all this is actually irrelevant. Again, FDR didn't "rebrand" anything --- feel free to demonstrate to the contrary as opposed to floating your own perceptions. Liberalism was the philosophy that generated this country and its Constitution and broke with the then-traditional colonial model of royalty and the clergy running the show. That's what it means regardless who uses or misuses the term. As for Progressivism it effectively ended when Wilson betrayed those proponents by getting into the Great War as it was called until there was a second one. So when we say "1890-1920" we might more accurately sharpen the latter to "1917". After that Wilson got into the infamous Palmer Raids and sedition prosecutions and illegal interventions in Latin America and Russia, which were decidedly anything but "Progressive" ideals. Not to mention his disdain for women voting which passed under his tenure in spite of Wilson rather than because of him.

And you can call it goodwins law if you want, I call it history, because that’s where Hitler got his politics from, American progressives. That’s who Hitler credits.This is why Time magazine named him person of the year. Progressives had a lot of praise for Hitler before he started invading everywhere. Before WW2 started, we used to have our students give the pledge of allegiance doing a hitler salute (bellamany salute it was called). Hitler and Mussolini both praised FDR’s new deal, and hoped it would succeed to show that not only does progressivism work here, it also works in America. Then there’s the likes of Sanger, and Bernard Shaw, and other famous progressives of the time who praised Hitler, and vise versa. Hitler was considered a good dude by progressives, up until he started with the whole world domination thing.

Apparently you've never heard of Godwin's (not "Goodwin's") Law even while you practice it.

Hitler got his politics from Mussolini's fascism, demagoguery and the ultra-right. He didn't "credit" the bygone "Progressive" era --- again feel free to demonstrate to the contrary. He did however express admiration for the model of Native American genocide of this country's history.

That gesture to which you refer was by the way the Bellamy salute, named after the writer of the Pledge of Allegiance (who did that for commercial purposes) and it was indeed dropped in favor of the hand-over-the-heart posture. But Hitler got his from (again) Mussolini who took it from ancient Rome. So your intimation that "Hitler copied America" not only has nothing to do with Progressivism (nor does the Plege of Allegiance itself) but is historically false. I'm not familiar with "Bernard Shaw" or Sanger's "praise of Hitler and vice versa" but you're again descending into the same old Composition Fallacy I keep busting you on and you keep ignoring. It continues to be fallacious whether you use the fallacy or not.

And the temperance movement didn’t pick up steam until the progressives came onto the scene. Once progressives passed prohibition, they took it upon themselves to poison alcohol found with wood alcohol, to teach the disobedient cattle a lesson. That killed 50,000 or so Americans (I believe, it was a big number), and blinded a shit ton more. This is what happens when you give power to control freaks who think they know better, and have delusions of utopia, and quite the opposite happens when they try to enact it.

The Temperance Movement had been around for decades and got its way with the support of the religious right and the Klan, who were vehemently Prohibitionist. The Progressive part in it was its crusade to end "saloon-based" political corruption and the Klan part was its opposition to immigrants and Catholics. That's who "passed Prohibition". Again harking back to Wilson in whose administration it came about, there was a whole lot of control freaking going on with forced fake-patriotism, rampant race rioting and segregation, the Klan gathering steam, Wilson's keeping an army in Russia into 1920, the Palmer Raids etc --- which (again) makes the argument for calling the later part of the Wilson era "Progressive" impossible.

To sum up, if there could be one person most responsible for putting the knife into the Progressive Era and turning it, it would have to be Woodrow Wilson, and he left office in 1921 so unpopular that Warren Harding barely had to campaign at all and won what was then the biggest landslide ever.
What's the difference between understanding one's own history and purveying bullshit terms of which one has no clue in the world of their meaning?

>> The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.

The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (Trust Busting) and corporations through antitrust laws. These antitrust laws were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors.

Many progressives supported prohibition of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others out of a religious motivation.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". << --- Wiki​

What year is this?


For a moment I thought you were suggesting 1890-1920 applied to 2018. That would be like saying Democrats still support slavery. Thanks for the clarification.

Looks like that's what you're suggesting with the uninformed title.

Slavery didn't exist 1890-1920 btw. By then everybody had abolished, even Brazil.

Can't you remain in context? Perhaps you're confused. I'm talking about TODAY'S progressive.

No you're not. Your description of progressive "values" is so false as to be a total lie. The history of mankind is written as the triumph of progressive values over conservative values. Progressives move religious, social and economic models forward, while conservatives are the guys standing by the roadway screaming as passing cars "Get a horse!".

Today's Republican Party is about as far from being conservative as they can be. Government has expanded under every Republican regime and contracted under Democrats. So while Republicans say they're for smaller government they really are not. Republicans spend like drunken sailors. They make Democrats look like fiscal conservatives.
From my angle:

Traditional values
Critical application
Homeland security
Strength and unity
Our Constitution
Intellectual honesty
Personal accountability

Stomp out traditional values
Emotional responses
One world disorder and open borders
Weakness and division
Destroying the Constitution
Intellectual dishonesty
Govt. accountability for the individual while everyone gets a trophy
An obsession with the victim role
Men are chicks and homosexuality equals heterosexuality
Racism and projection of racism
Feminizing males
I forgot one, such as progressives talk in circles because they can't defend themselves. See Pogo.


For my angle:

Reverse all social, government and economic reforms made in the last 150 years.
Funnel all wealth into a small handful of people thereby creating a new defacto world wide monarchy
Install a strict socio-economic class system
Believe in and promote a lockstep set of beliefs demonizing anyone that expresses individual thought
The belief that a persons 'class', race, birthright or inheritance should be the chief determinant of their socio-economic status.
The belief that to be a 'true American' just means being born in the U.S. and being White

Individuals that have a wide range of ideas on how to improve society
Individuals that often disagree with each other on many issues
The general belief that government must evolve as society evolves
A desire for a more fair and just society
A society that rewards individual achievement rather than class status, inheritance or birthright.
A morally decent society that ensure even the poorest can live a reasonable standard of living
A realization that each of us is a member of a society and that we all benefit from a healthier, fairer society.
The belief that to be a True American means believing in and living by the philosophy and principals of the founding fathers and enlightenment thinkers - regardless of where you were born or what race you are.
Everything you think a conservative is was told to you by your masters in the media and repeated by other lemmings of the media.

Wrong fool!

I have lived most of my life in predominantly conservative areas - about 5 miles from where Trump grew up. I know conservatives!
Trump didn't grow up in a conservative area at all.

Jamaica Estates isn't Conservative? :290968001256257790-final:

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