Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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Yeah.......its the Holy Bible, not the plagiarized book of mormon that is full of fabrications. The promotion of polygamy, fornication and adultery outside of God's plan for marriage. (Mark 10: 5-10). While promoting bigotry and racism against dark skinned peoples.....declaring they have dark skin because they are being punished by God. Then of course who could forget that according to mr. smith, the moon is populated by a race of peoples that look and dress like Quakers.

But......its your book that is true and the Bible (that your cult plagiarized) that is full of fabrications. Talk about self contradictions. If the Holy Bible is a false fabrication ......are the passages that smith copied from the Holy Bible, as mormon doctrine, also fabrications?

You have to simply love all these retorts from false religions attempting to justify their false doctrines........that are based upon pure unadulterated Ad Hominem emotions instead of reason and logic.

Ad Hominem: Your cult demonstrates the quint essential ad hominem response. Ad Hominem: appealing to personal reasons other than FACTS AND REASON.

You presented the truth.......uh!, uh!, because you said that you presented the truth. Where's the beef? The Observable, Reproducible, Testable facts in evidence?
All your accusations have been debunked. Move on. You’re damning yourself.
The promotion of polygamy, fornication and adultery outside of God's plan for marriage. (Mark 10: 5-10).
This is not in the Book of Mormon. God changed His mind about polygamy when Utah was having trouble achieving statehood. God told the Mormon Prophet Brigham Young.
While promoting bigotry and racism against dark skinned peoples.....declaring they have dark skin because they are being punished by God.
This is not in any copy of the Book of Mormon printed after 1978. In 1978 God changed His mind about black people and told the Mormon Prophet Spencer W. Kimball.
Then of course who could forget that according to mr. smith, the moon is populated by a race of peoples that look and dress like Quakers.
That is certainly not in the Book of Mormon.

You may have older copies of the Book of Mormon. Get a new copy from your local LDS Missionaries in your area. Wait. Did you even read the Book of Mormon? If not, disregard this entire message.
Mormonism.........The Mormons have removed, through their personal doctrine, the most common sins that God has described as a sin. Multiple Marriages, Adultery, Fornication (all sexual activities outside of God's traditional marriage between 1 man and 1 woman)........for all other sins, they declare that they are gods in waiting, which basically gives them a blank check as to defining what constitutes sin and what does not constitute sin........claiming this gives the cult the right to draft more scripture 2000 years removed from the founding of Christianity. According to truth existed between the book of revelation and joe smiths book of mormon because the Bible is filled with errors.....logically speaking this means that no one could have been saved over a 2000 year span of earth's existence.
All of them.

All these religions are basically the same therefore they are all stem from the same nutty idea
This is not in the Book of Mormon. God changed His mind about polygamy when Utah was having trouble achieving statehood. God told the Mormon Prophet Brigham Young.

This is not in any copy of the Book of Mormon printed after 1978. In 1978 God changed His mind about black people and told the Mormon Prophet Spencer W. Kimball.

That is certainly not in the Book of Mormon.

You may have older copies of the Book of Mormon. Get a new copy from your local LDS Missionaries in your area. Wait. Did you even read the Book of Mormon? If not, disregard this entire message.
Simply because you refuse to accept historical documents does not prove these historical documents did not exist. Moon People? This comes from the Young Womans Journal, Vol. 3 pg. 263)'s_Journal

Next historical factual error? Failed prophecies.....the Bible declares that false prophets' prophecies would not come true. Joseph Smith prophesied that a temple would be constructed in Independence Mo. before his current generation passed. (D&C 84:1-5)

smith also stated that Great Britain would provide military support for the Southern States during the civil war. (87:4) smith also prophesied that ALL NATIONS would cease to exist, a full end to all nations on earth (87:6).

The most damning failed prophesy? smith predicted the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ in the late 19th century......along with the failed prophecies of the JW and 7 day adventists. smith declared that the Christ would return between 1890-1891).......the mormon's excuse for smith's prophecy.....its a non prophecy because no one knows what the phrase by smith in (D&C 130:14-17) "WIND UP THE SCENE".....actually means. Some of these excuses attempting to run from history actual are priceless.........dinner and a show :popcorn:
All of them.

All these religions are basically the same therefore they are all stem from the same nutty idea
Nutty "IDEA" a self creating universe, life evolving from star dust, producing biological life from dead matter plus some random energy source that can't be proven? According to this nutty idea............if you leave 2 basic gases alone (Helium and Hydrogen) and do nothing, eventually, about 12 or 13 billion years.........those gases will evolve into man.

Fairy Tales as predicted by the Holy Scriptures. Men will turn away from the truth and turn themselves over to legends and fairy tales. (2 Tim. 4:4). "Thinking themselves to be wise, they became fools" -- Romans 1:22-32

The Holy Scriptures record an accurate history over the past 3500 years.........they have never been broken by Applied Science or History Actual. All you get from the "monkey" people.....people that have evolved from monkey's/primates, is nothing based upon facts, but theories Subjective BS (IDEAS).........assumptions, conjectures, philosophy pretending to be facts of science. Where are the Laws of Evolution? The Laws of Gravity that can magically create without the requirement of existing MASS? Just ask Stephen Hawking who claimed the universe was created by GRAVITY. The Law of Gravity cannot exist without MASS. Hawking believed in "Spontaneous Generation" (A brief history of Time :S Hawking) This theory was falsified by the Scientific Method (observable, reproducible, and consistent facts) in the 19th century by Louis Pasteur.

This from the smartest (supposedly) human to date. He hated God because of his physical struggles with much that He attempted to declare that the Universe created itself from nothing. I fell sorry for anyone that attempts to blame God for all of lives struggles......but take credit themselves for all that is good and righteous that was generated by their life.
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Nutty "IDEA" a self creating universe, life evolving from star dust, producing biological life from dead matter plus some random energy source that can't be proven?

The Holy Scriptures record an accurate history over the past 3500 years.........they have never been broken by Applied Science of History Actual. All you get from the "monkey" people.....people that have evolved from monkey's/primates, is nothing based upon facts, but theories (IDEAS).........assumptions, conjectures, philosophy pretending to be facts of science. Where are the Laws of Evolution? The Laws of Gravity that can magically create without the requirement of existing MASS. Just ask Stephen Hawking who claimed the universe was created by GRAVITY. The Law of Gravity cannot exist without MASS.

This from the smartest (supposedly) human to date. He hated God because of his physical struggles with much that He attempted to declare that the Universe created itself from nothing. I fell sorry for anyone that attempts to blame God for all of lives struggles......but take credit themselve for all that is good and righteous that was generated by their life.
Like creating a man from clay and a woman from a rib
Like claiming this magic sky fairy jumped into the womb of a virgin so he could walk the earth
Like the god you claim did all that talks to you and actually meddles in human affairs

Anyone can take notes on what's happening in the world there is nothing divine about that. The Bible doesn;t contain any history that cannot be found anywhere else just like it does not contain any philosophy that can't be found anywhere else. The bible is nothing but a compendium of ideas that already existed that also invented a new god for the people of the Iron age which was nothing really but an amalgamation of gods other people believed in at one time or another.

And you have a problem with the universe being created from nothing but no problem with a god that created himself.

FYI I never claimed I know how the universe came to be, If you think I have made that claim then please quote the post
Like creating a man from clay and a woman from a rib
Like claiming this magic sky fairy jumped into the womb of a virgin so he could walk the earth
Like the god you claim did all that talks to you and actually meddles in human affairs

Anyone can take notes on what's happening in the world there is nothing divine about that. The Bible doesn;t contain any history that cannot be found anywhere else just like it does not contain any philosophy that can't be found anywhere else. The bible is nothing but a compendium of ideas that already existed that also invented a new god for the people of the Iron age which was nothing really but an amalgamation of gods other people believed in at one time or another.

And you have a problem with the universe being created from nothing but no problem with a god that created himself.

FYI I never claimed I know how the universe came to be, If you think I have made that claim then please quote the post
You mean
the body of man does not contain elements that are common to the earth? No, carbon, no water....etc.? Science proves that life can only be procreated by existing life within the same species ............The Holy Scriptures completely agreeing with the scientific method (Genesis 1:24) used by Pastuer in the 19th century.........a law of physics that has never been broken......but here you are........150 years in the future still preaching about ABIOGENESIS and a self generating universe.

Question? If you can show me.............out of all the billions and billions of stars in the heaven...........ONE NEW STAR that mankind has observed over the period of recorded history. I will concede to your self generating universe dumb idea.

Science tells us that light takes billions of years to reach earth....we are observing the past mutli billions of years in the past, but not one new star has ever been witnessed being birthed or created. What you can see..........are decaying stars exhausting their energy and slowly dying. Looking into the past......back to the big bang (calimed to be witnessed some 13 billion years ago).........there should be the light from New Stars popping into existence like popcorn, if they are self generating.

What you will attempt is to declare.......Star Nurseries are visible. You will declare that a star nebula like Orinion is a new star........that just has not had enough time to develop. after 13 billion years? Really? I just want to see ONE NEW STAR.......not some theory about star nurseries. FACTS. You are the one claiming to be working with objective facts.

I claim the scriptures are true based upon the prima facie evidence of eye witness accounts that have never been proven wrong (2 Peter 1:16).

Simply present the Scientific Experiment based upon the Scientific Method that falsifies CREATION. It does not exist.
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What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
2Thess 2:3= Catholicism and her hundreds of trinity branches= A house divided will not stand.
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
None of the above. It's the Roly Poly church. The one where they speak in tongues, roll in the aisles, and

half drown the chilluns fer baptism..

Gimme a min..

Pentecostal! :thup:
Pretty much.

Actually, it's very much sensible to fear death, it's a matter of self-preservation. It's pretty much primal from our animal ancestors. The only problem is humans are aware of their own mortality. An animal knows to avoid death, but it isn't aware of death's inevitability.

If the afterlife was so awesome, and you were all so certain it was a thing, you'd all be committing mass suicide like the Branch Davidians or People's Temple. That's the extreme end of religious crazy, where they have these poor fools so suckered they'll kill themselves because a Holy Huckster told them to.

Morality sans religion is just the cost of living in a civil society. Since humans are social creatures, we always have the balance between doing what we want and doing what is accepted by society. The problem with religion is that they will make up often arbitrary rules to impose on people whether they want them or not.
Its natural to fear death.......because you think so? LMAO Do you know any person that has made it out of this reality...........alive? Death happens every day because it is natural, all things physical are born to decay and wilt beneath the hardships of this reality. Innocent children die every day, accidents happen, natural disasters......control is an illusion. You can't go though life hiding from reality.....pretending that you will never die, you will be the one that makes it out alive.:disbelief:

Its fear that causes many secular, famous people to take the easy way out......suicide. How many famous or rich people end up on a slab in the morgue because they have attempted to run from lives struggles with money, fame, drugs, sex.....? In the end.........they realize, these things do not bring a well balanced life......fear consumes them.
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You mean
the body of man does not contain elements that are common to the earth? No, carbon, no water....etc.? Science proves that life can only be procreated by existing life within the same species ............The Holy Scriptures completely agreeing with the scientific method (Genesis 1:24) used by Pastuer in the 19th century.........a law of physics that has never been broken......but here you are........150 years in the future still preaching about ABIOGENESIS and a self generating universe.

Question? If you can show me.............out of all the billions and billions of stars in the heaven...........ONE NEW STAR that mankind has observed over the period of recorded history. I will concede to your self generating universe dumb idea.

Science tells us that light takes billions of years to reach earth....we are observing the past mutli billions of years in the past, but not one new star has ever been witnessed being birthed or created. What you can see..........are decaying stars exhausting their energy and slowly dying. Looking into the past......back to the big bang (calimed to be witnessed some 13 billion years ago).........there should be the light from New Stars popping into existence like popcorn, if they are self generating.

What you will attempt is to declare.......Star Nurseries are visible. You will declare that a star nebula like Orinion is a new star........that just has not had enough time to develop. after 13 billion years? Really? I just want to see ONE NEW STAR.......not some theory about star nurseries. FACTS. You are the one claiming to be working with objective facts.

I claim the scriptures are true based upon the prima facie evidence of eye witness accounts that have never been proven wrong (2 Peter 1:16).

Simply present the Scientific Experiment based upon the Scientific Method that falsifies CREATION. It does not exist.

Stars are still being born today and the latest image from the Webb Telescope if stars being born is only 390 light years away

Like creating a man from clay and a woman from a rib
Like claiming this magic sky fairy jumped into the womb of a virgin so he could walk the earth
Like the god you claim did all that talks to you and actually meddles in human affairs

Anyone can take notes on what's happening in the world there is nothing divine about that. The Bible doesn;t contain any history that cannot be found anywhere else just like it does not contain any philosophy that can't be found anywhere else. The bible is nothing but a compendium of ideas that already existed that also invented a new god for the people of the Iron age which was nothing really but an amalgamation of gods other people believed in at one time or another.

And you have a problem with the universe being created from nothing but no problem with a god that created himself.

FYI I never claimed I know how the universe came to be, If you think I have made that claim then please quote the post
Again........only the "ignorant" declare "prima facie" evidences are fairy tales? Our prison system is filled with people who were convicted by prima faice evidences. Why do you deny prima facie truths? Because YOU have no objective evidence to disprove the eyewitness accounts.

God is eternal, unlike the universe that science and the laws of physics prove IS NOT ETERNAL but is in a state of decay (exhausting a finite/quantifiable amount of energy within a system....i.e, the physical universe is proven to be in a constant state of "ENTROPY": 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Form everlasting to everlasting, "Before the mountains were born, or You gave birth to the earth and the worlds, Even from everlasting to everlasting, YOU ARE GOD." -- Ps. 90:2
"For by Him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible...........and He is before all things and by Him all things consist." -- Col. 1:16-17

FYI: I have a problem with the universe creating itself but not with the existence of God in the Spiritual Realm that created the physical realm? No the problem is one else. God was never created..........He has always existed, God is the creator of the natural. The supernatural created the natural as proven by Objective Science........the universe "exists", how do we know this? Only a fool would deny their own existence, yet YOU can't explain how you/mankind came into existence via the very laws that you declare disproves a Creating superior force. You can't explain yourself via the laws of physics........but you can disprove a superior creating force? Really?:abgg2q.jpg:

The universe can't explain its own existence via the Physical Laws of Science that govern it. Every physical thing that exists requires an equal or superior CAUSE. Explain with science how the universe created itself without a CAUSE. Hell? Hawking could not explain or prove his theories of "Spontaneous Generation"....why? Because the Scientific Method falsified that "IDEA/PHILOSOPHY" in the 19th century. Life can only be produced/reproduced from pre-existing life of the same species.

Why do I have no problem with God being created? God was never created.........He is eternal. God does not have to explain His existence via the application of the laws of physics because the Super (Superior) Natural (to nature) is the effect that created/caused the effect that is known as the physical universe and all that's within it. Science proves that the universe is not ETERNAL. Science cannot explain/prove that the cause/creator of the effect/universe is not eternal. Why? Because the inferior cannot explain/measure/quantify the superior. The Laws of Physics cannot measure/quantify that which they are the inferior thereof...........unless you have a Super-Natural-O-Meter in your ass pocket.

Prove your negative: God does not exist. You cannot. I can explain His existence via the prima facie evidences that surround us.......magic did not create this reality called the universe, it has a CAUSE and that CAUSE is supernatural Superior force to nature.

You are the one that has no excuse...........its you that claims to be working with SCIENCE...MY FAITH is based upon prima facie truths....until you can objectively disprove them. All you present is ad hominem unadulterated Bull Shit.

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen (do you deny the reality that surrounds you?), BEING UNDERSTOOD BY THE THINGS THAT ARE MADE, EVEN HIS ETERNAL POWER AND GODHEAD; SO THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE....." -- Romans 1:20 :deal:
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Again........only the "ignorant" declare "prima facie" evidences are fairy tales? Our prison system is filled with people who were convicted by prima faice evidences. Why do you deny prima facie truths? Because YOU have no objective evidence to disprove the eyewitness accounts.

God is eternal, unlike the universe that science and the laws of physics prove IS NOT ETERNAL but is in a state of decay (exhausting a finite/quantifiable amount of energy within a system....i.e, the physical universe is proven to be in a constant state of "ENTROPY": 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Form everlasting to everlasting, "Before the mountains were born, or You gave birth to the earth and the worlds, Even from everlasting to everlasting, YOU ARE GOD." -- Ps. 90:2
"For by Him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible...........and He is before all things and by Him all things consist." -- Col. 1:16-17

FYI: I have a problem with the universe creating itself but not with the existence of God in the Spiritual Realm that created the physical realm? No the problem is one else. God was never created..........He has always existed, God is the creator of the natural. The supernatural created the natural as proven by Objective Science........the universe "exists", how do we know this? Only a fool would deny their own existence, yet YOU can't explain how you/mankind came into existence via the very laws that you declare disproves a Creating superior force. You can't explain yourself via the laws of physics........but you can disprove a superior creating force? Really?:abgg2q.jpg:

The universe can't explain its own existence via the Physical Laws of Science that govern it. Every physical thing that exists requires an equal or superior CAUSE. Explain with science how the universe created itself without a CAUSE. Hell? Hawking could not explain or prove his theories of "Spontaneous Generation"....why? Because the Scientific Method falsified that "IDEA/PHILOSOPHY" in the 19th century. Life can only be produced/reproduced from pre-existing life of the same species.

Why do I have no problem with God being created? God was never created.........He is eternal. God does not have to explain His existence via the application of the laws of physics because the Super (Superior) Natural (to nature) is the effect that created/caused the effect that is known as the physical universe and all that's within it. Science proves that the universe is not ETERNAL. Science cannot explain/prove that the cause/creator of the effect/universe is not eternal. Why? Because the inferior cannot explain/measure/quantify the superior. The Laws of Physics cannot measure/quantify that which they are the inferior thereof...........unless you have a Super-Natural-O-Meter in your ass pocket.

Prove your negative: God does not exist. You cannot. I can explain His existence via the prima facie evidences that surround us.......magic did not create this reality called the universe, it has a CAUSE and that CAUSE is supernatural Superior force to nature.

You are the one that has no excuse...........its you that claims to be working with SCIENCE...MY FAITH is based upon prima facie truths....until you can objectively disprove them. All you present is ad hominem unadulterated Bull Shit.

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen (do you deny the reality that surrounds you?), BEING UNDERSTOOD BY THE THINGS THAT ARE MADE, EVEN HIS ETERNAL POWER AND GODHEAD; SO THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE....." -- Romans 1:20 :deal:

There is absolutely no evidence that any gods exist and even less that any of those gods are the god of the bible.
There is absolutely no evidence that any gods exist and even less that any of those gods are the god of the bible.
says the one who has likely never read the Bible, much less been in the tangible PRESENCE of Christ, found... not surprisingly, in HIS Church, the Catholic Church.

I guess if one doesn't look for evidence of God, one does not find it... ? I don't know. I was raised in the Church (albeit poorly catechized, and yet the rosary------------but... oh, yeh, you're not listening, i forgot)
If I had to make a choice btwn the 2 of you, which one is damning himself

it would not be Clyde
Of course it would be Clyde. But now probably you too. Your accusations are false and you make judgments on false information manipulated by evil people.
Of course it would be Clyde. But now probably you too. Your accusations are false and you make judgments on false information manipulated by evil people.

A rule you live by (in spades)

If someone disagrees with ME, Cougarbear, that person, whether presenting a valid point or not, is going to get SLAMMED and called EVIL

this is something a 10 year old would do
A rule you live by (in spades)

If someone disagrees with ME, Cougarbear, that person, whether presenting a valid point or not, is going to get SLAMMED and called EVIL

this is something a 10 year old would do
No, I only respond that way when there is something false said.

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