Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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HOw stupid can YOU be?
That only means that however you get to Heaven Jesus makes that possible.You take it the OPPOSITE way.Does it seem right that someone in some aboriginal place that doesn't know anything is DAMNED !!!!

THis is the right teaching, the one you invert and pervert

View attachment 872491

AND HOW kl---- through JESUS CHRIST.

What an ugly view you have of the world
What your posted is what I posted but in a different way.. No matter who or where you are if you sincerly seek salvation you will recieve it through the Holy spirit. You may not ever hear the word Jesus but it is Jesus dieing on the cross and being resurercted that made it possible.
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Man told them to stop ... God allows a man to have more than one wife ... if he dares ... all the stories in the Bible end in heartache and folly, but God never disallowed the practice ...
Okay, 3 logic flaws begging to serve your shame
`1) why would God say this practice not allowed,that would only justify the unenumerable disgusting things not named.
Mom said "no eating the dessert but this is my dinner so it's not dessert" The Bible does not license what it doens't forbid. !!!!!!!That was the whole point of St Paul's ministry
Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

2) As Jesus and Jewish tradition make clear, the loosening of the sanctity of marriage was because men would KILL their spouse to get a new one.

3) Either that Bible is the Word of God and you accept it in toto or it isn't ,there is no middle ground.
Now in most every case more than one wife is shown to cause marital discord.More than that there is the concubine/wife distinction that you gloss over but the Bible does not Even so "Yes, Scripture records acts of polygamy and concubinage among Old Testament saints. But description is not prescription. Recording an action — even an action of an otherwise upstanding “hero” of the biblical narrative — is not in itself a commendation of that action. "
I have a unicorn that lives under my bed.
if you say it exudes a "presence"

I'm outa here

Oh, wait, I'm probably outa here anyway. But yeah, only living beings have Presence. Too bad you don't care about your own salvation enough to inquire about the Most Important "Thing" in the World
if you say it exudes a "presence"

I'm outa here

Oh, wait, I'm probably outa here anyway. But yeah, only living beings have Presence. Too bad you don't care about your own salvation enough to inquire about the Most Important "Thing" in the World

Too bad you think your salvation comes from a magic man in the sky
What your posted is what I posted but in a different way.. No matter who or where you are if you sincerly seek salvation you will recieve it through the Holy spirit. You may not ever hear the word Jesus but it is Jesus dieing on the cross and being resurercted that made it possible.
Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except through Him

so yeh... One needs to SAY the Name of Jesus many many times... (the rosary is one way)
and what fantasy is that?

That I'll die and my constituent atoms will be returned to the universe? That's not a fantasy that's reality
You are on a bad path.

Only in Christ can you be saved of your sins. And you definitely exhibit that you have many of those.

But not to worry, none of us is perfectly pure 24/7/365

However, one must be absolutely 100% CLEAN of mortal sin when one dies. A (and even then, most people are in Purgation for an avg of 40 years before going to Heaven)

YOU do not know WHEN you will die. You could be in a car accident today and that would be IT for you
You are on a bad path.

Only in Christ can you be saved of your sins. And you definitely exhibit that you have many of those.

But not to worry, none of us is perfectly pure 24/7/365

However, one must be absolutely 100% CLEAN of mortal sin when one dies. A (and even then, most people are in Purgation for an avg of 40 years before going to Heaven)

YOU do not know WHEN you will die. You could be in a car accident today and that would be IT for you

My path is just fine and I think it's quite beautiful and I am happy that I get to walk it
My path is just fine and I think it's quite beautiful and I am happy that I get to walk it
I'm sure it is just fine--for now

At death, things will likely be VERY different. It won't be fine at all, is my guess

And you could die today, for all you know
Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except through Him
so yeh... One needs to SAY the Name of Jesus many many times... (the rosary is one way)

That sounds an awful lot like, not only vain repetitions, but a violation of the Third Commandment.

And it's not even prayers directed as Jesus, or more appropriately, to His father; it's prayers directed to Mary, a mere mortal.

Jesus is the only valid intercessor between God and man, not Mary.
That sounds an awful lot like, not only vain repetitions, but a violation of the Third Commandment.

And it's not even prayers directed as Jesus, or more appropriately, to His father; it's prayers directed to Mary, a mere mortal.

Jesus is the only valid intercessor between God and man, not Mary.
You don't have a clue what the rosary is

Stop commenting on things you have no clue about. It's very intellectually DISHONEST
I'm sure it is just fine--for now

At death, things will likely be VERY different. It won't be fine at all, is my guess

And you could die today, for all you know

You could die today too and find out all the Iron Age religious mythology is wrong.

What's going to happen is that the universe will reclaim my matter and energy that's all.
You will find out that God is real, and you did know there is no other explanation for the universe, and you were without excuse for not looking. There are really nutty religions, and faiths, even within what is called Christianity, but the gospel is simple so it would be available to everyone, yet repentance to turn to God from life with sins against God is needed, Christ made it possible for you and all, with coming for us, showing the way and preaching for it, and the atonement with what he bore, we can come to God with restoration for that.
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
The Huuuuuge fallacy that this question exemplifies is called by me the World's Tallest Pygmy fallacy.
In any conceivable world that is not perfect you could speak of best and worst, but with no meaning

At what point (and logically there must be one) is it not right to call something Christian for the very reason that it is so nutty.
This too is a fallacy.
You will find out that God is real, and you did know there is no other explanation for the universe, and you were without excuse for not looking. There are really nutty religions, and faiths, even within what is called Christianity, but the gospel is simple so it would be available to everyone, yet repentance to turn to God from life with sins against God is needed, Christ made it possible for you and all, with coming for us, showing the way and preaching for it, and the atonement with what he bore, we can come to God with restoration for that.
So, out of curiosity, The oldest Abrahamic religious writings (Hebrew in this case) were written nine centuries before 1 AD (or CE, if you prefer). Homo Sapiens (our specific species) have been trotting around this planet for about 315,000 years prior to that.
The question is, why did your deity not "give them the word" to save their souls? He decided all those humans that came prior to the Hebrews weren't worth getting informed? Just chuck them off to hell?
Hinduism is one of the oldest religion still in existence. The oldest religion of all would be the Animist religions, still in existence in tribal areas. Perhaps being the first, their religion would be the right one.
Is to be fair jesus didn't believe in hell either. He was a jew. Judaism doesn't have an eternal damnation. The punishment for sin is being eternally separate from god when you die.

The concept of Hell was createdyears later after christians started converting the Norse. It comes from the norse goddess Hel.
Man told them to stop ... God allows a man to have more than one wife ... if he dares ... all the stories in the Bible end in heartache and folly, but God never disallowed the practice ...
Bible never said to not feed your neighbor chocolate cake with radioactive poison in it.
This FALLACY is the argument from silence

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