Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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There is absolutely no evidence that any gods exist and even less that any of those gods are the god of the bible.
Sure there exists over 3500 years of prima facie historical evidences, from eyewitness accounts, contained in the Holy Scriptures that have never been broken by the supposed Objective Laws of Physics. Prima Facie evidence is EVIDENCE, just ask any judge or jury in the United States.....or any inmate of our penal SLAVE of the STATE, that has been convicted by the prima facie circumstantial eyewitness accounts, from 3 or more witnesses.

Even our legal system is based upon Blackstone's commentaries on the Laws of England........Blackstone referenced the Holy Bible greatly. Example.......the idea of having 3 or more eyewitnesses to convict someone. "A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrongdoing in connection to any offense that has been committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses shall a charge be established." -- Deut. 19:15

Blackstone and the US Constitution, the founding of our, US system of jurisprudence: Blackstone stated that "the laws of men should be based upon the laws of the creator".

Commentaries on the Laws of England - Wikipedia

How thick headed are you? You claim that TRUTH cannot be derived through prima facie evidences when its FACTS that ARE TRUTHS that must be objectively proven by your supposed idea of SCIENCE that is nothing but Philosophy, contained only between the ears of those that can't produce enough facts to prove that Evolution is a LAW of NATURE/PHYSICS. God can't be quantified/measured by the Laws of Physics.........for a reason. The Laws of Physics do not have the authority to measure their superior creating force.

Its a simple concept found in the Holy Scriptures.............God has proven His existence through the visible things that are MADE (without factual evidence by those espousing they are working with SCIENCE) Romans 1:20 Even our founders accepted this evidence as truth, "We holds these TRUTH'S to be self evident, that all men are created equal, THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE (non-transferable to the state or by the laws of the state, implied, void of due process.) RIGHTS, AMONG THESE ARE LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

I have a question? What crimes against humanity has any child in the womb being charged with.........without even the thought of DUE PROCESS for this gestating human life? Since when did it become MORAL for a mother to kill her child without due process? Our founding documents declare that LIFE AND LIBERTY are UNALIENABLE without due process.

Now a very FASCIST manner, declare these evidences do not exist and are not part of our US HISTORY. :deal:

The use of such prima facie evidences exist in both civil and criminal courts. Its YOU that claim that God does not exist void of any Objective or Prima Facie evidences "beyond the shadow of a doubt". The burden is upon you...........the one that claims to be working within the natural laws of physics, Prove your negative. I have presented more than enough reasons to bring DOUBT upon your SELF CREATING universe. Just like all FASCISTS, you have the mule attempting to push the plow...i.e, attempting to shift or project your own lack of evidences upon the ones that you are ACCUSING. Its "Saul Alinsky" 101
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Sure there exists over 3500 years of prima facie historical evidences, from eyewitness accounts, contained in the Holy Scriptures that have never been broken by the supposed Objective Laws of Physics. Prima Facie evidence is EVIDENCE, just ask any judge or jury in the United States.....or any inmate of our penal SLAVE of the STATE, that has been convicted by the prima facie circumstantial eyewitness accounts, from 3 or more witnesses.

Even our legal system is based upon Blackstone's commentaries on the Laws of England........Blackstone referenced the Holy Bible greatly. Example.......the idea of having 3 or more eyewitnesses to convict someone. "A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrongdoing in connection to any offense that has been committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses shall a charge be established." -- Deut. 19:15

Blackstone and the US Constitution, the founding of our, US system of jurisprudence: Blackstone stated that "the laws of men should be based upon the laws of the creator".

Commentaries on the Laws of England - Wikipedia

How thick headed are you? You claim that TRUTH cannot be derived through prima facie evidences when its FACTS that ARE TRUTHS that must be objectively proven by your supposed idea of SCIENCE that is nothing but Philosophy, contained only between the ears of those that can't produce enough facts to prove that Evolution is a LAW of NATURE/PHYSICS. God can't be quantified/measured by the Laws of Physics.........for a reason. The Laws of Physics do not have the authority to measure their superior creating force.

Its a simple concept found in the Holy Scriptures.............God has proven His existence through the visible things that are MADE (without factual evidence by those espousing they are working with SCIENCE) Romans 1:20 Even our founders accepted this evidence as truth, "We holds these TRUTH'S to be self evident, that all men are created equal, THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE (non-transferable to the state or by the laws of the state, implied, void of due process.) RIGHTS, AMONG THESE ARE LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

I have a question? What crimes against humanity has any child in the womb being charged with.........without even the thought of DUE PROCESS for this gestating human life? Since when did it become MORAL for a mother to kill her child without due process? Our founding documents declare that LIFE AND LIBERTY are UNALIENABLE without due process.

Now a very FASCIST manner, declare these evidences do not exist and are not part of our US HISTORY. :deal:

The use of such prima facie evidences exist in both civil and criminal courts. Its YOU that claim that God does not exist void of any Objective or Prima Facie evidences "beyond the shadow of a doubt". The burden is upon you...........the one that claims to be working within the natural laws of physics, Prove your negative. I have presented more than enough reasons to bring DOUBT upon your SELF CREATING universe. Just like all FASCISTS, you have the mule attempting to push the plow...i.e, attempting to shift or project your own lack of evidences upon the ones that you are ACCUSING. Its "Saul Alinsky" 101
Oh, this will certainly turn him Blue. Maybe he can hide with Ding Dong Donkey...
I watched a documentary on ifb baptists. Their views on a women's place are frankly disturbing.
says the one who has likely never read the Bible, much less been in the tangible PRESENCE of Christ, found... not surprisingly, in HIS Church, the Catholic Church.

I guess if one doesn't look for evidence of God, one does not find it... ? I don't know. I was raised in the Church (albeit poorly catechized, and yet the rosary------------but... oh, yeh, you're not listening, i forgot)
You like yo ASSume shit don;t you?

I have read the bible cover to cover several times which is several time more than most Christians
I've also read the Koran, the Upanishads, the Tao and the Buddhist Sutras

And one only "finds a god" if you don't look for evidence and just believe everything you're told
Sure there exists over 3500 years of prima facie historical evidences, from eyewitness accounts, contained in the Holy Scriptures that have never been broken by the supposed Objective Laws of Physics. Prima Facie evidence is EVIDENCE, just ask any judge or jury in the United States.....or any inmate of our penal SLAVE of the STATE, that has been convicted by the prima facie circumstantial eyewitness accounts, from 3 or more witnesses.

Even our legal system is based upon Blackstone's commentaries on the Laws of England........Blackstone referenced the Holy Bible greatly. Example.......the idea of having 3 or more eyewitnesses to convict someone. "A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrongdoing in connection to any offense that has been committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses shall a charge be established." -- Deut. 19:15

Blackstone and the US Constitution, the founding of our, US system of jurisprudence: Blackstone stated that "the laws of men should be based upon the laws of the creator".

Commentaries on the Laws of England - Wikipedia

How thick headed are you? You claim that TRUTH cannot be derived through prima facie evidences when its FACTS that ARE TRUTHS that must be objectively proven by your supposed idea of SCIENCE that is nothing but Philosophy, contained only between the ears of those that can't produce enough facts to prove that Evolution is a LAW of NATURE/PHYSICS. God can't be quantified/measured by the Laws of Physics.........for a reason. The Laws of Physics do not have the authority to measure their superior creating force.

Its a simple concept found in the Holy Scriptures.............God has proven His existence through the visible things that are MADE (without factual evidence by those espousing they are working with SCIENCE) Romans 1:20 Even our founders accepted this evidence as truth, "We holds these TRUTH'S to be self evident, that all men are created equal, THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE (non-transferable to the state or by the laws of the state, implied, void of due process.) RIGHTS, AMONG THESE ARE LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

I have a question? What crimes against humanity has any child in the womb being charged with.........without even the thought of DUE PROCESS for this gestating human life? Since when did it become MORAL for a mother to kill her child without due process? Our founding documents declare that LIFE AND LIBERTY are UNALIENABLE without due process.

Now a very FASCIST manner, declare these evidences do not exist and are not part of our US HISTORY. :deal:

The use of such prima facie evidences exist in both civil and criminal courts. Its YOU that claim that God does not exist void of any Objective or Prima Facie evidences "beyond the shadow of a doubt". The burden is upon you...........the one that claims to be working within the natural laws of physics, Prove your negative. I have presented more than enough reasons to bring DOUBT upon your SELF CREATING universe. Just like all FASCISTS, you have the mule attempting to push the plow...i.e, attempting to shift or project your own lack of evidences upon the ones that you are ACCUSING. Its "Saul Alinsky" 101

All the same history without the god stuff can be found in other manuscripts.

There is nothing in the bible that cannot be found anywhere else except the religious dogma. Even the morals and ethics in the bible existed before the bible did.
I saw an article on the net about how Olsteen didn't open his mega "church" when there were mega victims of a hurricane, can't recall the name of it, in Houston.

Pope Pius XII opened the Vatican for the Jews in the time of WWII

He also commanded monasteries to open up for them, along w/ convents.

BTW Pius XII was likely the last REAL pope.......
Man told them to stop ... God allows a man to have more than one wife ... if he dares ... all the stories in the Bible end in heartache and folly, but God never disallowed the practice ...
NOT true. Jesus condemned divorce, and in so doing condemned "marrying" without divorcing (aka polygamy)
Unitarian Universalists
what can be nutty about a church that does not believe much including the nicene creed's cop out definition of the trinity? anyone can join. anyone can be a pastor. what could be more american?
I watched a documentary on ifb baptists. Their views on a women's place are frankly disturbing.
Southern Baptists are the closet denomination to the church/kingdom revealed in the Holy Scriptures......with the exception of Water Baptism being a required work of salvation.

Their doctrine on the different duties of men and women within the leadership/teaching requirements of the local church organization is taken directly from the Holy Bible.

1. The actual content of the Holy Scriptures reveal there is no "Supra-Congregational" authority. Meaning.......each local congregation is independent from any CENTRAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY, each local congregation is responsible for their own existence and duties to the membership and to GOD. They do not receive their marching orders from some large central location thousands of miles away that dictates doctrine........the bible is to be used for righteous doctrine as declared in the scriptures.

What the scriptures teach/ doctrine (2 Tim. 3:16-17) to make each member whole as far as righteous doctrine, teaching, correction and training as declared by the Holy Spirit of God who literally inspired ALL SCRIPTURE.

The scriptures and the duties of men and women within the church/kingdom......established by Christ Jesus. The actual content of the Holy Scriptures in relation to men and women. 1. Both men and women are equal according to the Word of God, both are made in the image of God (Gen.1:26). Of course men and women are physically different......thus, the image in both that reflects an image of God must be located in THEIR SPIRITS as God is a Spirit (John 4:24)

2. Both are seeking and finding salvation for their soul/spirit. (Gal. 3:28)........"there is neither male nor female" within the kingdom/church of God. Both are joint heirs of life. (1 Peter 3:7)

The majority of those that promote Women as preachers and or priests stop reading the scriptures here in relation to the duties of men and women within the church.

But.............God has always instructed there is a difference between men and women in relation to personal responsibilities. Men and Women's clothing should be distinct from one another. (Deut. 22:5) Men and Women's hairstyles should be worn differently (1 Cor. 11:14-15). Men should never pray in church with their heads covered, he dishonors himself. But.........every Married Woman that prays with her head uncovered dishonors herself. (1 Cor. 11:4-5)

3. Even in childbirth God makes a distinction between a male child and female child in relation to purification. (Lev. 12:2-8).....there is a reason for the male being circumcised on the 8th day........for the 1st week of life the risk of infection is to great for such a surgery, it takes a week for the child's own immune system to work correctly.

4. Paul.........the apostle all feminists appear to have trouble in understanding gives a reason as to why.......within the church leadership roles, men and women each share different responsibilities according to God's commandments. Man was created 1st. (Genesis 2:18). Woman was created from man..........the term WoMAN literally means FROM MAN. (Genesis 2:21-22)

5. Woman was created as a helper for man, not a man for the woman (1 Cor. 11:8-9). 6. Man's roll within the family has always been as a WORKER (Gen. 2:15) It was God who placed man as the head of the family and in a leadership roll (1 Tim. 2:12-14)...........its because Adam was created first, it was Adam that was held responsible for Eve's sin punishment God charged Adam with 2 sins and Eve with only 1 (Gen. 3:17)

7. This is God's natural order of hierarchy .....not mans. It has nothing to do with bigotry toward women. Example: Simply because someone is under the authority of a person at their place of employment, does that make one's boss superior in relation to being human? God has declared that men and women are equal (Gal. 3:28)..........but within the family Man is responsible to God for the actions of his family because He is the head of the household and should lead his family righteously.

The Word of God is filled with records of very important women in how they helped establish the Church in the beginning........and continue to help throughout history. Women are not inferior to men, each simply have their appointed duties.

A woman cannot hold a position of authority over man.......within the church, not because of bigotry toward the female gender but because God has appointed their rolls (1 Tim. 2:12) The woman shows authority by how they address their husbands, and the same for man in addressing their should be done with all respect. the private sector it is not uncommon for a male to be subordinate to a female supervisor. The Word of God is dealing with the natural order of authority within the church/kingdom and the family.

The Word of God actually declares that the Christian should comply with all civil authority and law. (Romans 13:1-4) The church is based upon the personal rights of protected religious worship in a private manner (1st amendment). Why should it concern anyone that is not a member of any particular denomination as to what goes on within that organization? If you don't think it are endowed with free will, but you don't have the right or authority to dictated doctrine to any faith.........your rights end at the threshold of denying me the same rights of religious freedom.

God's order of hierarchy. The head of a woman is her husband.......the head of the husband is Jesus Christ.......the head of the Christ is the Father. Its God's natural order. Anything outside this order produces nothing but disorder and confusion, it has nothing to do with equality or superiority. (1 Cor. 11:3)
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Independent Missionary Baptist is the group I grew up in all other sects seem to shun us and some along with a lot non Christian groups consider us the enemy. So it might be us. '' The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ all other paths lead to hell''
HOw stupid can YOU be?
That only means that however you get to Heaven Jesus makes that possible.You take it the OPPOSITE way.Does it seem right that someone in some aboriginal place that doesn't know anything is DAMNED !!!!

THis is the right teaching, the one you invert and pervert


AND HOW kl---- through JESUS CHRIST.

What an ugly view you have of the world

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