What's the point of religion when we have education now?

The point of religion is that it makes people feel good.

There's nothing wrong with that. There are times that I envy the religious.

*I keep editing this post because when I read it back to myself, it sounds snarky, and that's not at all what I mean. I am not being flippant or condescending. I do not look down on religious people, in any sense.

I simply do not, and as far as I can tell, cannot believe.
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Belief is easy. Belief is strong. Belief is entirely misunderstood by most believers.
Belief is easy. Belief is strong. Belief is entirely misunderstood by most believers.

I misspoke. I believe in many things.

I should have qualified my statement. I cannot, or will not (it's hard to be sure which) believe absent evidence.
All perception is ultimately internal and subjective. What is perceived is all the evidence one can have.

Human perception functions by contrast. What is is known by what isn't. That is why, if God is God, God must be All, and if God is All, there is no contrast; everywhere we look and everywhere we see is God. Therefore, as we are limited by our perceptions, we could not perceive God directly. Any knowledge of God that was genuine could only be by direct revelation, pure personal experience, inaccessible and incomprehensible to another.

Any thinking of God should include that God cannot, by definition, be limited or defined. Yet, that is exactly what every religion does. In that way, all religion is 'blasphemy'. The very most religion could possibly do is make suggestions about the presence and personality of a Supreme Being. It's all metaphor or it's all false.
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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it.


We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot.

Exactly. Indeed it's sitting on the back of a turtle with 24 legs. 1 leg per hour. That's why it moves so slow.

We understand how the solar system works

It works? Thought it plays.

and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun.

Ah - you met Copernicus. Is he still capitular in Königsberg? Oh no - Kant lived in Königsberg - Copernicus was capitular in Frauenburg ah sorry again: Frombork. He lost wold war 2 in Frombork. Kant lost in Kaliningrad.

We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father.

The idea "monotheism" was the first time realized in history in the bronce age from Pharao Echnaton. I heard a similiar expression of "Skyfather" comes from the Celts - but in the moment I don't know what kind of god this was and what's the deeper spirit of this god.

We understand evolution now.

It's easy to understand that evolution is for example another expression for "every living structure on earth is the brother or sister of every other living structure on earth". Short: We are all sisters and brothers, bro. It's not so easy for me to understand why people are thinking endless discussions "creation vs evolution" make a big sense. All energy for example was created in the first planksecond of the big bang. Nothing evolved in this case. Same with natural laws. They were suddenly existing - without evolution. And within this laws and substances evolved a lot - but also in this case not everything. Cars for example are not evolving, although the most People seem to think so. But cars are made planful from human beings. This is a teleological way. Evolution itselve knows not anything about plans (teleology).

We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Okay. That's not a problem for the most people - but who hates god hates beer - and this is a very big problem - specially for the most Bavarians. And without Bavarians no Oktoberfest. And without Oktoberfest not a lot of fun. And if Germans don't have a lot of fun, then the world could have to live in fear because of a lack of bavarian beer. So: Better not to live in fear but to believe in god. God evolves monks, monks are producing beer, people are drinking beer at the Octoberfest. That's the perfect harmony of the universe. Okay. The Octoerfest starts in September - but the perfect never is perfect perfect. It's only perfect. October is cold.

Isn't it time for us to accept this


and move on to bigger and better things now?

4 beers on the Octoberfest are a little more than a gallon beer. Big enough?

Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism

One of the best jokes I've ever heard. Thanks. Very funny. A Jew can do whatever he likes to do and believe whatever he likes to believe. This changes nothing. A Jew is even able to be an atheist because he doesn't like to hurt god with a wrong opinion about god. Independent from anything what a Jew believes someone will try to kill him because he's a Jew.

and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity

No. In this case dies the spirit of humanity too.

and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe?

hmm ... somehow that's indeed what we believe - our belief is a little more complex - but it is not directly wrong what you say here. We are idiots, aren't we? Who believes in such a nonsense? I'm also sometimes irritated from and about us. But indeed I believe this. Try it: Give me another idea. Imagine God sent indeed his son Jesus into this world here - and made himselve attackable and destroyable like every human being - what will mankind do? Will Jesus become president or prisoner? The Optimist in me says to me "Jesus will become president of the world and everything is good" The Pessimist in me says to me "They will attack Jesus and god will become angry and destroy the world". And the realist in me says: Jesus showed us exactly how we are and what we are doing. So we have a chance to understand and not to be our own slaves.

Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam

and to become what instead?

and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship?

Yeah okay - that's indeed a problem. But I guess you can replace teh word "theocratic" in the expressione "theocratic dictatorship" with more than only lots of other words, for example "nazistic dictatorship" or "communistic dictatorship" or "english dictatorship" or ... or ... or ... .

We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

"... stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together..." Long name for a dictatorship, isn't it?

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Religions are out of date, which is why I investigated the occult: The practical pursuit of psychic knowledge.
Just because religious doctrines are out of date, it does not mean there is no God.

>>> lol did you REALLY just say this? The occult is" kinda" old also.

-Not every religion requires belief in the supernatural or imaginary beings and places.

-Not every religion requires belief in some afterlife theory.

-Not every religion claims to explain what we do not know about the universe, or how we got here.

Not every religion requires "faith"
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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

Religion provides another layer of control. "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." As the saying goes.
Religions are out of date, which is why I investigated the occult: The practical pursuit of psychic knowledge.
Just because religious doctrines are out of date, it does not mean there is no God.

>>> lol did you REALLY just say this? The occult is" kinda" old also.

The occult may be old, but it is a constant source of new revelations, unlike the dusty old books of the bible and quran.
The flip side of that question is "what do we need education for if we have religion?" All the great questions are answered in the Bible, Koran, and other religious texts, so what else needs to be known, and why should we know it? If it wasn't revealed by God(s) is a thing worth knowing? After all, when the Muslims took Egypt in 642, Caliph Omar was quoted as saying "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them" when he ordered the library of Alexandria burned.
Religions are out of date, which is why I investigated the occult: The practical pursuit of psychic knowledge.
Just because religious doctrines are out of date, it does not mean there is no God.

>>> lol did you REALLY just say this? The occult is" kinda" old also.

The occult may be old, but it is a constant source of new revelations, unlike the dusty old books of the bible and quran.

You really ought to quit acting like you are some grand expert on "the occult", because you aren't. You are a fool if you believe the Bible is not a grand source of arcane mysteries and wisdom.

Religions are out of date, which is why I investigated the occult: The practical pursuit of psychic knowledge.
Just because religious doctrines are out of date, it does not mean there is no God.

>>> lol did you REALLY just say this? The occult is" kinda" old also.

The occult may be old, but it is a constant source of new revelations, unlike the dusty old books of the bible and quran.

You really ought to quit acting like you are some grand expert on "the occult", because you aren't. You are a fool if you believe the Bible is not a grand source of arcane mysteries and wisdom.

Your idea of the occult is not mine. I could control my chakras, and I have much experience of spiritualism. I sat in two psychic developing circles myself ,and had conversations with spirits that were taking people in trance.
I do not really care for your dark interpretations. As for the bible it may contain some inspiration and wisdom but I think it is largely myths.

You really think all that makes you some sort of expert or authority on "the occult"? I have been watching your posts for some time. You may have the Mundanes here fooled but I see you exactly for what you are. Weak. Pathetic. Ignorant. A poser. A wannabe. You believe you are far more knowlegable and experienced than you actually are, in regards to "occult" matters. I am completely disgusted by what I see in you.

I wish that impression were different. It pains me to attack someone else who shares a genuine love and fascination with that which you call "occult". Someone who is Naturally drawn to it. I think there is potential somewhere in you, buried beneath everything you think you know. Which is very little.

You really think all that makes you some sort of expert or authority on "the occult"? I have been watching your posts for some time. You may have the Mundanes here fooled but I see you exactly for what you are. Weak. Pathetic. Ignorant. A poser. A wannabe. You believe you are far more knowlegable and experienced than you actually are, in regards to "occult" matters. I am completely disgusted by what I see in you.

I wish that impression were different. It pains me to attack someone else who shares a genuine love and fascination with that which you call "occult". Someone who is Naturally drawn to it. I think there is potential somewhere in you, buried beneath everything you think you know. Which is very little.

Like I said, I am not taken with your dark interpretations. For example your interest In Crowley, who I do not think was a spiritual man. I see you regard some posters as Mundanes, I am sure they would not appreciate that. However it is nice that you have some hope for me.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?
yes we are all grown up. just take a look around at our "houses" and we can see that mankind is totally in control and all grown up. lol. funny. seems to me we are totally lost, dumbfounded and hoodwinked. total chaos.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

Which of all the teachings of Jesus Christ have we outgrown?
Jesus Christ is not a religion and he didn't teach one. Christianity has grown the way it has despite what Jesus said.
You should ask yourself, what am I getting out of attacking and ridiculing Religious People.

If you can understand that, then you will also understand one of the major roles REligion Plays.

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