What's the point of religion when we have education now?

You should ask yourself, what am I getting out of attacking and ridiculing Religious People.

If you can understand that, then you will also understand one of the major roles REligion Plays.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?
You should ask yourself, what am I getting out of attacking and ridiculing Religious People.

If you can understand that, then you will also understand one of the major roles REligion Plays.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

If you are saying that "we" as a species have outgrown religion, then you are strongly implying that those who are still religious are "dumb".

And the rest of your lib buddies? There were more open about their belief that religious people are "bad or dumb".

WHat are you getting out of this conversation? What do you think your more aggressive lib buddies are getting out of it?
If you are saying that "we" as a species have outgrown religion, then you are strongly implying that those who are still religious are "dumb".

I don't know if it's a question of being "dumb" but I think there was a time when we were afraid of our place in the universe and couldn't answer those questions. We just didn't have the scientific knowledge or the philosophical vocabulary that we do now. There may have been a time when we needed religion for moral codes, but now we can actually have those conversations without appealing to some deity that can't be shown to even exist. Basically, we've grown up, but too many people still want to hang on to their blankie for comfort.
If you are saying that "we" as a species have outgrown religion, then you are strongly implying that those who are still religious are "dumb".

I don't know if it's a question of being "dumb" but I think there was a time when we were afraid of our place in the universe and couldn't answer those questions. We just didn't have the scientific knowledge or the philosophical vocabulary that we do now. There may have been a time when we needed religion for moral codes, but now we can actually have those conversations without appealing to some deity that can't be shown to even exist. Basically, we've grown up, but too many people still want to hang on to their blankie for comfort.

"Hold on to their blankie"?

See? You are calling them children.

So, what are you getting out of being so dismissive of billions of your fellow humans?

YOu are supposedly grown up, so examine your motivations here.
Hold on to their [INSERT COMFORT ITEM HERE] if it makes you feel better then. There's nothing too religion except fear. Sorry, but that's how it goes.
I don't think anyone is saying religion should be stopped or banned, but it's just a fairy tale with a happy ending for people afraid of the dark.
Hold on to their [INSERT COMFORT ITEM HERE] if it makes you feel better then. There's nothing too religion except fear. Sorry, but that's how it goes.

Changing the word doesn't change the fact that you are here to put them down.

I have asked you, the supposed grown up, to examine what you are getting out of this.

You seem to be unable to even wrap your mind around that idea.

Are you operating from the belief system that you are a creature of pure logic?
I don't think anyone is saying religion should be stopped or banned, but it's just a fairy tale with a happy ending for people afraid of the dark.

Also you clearly haven't seen what many antitheists say. They are pretty much commies that believe in ridding our culture of any individualism.
Vulcans don't exist.

I don't have all the answers and never claimed I do. However, there is no evidence at all that there is any validity to any of the supernatural claims of any religion. If you need religion to get through the day, then I'm glad you found something to help you, but it's nothing to me except a pacifier.
Vulcans don't exist.

I don't have all the answers and never claimed I do. However, there is no evidence at all that there is any validity to any of the supernatural claims of any religion. If you need religion to get through the day, then I'm glad you found something to help you, but it's nothing to me except a pacifier.
You're entitled to your opinion but the OP is saying religion is no longer needed despite so much evidence it helps people. It's as dumb as saying war wouldn't exist without religion.
I don't think anyone is saying religion should be stopped or banned, but it's just a fairy tale with a happy ending for people afraid of the dark.

Some ( actually its many of you) are the ones who constantly mock and belittle.
You come from every angle you can possibly find...over and over ad nauseum. Some of you are the most bigoted /hateful people Ive ever seen. You are the afraid ones.
Vulcans don't exist.

I don't have all the answers and never claimed I do. However, there is no evidence at all that there is any validity to any of the supernatural claims of any religion. If you need religion to get through the day, then I'm glad you found something to help you, but it's nothing to me except a pacifier.

I am glad you can admit that you are not a Vulcan.

It has been well established that you have a negative opinion of religion, we don't need to go over that again.

But are you able to examine your internal motivations and ask your self seriously what you are getting out of being in this thread putting down religious people?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

What is the point of rubbers if I have had a vasectomy? Now think about that for a moment. Devise the obvious answer. Then think about it symbolically and allegorically and re-apply it to your question. :lol:
Pillow Fight: Social Salesmanship

There is an organization known as the Toronto Pillow Fight League (TPFL) which engages in formal pillow fights (entanglements involving harmless pillows used as weapons and shields).

It is a women's sport which encourages participants/competitors to use body balance and skill to throw their adversaries off with pillow lunges/thrusts.

While not as graphic or tongue-in-cheek as Mud Wrestling Leagues (also involving mostly women), the TPFL represents a modern-era social demand for populism festivity rituals that signify an appreciation of the impact that public access to dialogue (formal and casual) has on human philosophy (and religion).

In our age of vigilantism-fantasy comic book media (movies, TV shows, books, posters, toys, costumes, etc.), the TPFL offers a wonderful spice to this debate about how education/debate informs or challenges traditions of austerity and religious dogma.


TPFL (Wikipedia)

... Religion provides another layer of control. "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." As the saying goes.

Satanism is a religion - and why should a satanist not murder a rich man? A Satanist could even murder a poor man just for fun. Same with the belief atheism. Why should an atheist follow any rule? Atheists murdered lots of people of all religions. Sometimes people are even sacrifying their own children in their fanatisms - it's said so in Carthago and about the Philistines in Palestina. Or people are even doing war against babies - like the Nazis did because of their belief in darwinism.

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