What’s the Secret to Donald Trump’s Appeal? Nationalism

The stupidity of the lemming tee potty types who are anxious to pay higher taxes for more wars.

Like the OP.

He's the only non-politician running, that's his appeal. Americans are sick of pandering politicians who are scared shitless of saying something that isn't PC. Trump doesn't care if you like what he says and people are responding to that.
racism and xenophobia with a solid dose of fear what 0bama is up to on our southern border.
I am also concerned with our border, but Trump scares me more.
There's political correctness and then there's old fashioned churlishness. Trump is a bully, a boor and a thug who will sick a pack of lawyers on anyone who dares to confront him.

These tactics may work well for him in the business world, but they fail him in politics. The American people will never support the cantankerous guy if there is someone who projects wisdom and statesmanship waiting in the wings.
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Ugly American arrogant chickenhawk idiocy and some moderation he doesn't want the base to know about. But he's still better than the Faux Noise clown car....
I enjoyed his entrance speech. Hit a nerve with workers tired of being put out of work by politicians allowing companies to go overseas.
Trump has some good ideas but the establishment doesn't want to hear them and they don't want the American people to hear them either. That's why the only questions they ever have for him focus on his personal life.
Trump has some good ideas but the establishment doesn't want to hear them and they don't want the American people to hear them either. That's why the only questions they ever have for him focus on his personal life.

I agree with you 100%.

That being said, Trump won't be President, but I absolutely love him being a candidate. Why? Because he is talking about things Americans want to talk about, so other candidates have to also. We have been through election after election wondering why nobody seems to want to touch this or that subject because coming down as "for" or "against" it costs them votes. Trump has basically brought everything into view, and now they have to take a stance.

The left thinks this is wonderful of course, and yes, so do I. But what is going to be more wonderful than that is when the democratic candidates have to address the issues also, and they will have to. When that happens, you will see democratic support begin to erode. Trump aside for a minute, remember this.............by a huge margin, Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Almost every republican candidate has expressed that on their 1st day in office, they will rescind virtually every one of Obamas executive orders. The democrats will never say that!

So the conclusion is simple, and logical..................no matter how confidant the left on here seems to be about winning, they are either ill informed, or they are putting on a happy face in public. Oh yes, they put up all these graphs and numbers to tell you all is lost, but what they have failed to mention is..............they haven't any candidate exciting anyone except for Bernie, and what are the odds even democrats are going to go vote a socialist into office?

No, they won't admit it, but they have a problem. About time too!

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