What's Trump's greatest accomplishment so far?

What's Trump's greatest accomplishment so far? Choose up to three

  • Advances in immigration policy, border control

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Exposing fake news

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Great economy despite rising interest rates & gas prices that an Obama admin. wouldn't survive

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Improving our trade position

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Historically low unemployment rates

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Exposing liberal ideology for what it is, progressively hateful and imaginary

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Embarrassing Political correctness

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Turning DC upside down and draining the swamp. Embarrassing hacks like Maxine Waters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Improving relations with Asia including historic measures in NK

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Calling out Mexico on for scamming the USA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helping to reveal the true racists (e.g., Maxine Waters)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Destroying the Democrats. Democrats deserve much credit as well

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • America first. Re-establishing OUR traditionalism and identity

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • National defense

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Helping to expose crooks and dishonesty in DC, including the Russian ass probe of collusion

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Always ahead in the game. His opposition is out-witted before they even begin

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
Keep in mind it's only been a year and a half. The best Barry could do during that stretch is the laughable convoluted "cash for clunkers" idiocy and a promise to put the coal industry out of business and "wean Americans off fossil fuel". So far Trump has handled two hurricanes well and withstood a democrat activist attempt to massacre an entire republican baseball team. The DOW is around 25,000 and China is on board with sanctions against the rogue republic of North Korea when they were shooting at us during Harry Truman's war. President Trump succeeded in obtaining the release of three hostages held by North Korea without spending a dime and forced N.K. to the negotiation table. A Supreme Court decision today reaffirmed the President's right to prevent certain countries from entering the U.S. I'd say President has had the most successful year and a half in modern history.
The Dow was at 8,000 when Obama took office and we were losing 745,000 jobs a month. Who the fuck is this Barry person? Goldwater or Manilow? Why complain about the shooting at the baseball game? Scalise didn`t mind it one bit. He`s still in the pocket of the NRA (Nation`s Real Assholes).

The Barry person is Barry Hussein aka Barak Obama. Barry was the name Sotoro Obama answered to during his college years and presumably during his commie political activist time along with his mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The economy collapsed right after democrats gained the majority during Bush's 2nd term and Barney Frank took over oversight for Fannie Mae. Fannie collapsed under Frank's watch and nobody in the liberal media ever asked him what the hell he was doing. You can credit Barry for the DOW if you want but the GDP never rose above 3% for his entire eight years. You gotta be so full of hatred that you are incoherent to say "Scalise" didn't mind being shot".
I like the tax cuts but I'll need to see how big the final 2018 deficit will turn out to be to see just how joyful I am. As for the other things on the extensive list, I see his effort in its entirety as being an inch deep and a mile wide. So all-in-all I'm in a holding pattern still waiting to see how things turn out. I have patience and am willing to give things time, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Runaway spending is never an excuse to not cut taxes. They're independent of each other. Debt is the product of simply spending more than you're taking in, and i don't think anyone would disagree that we're spending WAY too much.

Everyone agrees but nobody will do anything about it, so they really do not give a shit.

There should never be tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three

Trump doesn't DO anything. He's a cross between a figure-head, a puppet, and loose canon-angry uncle.

The Executive branch is now run by a collective of people with different and varying agendas. Sadly very few of the 'adults in the room' are left.

Trump is not really in charge of anything except his brain far tweets. Trump mainly serves as a figure head. He signs what they tell him. Pretends to be in charge. But he lacks the intellect to understand one damn policy, issue, or responsibility.

It was the little twerp Steven Miller who took our country down the darkest path so far. Trump is too stupid and bigoted and self-centered to even have a clue as to how bad he's screwed up this time.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I think his greatest accomplishment so far is appointing honest, reputable people like Scott Pruitt, Ben Carson and Betsy deVos to cabinet level positions. Or maybe causing anguish, pain and fear among those escaping violent countries by taking away their children. Or maybe elevating White Nationalists so they can wander around without those hot, smelly hoods and masks.
He`s not the first guy who used racial and religious hatred to gain power. He didn`t think of that on his own.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum.
No, I'm afraid Obama and Clinton were the best Presidents since Reagan. And Trump is the worst President since WWII.

Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II. Poor Drumpf didn't even get into the double digits:

  • Ronald Reagan, 28%
  • Barack Obama, 24%
  • John F. Kennedy, 10%
  • Bill Clinton, 10%
  • Donald Trump, 7%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
  • Harry Truman, 3%
  • Jimmy Carter, 3%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
  • Richard Nixon, 1%
  • George H. W. Bush, 1%
  • George W. Bush, 1%

41% say Trump worst president since World War II
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.

Two things.

1) I notice you did not criticize TheDude for making a bald assertion fallacy, to which I had responded.

2) I refer you to the OP's of these two topics:

Worst President of ALL time

Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Notice they both refer to the Quinnipiac University poll. Notice how the first one, posted this past Saturday, claims that is the most recent poll. It isn't.
I like the tax cuts but I'll need to see how big the final 2018 deficit will turn out to be to see just how joyful I am. As for the other things on the extensive list, I see his effort in its entirety as being an inch deep and a mile wide. So all-in-all I'm in a holding pattern still waiting to see how things turn out. I have patience and am willing to give things time, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Runaway spending is never an excuse to not cut taxes. They're independent of each other. Debt is the product of simply spending more than you're taking in, and i don't think anyone would disagree that we're spending WAY too much.

Everyone agrees but nobody will do anything about it, so they really do not give a shit.

There should never be tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Then there will never be tax cuts, because this government and these parties have no interest in cutting spending.
Or maybe Trump's greatest accomplishment thus far has been convincing his supporters that he is infallible, his opposition comprises of butt hurt snowflakes and any and all criticism of Trump must be met by a level of snowflakishness ten fold. His greatest accomplishment is to convince his supporters that he and America can do without allies, but feel comfortable cozying up to Authoritarian states like Russia, North Korea, The Philippines and Turkey. By the way, ain't them Saudi swords great?

So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum.
No, I'm afraid Obama and Clinton were the best Presidents since Reagan. And Trump is the worst President since WWII.

Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II. Poor Drumpf didn't even get into the double digits:

  • Ronald Reagan, 28%
  • Barack Obama, 24%
  • John F. Kennedy, 10%
  • Bill Clinton, 10%
  • Donald Trump, 7%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
  • Harry Truman, 3%
  • Jimmy Carter, 3%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
  • Richard Nixon, 1%
  • George H. W. Bush, 1%
  • George W. Bush, 1%

41% say Trump worst president since World War II
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.

Two things.

1) I notice you did not criticize The Dude for making a bald assertion fallacy, to which I had responded.

2) I refer you to the OP's of these two topics:

Worst President of ALL time

Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Notice they both refer to the Quinnipiac University poll. Notice how the first one, posted this past Saturday, claims that is the most recent poll. It isn't.
Still doesn't prove anything. Opinion is just an opinion.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I didn't see:

Bringing America to it's knees.

Destroying friendships with allies that have lasted since WWII.

Removing regulations that ensure clean air and clean water.

Enormous new debt in just 18 months.

Dividing the country.

He's been amazing. No one else has ever done this much to the country in such a short time.
Last edited:
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I think his greatest accomplishment so far is appointing honest, reputable people like Scott Pruitt, Ben Carson and Betsy deVos to cabinet level positions. Or maybe causing anguish, pain and fear among those escaping violent countries by taking away their children. Or maybe elevating White Nationalists so they can wander around without those hot, smelly hoods and masks.
He`s not the first guy who used racial and religious hatred to gain power. He didn`t think of that on his own.
Pop quiz: name two thinns Trump thought up on his own?
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.
Speaking of "group consensus", Trump and his supporters use the argumentum ad populum fallacy nearly every day.

In fact, here is one of Trump's favorite circular tactics:

TRUMP: There are five million illegals Mexicans on Pluto.


REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't really think there are five million Mexicans on Pluto, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people have been saying there is!
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum.
No, I'm afraid Obama and Clinton were the best Presidents since Reagan. And Trump is the worst President since WWII.

Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II. Poor Drumpf didn't even get into the double digits:

  • Ronald Reagan, 28%
  • Barack Obama, 24%
  • John F. Kennedy, 10%
  • Bill Clinton, 10%
  • Donald Trump, 7%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
  • Harry Truman, 3%
  • Jimmy Carter, 3%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
  • Richard Nixon, 1%
  • George H. W. Bush, 1%
  • George W. Bush, 1%

41% say Trump worst president since World War II
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.

Two things.

1) I notice you did not criticize The Dude for making a bald assertion fallacy, to which I had responded.

2) I refer you to the OP's of these two topics:

Worst President of ALL time

Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Notice they both refer to the Quinnipiac University poll. Notice how the first one, posted this past Saturday, claims that is the most recent poll. It isn't.
Still doesn't prove anything. Opinion is just an opinion.
I enjoy hoisting the rubes on their own petards. They get bitch slapped by their own benchmarks nearly every day.

All caught up now?
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.
Speaking of "group consensus", Trump and his supporters use the argumentum ad populum fallacy nearly every day.

In fact, here is one of Trump's favorite circular tactics:

TRUMP: There are five million illegals Mexicans on Pluto.


REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't really think there are five million Mexicans on Pluto, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people have been saying there is!
Ok. Yea, blind Trump supporters are dumb. Is there a point beyond that?
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum.
No, I'm afraid Obama and Clinton were the best Presidents since Reagan. And Trump is the worst President since WWII.

Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II. Poor Drumpf didn't even get into the double digits:

  • Ronald Reagan, 28%
  • Barack Obama, 24%
  • John F. Kennedy, 10%
  • Bill Clinton, 10%
  • Donald Trump, 7%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
  • Harry Truman, 3%
  • Jimmy Carter, 3%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
  • Richard Nixon, 1%
  • George H. W. Bush, 1%
  • George W. Bush, 1%

41% say Trump worst president since World War II
Who cares. Group consensus doesn't make something correct.

Two things.

1) I notice you did not criticize The Dude for making a bald assertion fallacy, to which I had responded.

2) I refer you to the OP's of these two topics:

Worst President of ALL time

Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Notice they both refer to the Quinnipiac University poll. Notice how the first one, posted this past Saturday, claims that is the most recent poll. It isn't.
Still doesn't prove anything. Opinion is just an opinion.
I enjoy hoisting the rubes on their own petards. They get bitch slapped by their own benchmarks nearly every day.
You're better than that.

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