What's Trump's greatest accomplishment so far?

What's Trump's greatest accomplishment so far? Choose up to three

  • Advances in immigration policy, border control

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Exposing fake news

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Great economy despite rising interest rates & gas prices that an Obama admin. wouldn't survive

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Improving our trade position

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Historically low unemployment rates

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Exposing liberal ideology for what it is, progressively hateful and imaginary

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Embarrassing Political correctness

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Turning DC upside down and draining the swamp. Embarrassing hacks like Maxine Waters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Improving relations with Asia including historic measures in NK

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Calling out Mexico on for scamming the USA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helping to reveal the true racists (e.g., Maxine Waters)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Destroying the Democrats. Democrats deserve much credit as well

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • America first. Re-establishing OUR traditionalism and identity

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • National defense

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Helping to expose crooks and dishonesty in DC, including the Russian ass probe of collusion

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Always ahead in the game. His opposition is out-witted before they even begin

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
Yep. Immigration, fake news, and running rings around the dims and the media.

Thank you Mr. President and all you smart, America loving folks who voted to save our country from the evil dimocrats.
Get my point about zero education and FUNNY INSULTS?
college again?
I gotta go with economy and borders. Previous Pres. Dindunuffin dindunuffin about 'em.
His foreign policies make Putin Smile.

Destroying the confidence the Western Alliance has in the United States and propelling Russia to a greater position of power on the European stage.

For withdrawing our influence from Asia and empowering a stronger China.

Being the most rhetorically praised man on the planet.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I said always ahead
destroyikng the democrats
and exposing their hateful ways

the mask has come off and the democrats are who we thought they were
Miserable, hateful people who blame others for their problems and are very violent and they are the commies/Nazis/socialists we always believed. This is all because I voted for Trump.......the best vote I have EVER CASTED
His greatest accomplishment is to finally have exposed the entire evangelical movement as fake. They aren't Christians. 80% voted for one of the most immoral pieces of shit walking upright. He pulled back the curtain on evangelicals for all time.

They aren't Christians.
I like the tax cuts but I'll need to see how big the final 2018 deficit will turn out to be to see just how joyful I am. As for the other things on the extensive list, I see his effort in its entirety as being an inch deep and a mile wide. So all-in-all I'm in a holding pattern still waiting to see how things turn out. I have patience and am willing to give things time, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Runaway spending is never an excuse to not cut taxes. They're independent of each other. Debt is the product of simply spending more than you're taking in, and i don't think anyone would disagree that we're spending WAY too much.

Everyone agrees but nobody will do anything about it, so they really do not give a shit.

There should never be tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Then there will never be tax cuts, because this government and these parties have no interest in cutting spending.

And I am ok with that, to me less deficit spending is more important than tax cuts. I hate what we are doing to our children and grandchildren.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I said always ahead
destroyikng the democrats
and exposing their hateful ways

the mask has come off and the democrats are who we thought they were
Miserable, hateful people who blame others for their problems and are very violent and they are the commies/Nazis/socialists we always believed. This is all because I voted for Trump.......the best vote I have EVER CASTED

Sounds like a definition of the hair grabber wife rapist.
Don the con always blames someone.
Can you give me one thing he admitted it was his fault?
Even the 5 deferments the brave boy?
He's really pissing off the NWO Globalist assholes. He's fuckin with their 'Order.' #1 accomplishment so far. Go Trump! :thup:
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three
I said always ahead
destroyikng the democrats
and exposing their hateful ways

the mask has come off and the democrats are who we thought they were
Miserable, hateful people who blame others for their problems and are very violent and they are the commies/Nazis/socialists we always believed. This is all because I voted for Trump.......the best vote I have EVER CASTED

Sounds like a definition of the hair grabber wife rapist.
Don the con always blames someone.
Can you give me one thing he admitted it was his fault?
Even the 5 deferments the brave boy?
oh the wife rapist

you mean the claim during a divorce hearing?
you know the "rape" victim that supports him to this day?
the one that voted for him for President?

that one?

and the fact is, I described you people to a T
What's Trump's greatest accomplishment so far?

told more lies in the shortest period of time than any other POTUS in history.
I didn't see:

Bringing America to it's knees. Just because you're on your knees doesn't mean everyone else is. Suck one if you care too, doesn't affect me.

Destroying friendships with allies that have lasted since WWII. More like a correction. The allies you speak of have taken advantage of us long enough. Trump or somebody in his admin. knows how to play cards. They need us FAR MORE than we need them and Trump crew is cutting out some red tape. He hasn't destroyed shit. Yours is an uneducated opinion, purely subjective.

Removing regulations that ensure clean air and clean water. I cannot comment for or against because I haven't done the research and analysis. No doubt you haven't done the same, but you're short on material.

Enormous new debt in just 18 months. Last I checked, which is recently, new debt has slowed. You're misrepresenting the facts.

Dividing the country. Ha ha ha..........You mean calling out liberals on their bull shit instigating ways. You're projecting. Your position was instigated and established on Obama's watch.
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Greatest accomplishment... Beating the MSM at their own game! Illuminating the duplicity, subjectivity, and scurrilous character assassinations based purely on partisan ideology. O.. and yes I'm not talking about the opinion journalists out there... No, I'm referring to those that hold themselves out as 'News Journalist'... A testament to Trump's effectiveness... I don't even need to list off the alphabet soup of entities... Way to go Trump!!!
His greatest accomplishment is to finally have exposed the entire evangelical movement as fake. They aren't Christians. 80% voted for one of the most immoral pieces of shit walking upright. He pulled back the curtain on evangelicals for all time.

They aren't Christians.
Sheite Newton... I'm just surmising that God has made a habit of using deeply flawed, immoral, less than virtuous characters at a particular place and time to accomplish a particular objective... I'm quite sure that the Bible, Quran & Torah are replete with this sort of thing... lol

Ya might want to ponder on electorate / candidate transference... lol

In the end it comes down to a choice between a goat poop & horse poop sandwich, as the saying goes. I think that your modus operandi is a scurrilous stab at the hearts of believers.. as if by voting for an individual they are melding morally with that candidate. Reap what U sow... MoFo!
Not to sound like a dick and worshiping a human who doesn't deserve it, I envisioned Trump being the best since Reagan. I wouldn't have been shocked if he fell on his face either, not to discredit liberals for trying (cough).

Trump can be a real dick. Sometimes he's good for a laugh, though every now and again I think he goes too far. Some is by design, so whose to say.

He has the energy of a 13 year old, and at times the fascination of an 8 year old. He's a master in psychology, though we're supposed to believe he's a dumb-shit. Most close to him have very high opinion of his character.

He's a success, a natural leader and expects great results. He's a master in entertainment and capital. Add 20 pound balls and guys like Trump only come around every 50 years or so. He reminds me of Churchill to some extent.

Enjoy the ride.
So much winning man. Best POTUS since Reagan, at minimum. Choose up to three

Making left wingers take the mask off..... and keeping hilary out of office so that the biggest political scandal in our history, the protection from 3 felonies for hilary and also the spying on the political campaign of the opposition party using government agencies.....can be revealed...........

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