What's up with all these dead bankers?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm not one for conspiracy theories on a day to day basis. BUT this is getting too bizarre not to go "what the hell is happening?".

There are just too many bodies. I'm chewing thru the article I linked to. If anyone else has any other links I'd appreciate seeing them. Check this out.

January 11, 2014:eusa_whistle:

MISSING: David Bird, 55, long-time reporter for the Wall Street Journal working at the Dow Jones news room, went for a walk on Saturday, January 11, 2014, near his New Jersey home and disappeared without a trace. Mr. Bird was a reporter of the oil and commodity markets which happened to be under investigation by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for price manipulation.

January 26, 2014:eusa_whistle:

DECEASED: Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, was reportedly found dead under undisclosed circumstances.

DECEASED: William Broeksmit, 58, former senior manager for Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in his home from an apparent suicide. It is important to note that Deutsche Bank is under investigation for reportedly hiding $12 billion in losses during the financial crisis and for potentially rigging the foreign exchange markets. The allegations are similar to the claims the institution settled in 2013 over involvement in rigging the Libor interest rates.

January 27, 2014:eusa_whistle:

DECEASED: Karl Slym, 51, Managing director of Tata Motors was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok. Police said he “could” have committed suicide. He was staying on the 22nd floor with his wife, and was attending a board meeting in the Thai capital.

January 28, 2014:eusa_whistle:

DECEASED: Gabriel Magee, 39, a JP Morgan employee, died after reportedly “falling” from the roof of its European headquarters in London in the Canary Wharf area. Magee was vice president at JPMorgan Chase & Co’s (JPM) London headquarters.

Gabriel Magee, a Vice President at JPMorgan in London, plunged to his death from the roof of the 33-story European headquarters of JPMorgan in Canary Wharf. Magee was involved in “Technical architecture oversight for planning, development, and operation of systems for fixed income securities and interest rate derivatives” based on his online Linkedin profile.

It’s important to note that JPMorgan, like Deutsche Bank, is under investigation for its potential involvement in rigging foreign exchange rates. JPMorgan is also reportedly under investigation by the same U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for its alleged involvement in rigging the physical commodities markets in the U.S. and London.

January 29, 2014:eusa_whistle:

DECEASED: Mike Dueker, 50, who had worked for Russell Investment for five years, was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State. Dueker was reported missing on January 29, 2014. Police stated that he “could have” jumped over a fence and fallen 15 meters to his death, and are treating the case as a suicide.

Before joining Russell Investments, Dueker was an assistant vice president and research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis from 1991 to 2008. There he served as an associate editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and was editor of Monetary Trends, a monthly publication of the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

In November 2013, the New York Times reported that Russell Investments was one of several investment companies that were under subpoena from New York State regulators investigating potential “pay-to-play” schemes involving New York pension funds.

February 3, 2014:eusa_whistle:

DECEASED: Ryan Henry Crane, 37, was the Executive Director in JPMorgan’s Global Equities Group. Of particular relevance is that Crane oversaw all of the trade platforms and had close working ties with the now deceased Gabriel Magee of JPMorgan’s London desk. The ties between Mr. Crane and Mr. Magee are undeniable and outright troublesome. The cause of death has not yet been determined, pending the results of a toxicology report.

And here's a real "kiss my ass"one.....


February 6, 2014

DECEASED: Richard Talley, 57, was the founder and CEO of American Title, a company he founded in 2001. Talley and his company were under investigation by state insurance regulators at the time of his death. He was found in the garage of his Colorado home by a family member who called authorities.

Talley reportedly died from seven or eight “self-inflicted” wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head.


Suicide by "nail gun"? You've got to be freaking kidding me.

Here's the one link I found when I started to try to find out how many were biting the dust.

Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us
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This is weird. Just this Sunday, a couple friends of mine were talking about this as well as a few other things that made them appear to be Coast to Coast a.m. fans. Then that night, a couple other friends were talking about this with me.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if this is not just an aliens in the basement series of events.
I just saw another report where another prominent JP Morgan banker and his wife are found dead, again called a murder suicide; although from what saw, no apparent reason for them to kill each other.
This just keeps happening, and written off (or ignored) by the news. I read somewhere that we are up to about 30 of these now, plus that reporter who disappeared in January that was connected to the stock market.

[ame=http://youtu.be/iBq-Q8U4agc]Another JP Morgan Banker and wife dead! - YouTube[/ame]
Looks like Bankers actually DO have a conscience! But I don't think we'll see the REAL criminal bankers off themselves. Jamie Dimon, Ben Bernanke, Christine Lagarde et all.
The test of any conspiracy theory is statistics.

How many people on the planet are employed at banks or investment firms? Probably a lot. How many of those people died last year? Fewer. How many of them ...um ... I just lost the connection between dots.

Help me here....

Economists are bracing for an economic crisis of sorts. I heard about it from independent news because the mainstream is garbage in most cases. I guess most 1st world countries are frantically buying up as much gold as possible. There's a bubble in the stock market but they won't tell you that on the mainstream news. They just tell you that the Dow Jones is at record highs. It usually is before the stock market crashes. From what these economists are saying, the government feeds into this bubble to try and prevent or prolong this interest bubble from bursting in the stock market. But the longer it takes to burst the bigger the crash will actually be. So this foreseen crash in the future is supposed to be at least 10 times worse than what happened in 2008 supposedly. Then on top of that you got the issue with spying on Germany and them catching two of our spies. Then we refused to let them verify their goal was still in our Federal Bank in New York City this week. Now there's talk of Russia China Iran and Germany forming some sort of an alliance to rejecting our currency (American dollar) which is going to result in a financial war. Now, I'm not all of this has to do with these bankers dying, going missing and committing suicide but it's possible.... I'd post links so you could verify what I'm saying is true but I'm new. I have to make at least 15 posts before I can share web links says the app. Google it I guess. I know there was a couple of these economists on infowars for interviews. RT America has a video about German spying and their gold in out bank.

Economists are bracing for an economic crisis of sorts. I heard about it from independent news because the mainstream is garbage in most cases. I guess most 1st world countries are frantically buying up as much gold as possible. There's a bubble in the stock market but they won't tell you that on the mainstream news. They just tell you that the Dow Jones is at record highs. It usually is before the stock market crashes. From what these economists are saying, the government feeds into this bubble to try and prevent or prolong this interest bubble from bursting in the stock market. But the longer it takes to burst the bigger the crash will actually be. So this foreseen crash in the future is supposed to be at least 10 times worse than what happened in 2008 supposedly. Then on top of that you got the issue with spying on Germany and them catching two of our spies. Then we refused to let them verify their goal was still in our Federal Bank in New York City this week. Now there's talk of Russia China Iran and Germany forming some sort of an alliance to rejecting our currency (American dollar) which is going to result in a financial war. Now, I'm not all of this has to do with these bankers dying, going missing and committing suicide but it's possible.... I'd post links so you could verify what I'm saying is true but I'm new. I have to make at least 15 posts before I can share web links says the app. Google it I guess. I know there was a couple of these economists on infowars for interviews. RT America has a video about German spying and their gold in out bank.


First and foremost welcome to the board. I'd like to see anything you have on this up and coming.

Especially that China and Russia are trading off US dollars and in their own currencies. And I am not an economics smartie!!!! I don't get this stuff so I'm hoping people like you can navigate me thru this.

Oh and puleeze do 101. I'm good and quick on most everything but I start to glaze over with economics.
I am not one to believe in conspiracies because shit happens right in front of us and no one says anything.
My opinion is that the bankers who caused the 2008 crash are being dealt with by somebody so as to allow the next batch of assholes to balloon the global economy and the spoils go to someone really high up.
On the other hand, I couldn't give even one shit about these dead assholes.
It's mixture of his racked up debt and poor decisions in the past. We stopped backing our dollars in gold a LONG time ago. So not only is inflation on the rise (money is worth less than it used to be) but now that money is losing worth because it's not being backed in gold (which has real physical worth whereas paper money is just trust) So as a result of this, other countries are sick of us paying them back in bonds that are worth almost nothing. Like if I owed you $100 and instead of paying you back in $100 in gold (which is ideal) or paying you in cash (which would be okay but let's just say that $100 is only worth $30) so that sucks but instead I decide I'm gonna agree to owe you $150 (that is only worth like $37) sense I can't pay you back right now. That's essentially what our government has been doing. So after we stuck our noses in Russia's business after the Crimea/Ukraine incident, we became part of a financial war with Russia because physical war would just result in the destruction of the entire planet. Well we owe china trillions that we haven't paid back and we bully Iran. If you look at a map we have completely surrounded irans borders with military bases within the last decade to intimidate them (cuz were bullies). Germany's 'bout sick of us too after they sent a representative to Ny to verify their gold was still being held safely in our federal bank. When they got there we told them they weren't allowed to see their own gold. Then days later, they busted two american spies hacking into their databases and leaking information. So of all 4 if these superpowers decide to reject our currency, import/exports, and wage financial war with us we're screwed to say the least. Side note. News just broke that Russia has relieved Cuba of all it's debt.... Coincidence???......probably not.

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Because I can't share links yet (because of some pointless rule) I would suggest googling these....

"Feds insolvent dollar will collapse 90% or more- James Rickards"

"Max Keiser : american financial quagmire deepening"

"Rt America- the fed won't let Germany inspect gold"

"Rt America- Germany arrests second spy"

"Rt America - us Germany relations strained"

YouTube - James Rickards expert worst depression coming
(Fast forward video to the 14 minute mark) and listen carefully.


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