I think some images must be over 244x188 in size to be accepted. But I just copy/paste them anyways.
no image will paste for me.

it's hit or miss with me... sometimes they post, other times i get the same stupid thing miketx gets. i use firefox...
I just want to let people know, I'm sure they are working on it.
The software says every image I try to upload is too large, and if you copy the image and paste it shows as the X box.


The size of the above image is 14.1 KB.

It's Trumps fault. I can't post a thing......
We are aware that there are issues, once again. Hang in there with us.
I just noticed also that if I'm at the bottom of a page and I click the red arrow to go to the top, it will go to the top and then right back to the bottom of the page, sometimes.
The site has now locked me out of uploading anything or even commenting.. not sure if this will even post.

I tried to post here at least ten times and gave up. Kept getting "site error" messages which then triggered a 30-second clock that wouldn't allow another attempt and then cycled over to "site error". Got around it previously by refreshing the page but that didn't work here.

Still seeing images not working including the one in my sigline. Also if I click Watched Threads I get a list of ones with new posts I haven't read but if I click 'see all watched threads" I get a blank page that tells me I'm not watching any.

Admin has been notified. I'm sure they'll work on it soon.

This area is in Zone 1. I suggest ya'll stop bringing political drama into this area. Read the Rules.
Search is down again, as well as uploading files. Well, posting images at all appears to be happening all around. I haven't tried changing my avatar, but another poster said he couldn't change his avatar...keeps getting an error message. :dunno:
The site has now locked me out of uploading anything or even commenting.. not sure if this will even post.

I tried to post here at least ten times and gave up. Kept getting "site error" messages which then triggered a 30-second clock that wouldn't allow another attempt and then cycled over to "site error". Got around it previously by refreshing the page but that didn't work here.

Still seeing images not working including the one in my sigline. Also if I click Watched Threads I get a list of ones with new posts I haven't read but if I click 'see all watched threads" I get a blank page that tells me I'm not watching any.


i'll see if this will post to say the same thing is happening to me. tried to PM another poster & i am being told i am not allowed to, which shouldn't be happening either.
Damn....seems everything is glommed up.
elchorizo and mods-

Off and on all day I have gotten “server error, try again later”. any number of times today. I have to wait about 10 minutes before I can post anything.

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