What's Up With The Crazy Bernie and DNC Supporters Lately?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015

Massachusetts man charged with sending 'powder' letters to Trump, others


James T. Hodgkinson: Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump - CNN


The murder of Seth Rich remains a mystery. Especially if his wallet, watch, and phone were still with him.

As of late during Trump's presidency there have been unhinged DNC supporters committing these crimes. But yet, they keep harping on this Trump Russia hoax. The truth must come out and justice be done on why Seth Rich was murdered.


And let's not forget the guy who shot up innocent country music fans at an outdoor show. That promoted love for America.
All of the Bernie-supporters I know of have locked themselves in their parent's basement, working on their next big plan...

The Greens I know are too busy trying to resolve issues among their own ranks,
including rifts that prevented unity in saving Pacifica Radio.

The money was all going to party politics, and they could have been
building and saving the resources to organize and govern themselves democratically.

The workers unions and leaders called for exiting and splitting from the Democrats,
and launching an independent movement of workers to quit bowing to either party.
Richard Trumka met and negotiated some agreements directly with Trump, while disagreeing on other points.

We won't hear about that in the mainstream media.

The corporate interests that benefit from elitist Democrats
don't focus on grassroots progressives saving alternative radio that
checks their takeover of party and media.

And they certainly don't benefit from workers unions lobbying
independently and breaking free from party politics.

We'd have to start embracing and supporting all grassroots leaders
to share information through independent media, to end the monopoly
on who defines the narrative in the news
The Greens I know are too busy trying to resolve issues among their own ranks,
including rifts that prevented unity in saving Pacifica Radio.

The money was all going to party politics, and they could have been
building and saving the resources to organize and govern themselves democratically.

The workers unions and leaders called for exiting and splitting from the Democrats,
and launching an independent movement of workers to quit bowing to either party.
Richard Trumka met and negotiated some agreements directly with Trump, while disagreeing on other points.

We won't hear about that in the mainstream media.

The corporate interests that benefit from elitist Democrats
don't focus on grassroots progressives saving alternative radio that
checks their takeover of party and media.

And they certainly don't benefit from workers unions lobbying
independently and breaking free from party politics.

We'd have to start embracing and supporting all grassroots leaders
to share information through independent media, to end the monopoly
on who defines the narrative in the news

I certainly can see why the Greens are falling back, regrouping, and distancing themselves from the Democrat Party. They got a pretty hearty shafting from the Hillary campaign and the DNC last election.
The Greens I know are too busy trying to resolve issues among their own ranks,
including rifts that prevented unity in saving Pacifica Radio.

The money was all going to party politics, and they could have been
building and saving the resources to organize and govern themselves democratically.

The workers unions and leaders called for exiting and splitting from the Democrats,
and launching an independent movement of workers to quit bowing to either party.
Richard Trumka met and negotiated some agreements directly with Trump, while disagreeing on other points.

We won't hear about that in the mainstream media.

The corporate interests that benefit from elitist Democrats
don't focus on grassroots progressives saving alternative radio that
checks their takeover of party and media.

And they certainly don't benefit from workers unions lobbying
independently and breaking free from party politics.

We'd have to start embracing and supporting all grassroots leaders
to share information through independent media, to end the monopoly
on who defines the narrative in the news

What happened with Pacifica? Do you mean the NYC transmitter suit?
donald trump is the swamp monster of all swamp monsters!



“There’s reason to believe that there could be a Russian connection, so what we did was we wanted to tap into everything,” says a spokesman for Jack Burkman, a Republican lobbyist who funded the ad. “If in fact there is a Russian connection—and people haven’t been able to rule out it’s still a possibility—we thought it would be a good idea to reach out to them.”

Watch: A Seth Rich ad with Russian subtitles will run on TV in the U.S.


wikileaks dropped FAKE NEWS claiming what the FBI supposedly found, that the FBI in fact had NOT found in seth rich's computer...
It baffles me how much the Fake News overlooks the most important things like this.

That's because the bulk of the media doesn't give credence to whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories because they're too busy reporting real news.
Ok, I take that back, Fox digs those nutty stories.

There are crazies on both sides of the aisle. Crazy doesn't have a political affiliation. So your attempt to link Bernie supporters and democrats exclusively to acts of violence is a fail. And my eyesight is terrible but even I can tell that's not the Las Vegas shooter in the pink hat.
It baffles me how much the Fake News overlooks the most important things like this.

That's because the bulk of the media doesn't give credence to whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories because they're too busy reporting real news.
Ok, I take that back, Fox digs those nutty stories.

There are crazies on both sides of the aisle. Crazy doesn't have a political affiliation. So your attempt to link Bernie supporters and democrats exclusively to acts of violence is a fail. And my eyesight is terrible but even I can tell that's not the Las Vegas shooter in the pink hat.

So you deflect by calling facts about Seth Rich mindlessly getting murdered nutty? Sad!
It baffles me how much the Fake News overlooks the most important things like this.

That's because the bulk of the media doesn't give credence to whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories because they're too busy reporting real news.
Ok, I take that back, Fox digs those nutty stories.

There are crazies on both sides of the aisle. Crazy doesn't have a political affiliation. So your attempt to link Bernie supporters and democrats exclusively to acts of violence is a fail. And my eyesight is terrible but even I can tell that's not the Las Vegas shooter in the pink hat.

"Real stories" like Russia helped Donald Trump beat Hillary? The same "real stories" the crackpipe media has been pushing 24/7 for over the last year?

I'd fully believe that Seth Rich was murdered by the Clintons before I'd buy that one.

"Real stories" like Russia helped Donald Trump beat Hillary? The same "real stories" the crackpipe media has been pushing 24/7 for over the last year?

FBI testimony: "None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies."

Bouncing Ball

Russia is at war with our democracy; will we defend it?

What does this have to do with nutty Bernie Sanders, his cuckolded followers, and the DNC?

I fail to see whatever point you're trying to make.
Since his election, revelations of Donald Trump’s contempt for the legal process have been dizzying. The rule of law is what protects democracy in the United States. The president has done everything possible to subvert it.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

There was the White House counsel’s failed effort last March to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia inquiry. Then came the stunning news that the very same counsel, Donald F McGahn II, threatened to quit if the president fired special counsel Robert Mueller last June. Then there was the president’s grilling of acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, including asking him whom he had voted for in 2016.

Where’s my Roy Cohn?” Trump reportedly wailed when his attorney general, a key actor in the Russia-infected presidential campaign, recused himself. The president was invoking the name of his disgraced fixer, long dead, a lawyer who was discredited for aiding Joseph McCarthy and disbarred for unethical conduct.

Where is my Congress? This is the urgent question posed by these outrageous attempts by the president to subvert the constitution. The legislative branch of government must hold an out-of-control president with authoritarian tendencies accountable.

Neither the news media nor Robert Mueller can do this alone.

Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling.
"Real stories" like Russia helped Donald Trump beat Hillary? The same "real stories" the crackpipe media has been pushing 24/7 for over the last year?

FBI testimony: "None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies."

Bouncing Ball

Russia is at war with our democracy; will we defend it?

What does this have to do with nutty Bernie Sanders, his cuckolded followers, and the DNC?

I fail to see whatever point you're trying to make.

what's up with the crazy..??

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