What's up with the GOP's slavish devotion to Corporations?

Because corporations make all the cool stuff.

Too much time listening to that druggie felon Limbaugh and watching faux news.
Retailers Feel Shoppers’ Christmas Cheer
Americans of all income levels, feeling flush, boosted their holiday spending

Fueled by high consumer confidence and a robust job market, U.S. retail sales in the holiday period rose at their best pace since 2011, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending.

Sales, excluding automobiles, rose 4.9% from Nov. 1 through Christmas Eve, compared with a 3.7% gain in the same period last year, according to the Mastercard Inc. MA 0.21% unit, which tracks all forms of payment. E-commerce continued to drive the gains, rising 18.1%.

“It started with a bang in the week leading up to Black Friday,” said Sarah Quinlan, a senior vice president of marketing insights at Mastercard. She added that retailers benefited this year from Christmas Day falling on a Monday, giving shoppers a full weekend to scoop up last-minute purchases. Dec. 23 ranked next to Black Friday in terms of spending, according to Mastercard.

“Overall, this year was a big win for retail,” Ms. Quinlan said.

Retailers Feel Shoppers’ Christmas Cheer
Total retail sales this holiday season added up to a record $598 billion dollars — up $33 billion from last year.

“This is literally the best season since before the recession,” business owner Craig Johnson said. Johnson’s company, Customer Growth Partners, analyzes all things retail. He credits low unemployment and a booming stock market for this humbug-free holiday season.

“The single biggest drive of retail sales is growth in real disposable income,” he said. “And when real income goes up, people have money in their pocket and they’re able to spend it.”

Retail rebound: 2017 holiday sales reach $598 billion
The Democrat Politicians pander to the far left wing fanatics who hate rich people and corporations whilst they are Lobbyist Whores for rich people and corporations. Dem Voters are dolts.
A company has goods and services that people need and or want money is freely exchanged for this no one is forced. Without these business we would not have the modern conveniences the majority depend on and a lot of you people who bitch about the corporations would die.
The Democrat Politicians pander to the far left wing fanatics who hate rich people and corporations whilst they are Lobbyist Whores for rich people and corporations. Dem Voters are dolts.
Lol. Growing economic inequality is a sign that our economic policies are broken. They are creating the exact phenomenon that the founding fathers warned us of. Concentrated wealth and power is bad for everyone whether it's from the government or those that buy the government.

Our policies should not prioritize large corporations or billionaires. Truthfully they shouldn't prioritize anyone but by doing nothing, they are prioritizing the rich who will in time defeat the consumer and any laws meant to protect them and competition.
What's up with the DNC's pretend war with corporations? The freaking democrat hypocrites cheered criminal slobs like OWS while Hillary was taking about of a quarter of a million dollars each for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers.
The Democrat Politicians pander to the far left wing fanatics who hate rich people and corporations whilst they are Lobbyist Whores for rich people and corporations. Dem Voters are dolts.

Republicans are just as bad. When a corporation says jump, Republicans and Trump just say how high. When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed into action. Look at the hoops Rubio had to do to get a little help for working class families. In some instances, they are right and in some instances they are wrong.
Wow. I was mocking Republicans when I asked the question: What's up with the GOP's slavish devotion to corporations.

I thought they would make some kind of denial, instead, they give us "reasons".

Can you believe it?
We already know what it is.

But why is it happening?

It just cracks me up how liberals are so baffled by the idea of people wanting to work and make stuff useful to society. It’s like they can’t even fathom the possibility of a person not wanting to be dependent on government handouts.
What's up with Democrat slavish devotion to perverts, degenerates and terrorists?
Like Roy Moore and Donald Trump?

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing
Trump actually went backstage! Horrors. Along with a few dozen others.

If a girl does not want to be thought of as meat on a high heeled hoof, stay out of the beauty contest biz.

Roy Moore did nothing wrong. Democrats paid a few bimbos to lie. It was successful.

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