People Who Say That The Trump Trials Will Continue Even After The Election

If Trump gets back in the White House, he will prove that Presidents are above the law and destroy our system of Justice for his personal benefit.

He will appoint an Attorney General who will drop all prosecutions and refuse to challenge appeals of convictions
Yep, pretty much a given.
Well what's going to happen when Trump gets back in the white house? After all, we already know for a fact that they're only happening because he's running. After his second term is up why would there be any need to go after him anymore? And they can't imprison a sitting president unless he is kicked out of the white house/impeached without being acquitted and that's not going to happen.
I predict both sides would rapidly reach a deal that would make the cases all go away in exchange for a fine. Only a few die-hard TRUMP! haters would be left on the sidewalks outside the court houses, screaming at the sky, rolling around on the ground and generally making idiots of themselves.
If Trump gets back in the White House, he will prove that Presidents are above the law and destroy our system of Justice for his personal benefit.

He will appoint an Attorney General who will drop all prosecutions and refuse to challenge appeals of convictions
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you behind the plants in the corner?
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you behind the plants in the corner?

Are you that naive or biased that you don’t believe Trump will select someone who will drop charges against him?

How about we do this…
If Trump wins, an independent prosecutor will be named and the AG will recuse himself from the case.
Are you that naive or biased that you don’t believe Trump will select someone who will drop charges against him?

How about we do this…
If Trump wins, an independent prosecutor will be named and the AG will recuse himself from the case.
Of course he'd pick the most scrupulous, unbiased and fair AG, who would then, after doing due diligence, reviewing everything fairly and openly and without political consideration, drop all charges.
Of course he'd pick the most scrupulous, unbiased and fair AG, who would then, after doing due diligence, reviewing everything fairly and openly and without political consideration, drop all charges.

And if that AG tells Trump he has reviewed the case and finds the charges have merit?
Trump will still select him?
It will be a case of the Defendant can select his prosecutor

I can’t see how Republicans can support this
You know democrats would do the exact same thing, don't pretend otherwise, and you would almost certainly support them doing so.

Heck, some of y'all are still bitter that TRUMP! got to put Justices on the SC and wail that it's just not fair, Quid Pro should have been able to appoint them. You want him to expand the Court just so he can cherry pick the results he wants.
And if that AG tells Trump he has reviewed the case and finds the charges have merit?
Trump will still select him?
He/she (what, you sexist, don't you think a woman could do the job?) would have already been on the job at that point and would have to be fired, but we know TRUMP! wouldn't do that because he's only interested in justice being done.
If it's such a deception then why didn't these trials start until shortly after Trump announced that he was running again?
Trump made his announcement to run after he was notified by the criminal investigators of the different cases, that He Was Their TARGET. He announced running about a year before the normal time that contestants announce running for president
He/she (what, you sexist, don't you think a woman could do the job?) would have already been on the job at that point and would have to be fired, but we know TRUMP! wouldn't do that because he's only interested in justice being done.

Trump made his announcement to run after he was notified by the criminal investigators of the different cases, that He Was Their TARGET. He announced running about a year before the normal time that contestants announce running for president

Trump was well aware of the raid at Mara Lago and the evidence that was seized
It was no surprise that criminal charges were pending
Well what's going to happen when Trump gets back in the white house? After all, we already know for a fact that they're only happening because he's running. After his second term is up why would there be any need to go after him anymore? And they can't imprison a sitting president unless he is kicked out of the white house/impeached without being acquitted and that's not going to happen.

Trump isn't going to win, and the trials will continue.

Hes going to be sitting alright. In a prison cell.

And that is going to happen.

Whatever will you cult worshippers do?
Trump made his announcement to run after he was notified by the criminal investigators of the different cases, that He Was Their TARGET. He announced running about a year before the normal time that contestants announce running for president
Does anyone think he wasn't going to run? You guys are grasping
Does anyone think he wasn't going to run? You guys are grasping
Yes, we thought he wouldn't run again, after his failed attempted Self -Coup on Jan 6th....And for a year or more after that....until he managed to use his mind control on his followers, in to supporting him again after his coup attempt to illegally stay in power....!
You know democrats would do the exact same thing,
Except it already happened, and the Democrats didn't do it. Biden did not squash investigations into himself.

Again, we are not corrupt like you, so stop projecting your own corruption on to us.
Except it already happened, and the Democrats didn't do it. Biden did not squash investigations into himself.

Again, we are not corrupt like you, so stop projecting your own corruption on to us.
No need to project anything, you have enough of your own going on.

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